The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 572: Made another big order

When Yuan Shu's army rushed back to Wanxian County, Zhang Yu and the others had already run away.

Zhang Yu took the people to the northwest, and after walking for dozens of miles on the road, he encountered a grain transport team of Yuan Shu, and naturally robbed him unceremoniously.

When Yuan Shu returned, he lost his temper.

After more than ten days of fighting failed to annihilate Sun Ce, Yuan Shu cast all his anger on Zhang Yu's head, thinking that if it weren't for him, Sun Ce would definitely not be able to run this time.

Yuan Shu sent a team to chase Zhang Yu, but in the end it was naturally too late.

Because Yuan Shu and the others rushed for a long time, the soldiers didn't have much physical strength for a long time.

Zhang Yu easily got rid of Yuan Shu's pursuit.

"Master, where are we going next?" Gao Shun asked.

"Turn around, then come back again." Zhang Yu said.

Wanxian County is Yuan Shu's lifeblood and will definitely pay more attention to it in the future.

And Zhang Yu could threaten Wanxian at a critical time and pinch Yuan Shu's lifeline. Even if Zhang Yu couldn't attack Wanxian, Yuan Shu wouldn't dare to despise it at all. Then Yuan Shu would have taken care of it, and he didn't dare to fight Sun Ce with all his strength.

In this way, the three parties will be deadlocked and consumed here.

All the development of Zhang Yu doesn't need him to do it personally. The situation of the territory will only develop rapidly, and the other two have to mobilize food and grass from other places, which will waste the people and money, and they can't afford it.

Zhang Yu walked to the northwest for two days, then suddenly turned, went around and appeared in the east five days later, more than a hundred miles away from Wanxian County.

After that, Zhang Yu hid it.

After hiding, Zhang Yu was not idle at all.

"Gao Shun, I'll leave it to you here. I have 20,000 troops for other purposes." Zhang Yu suddenly had an idea.

Zhang Yu left, he first went to the Yangtze River, and then waited there.

After waiting for a day, a merchant ship appeared, Zhang Yu and the others boarded the ship in batches, and then concealed.

Soon after, through several transfers, Zhang Yu and the others arrived on Poyang Lake. In the depths of Poyang Lake, there was a fleet of 20,000 troops of Zhang Yu hidden.

Yes, Zhang Yu is hidden on Poyang Lake.

In other words, that day, after Yuan Shu and the others retreated, Sun Ce saw the opportunity to kill again. The two sides fought another battle. Yuan Jun, who stayed behind to stop Sun Ce, was not an opponent and lost more than 30,000 men.

Sun Ce conscripted troops on the spot, and then mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from Changsha, and his strength recovered.

Sun Ce began to attack the coast of Dongting Lake again, and wanted to take all of Dongting Lake.

Naturally, Yuan Shu couldn't lose Dongting Lake, but this time he couldn't deal with Sun Ce with all his strength, Zhang Yu was still hiding on his side, and he didn't dare to play with all his strength.

"Damn Sun Ce and Zhang Yu, they will be wiped out sooner or later." Yuan Shu was very aggrieved.

Yuan Shu thought he was powerful, but he couldn't use it.

Sun Ce's offensive power is very strong, making rapid progress on the basis that the disparity in strength is not great.

After a few days of fighting, Sun Ce gradually gained the upper hand and began to sweep around Poyang Lake.

"Strange, since Zhang Yu helped us, why didn't he cooperate with us?" Sun Ce said strangely after a few days of fighting.

Zhou Yu also didn't understand Zhang Yu's logic.

Two more days later, Sun Ce fought Yuan Shu several times, but the scale was not very large, and Sun Ce had the advantage each time.

Yuan Shu's elite soldiers lost another 30,000 to 40,000.

Zhang Yu had been hiding on Poyang Lake for several days, and he was still looking bored at the river this day.

At this time a clippers approached his fleet.

"Report to the lord and found that Yuan Shu's grain brigade, with more than 10,000 people, transported a large amount of grain and grass." The soldier reported after the clipper arrived.

"Okay, I've been holding back for so many days, it's time to warm up." Zhang Yu was very happy and immediately ordered the fleet to set sail.

Yuan Shu's hundreds of thousands of troops are here and consume a lot of food and grass every day.

And Zhang Yu was here to rob these grains.

Around Wanxian, Yuan Shu took precautions, and it was very difficult to succeed.

So Zhang Yu hid in Poyang Lake, and then detoured to the back of Yuan Shu.

This Yangtze River system has always been Zhang Yu's world, and no one noticed after he entered.

The fleet approached slowly, and it took more than two hours for the 20,000 soldiers to get off the boat.

The water system around this Poyang Lake is vertical and horizontal, and the terrain is complicated, but Zhang Yu's people have already figured out this area.

Although Yuan Shu bought Poyang Lake, he was only interested in the large amount of high-quality farmland on the shore, and he was not familiar with the situation in the lake.

Zhang Yu approached Yuan Shu's food transport team after they got ashore, and then quietly approached.

This grain transport team was escorted by about 10,000 soldiers, and a large number of migrant workers helped to carry grain and grass.

This is Yuan Shu's rear. Although there are military escorts, they are not very caring. They don't think anyone will appear here to rob them of their food.

But the thing happened, Zhang Yu and the others approached and killed them.

"Haha, you were robbed, the food and grass are mine." Zhang Yu rushed up and said excitedly.

The opposing soldier hasn't fully reacted yet, how could Zhang Yu's army appear here.


"The rebels will not stay."

"Gather all these migrant workers and don't let them run around."

Zhang Yu commanded the battle.

These grain-carrying troops were originally not elite soldiers. Under the sneak attack, they were crushed by Zhang Yu's superior forces.

They collapsed after half an hour.

Although not many were killed, Zhang Yu only killed more than 3,000 of them, but they fled, and Zhang Yu did not have the consciousness of pursuing them.

"Quick, move all these grains and grass away." The enemy ran away, and the grains and grass were still there, so naturally they couldn't let it go.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu left a large number of migrant workers, and it was just right for these migrant workers to help carry grain and grass.

These grains and grass were transported to the lake, and then carried on the boat little by little.

After being transported for five hours, there is still a lot of grain and grass that can't be transported back.

"Fifteen days' worth of food was distributed to these migrant workers, and all the rest were burned." If they can't be shipped back, they can't be kept for Yuan Shu.

These grains and grass are enough for Yuan Shu to use for more than ten days. The quantity is huge enough for Zhang Yu and his 100,000 troops to eat for more than a month.

The boats he brought were full of loads and couldn't take so much grain.

After robbing the grain and grass, Zhang Yu retreated. This time he planned to withdraw directly, not staying here. Yuan Shu suffered a loss once, not a second loss.

Yuan Shu continued to fight Sun Ce on the front line, when he suddenly heard the news, he was half dead and hurriedly retreated.

When retreating, Sun Ce seized the opportunity and violently attacked, and Yuan Shu left more than 30,000 people and fled back in panic.

This time Yuan Shu directly withdrew to Wanxian.

"Waste, it's all waste. A lot of grain and grass were robbed like this." Yuan Shu caught fire. This time the grain and grass were robbed, he had to retreat and lost all around Poyang Lake. Sun Ce occupied the entire Poyang Lake.

But Sun Ce was even more strange. Zhang Yu helped him so but didn't cooperate with him, which made him really strange. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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