The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 577: Release Yuan Shu 1 horse

Zhang Yu and the others killed them, disrupted Yuan Shu's troops, and then took the opportunity to rush into the formation.

Zhang Yu led people to rush to kill Yuan Shu's offensive.


After Yuan Shu's attack was repelled, Zhang Yu didn't get entangled, and directly led people to retreat.

The retreat plan has been worked out, and Zhang Yu and Gao Shun personally led the people to break the post.

The retreat went smoothly, and they finally got rid of their entanglement with Yuan Shu.

"Quick, retreat to the left."

"The archer is ready."

After Zhang Yu and the others retreated, some soldiers immediately blocked the road on the left to prevent a large number of obstacles, mainly to block their heavy vehicles, so that the enemy could not get through.

In addition, a large number of archers were arranged. If Yuan Shu and the others came to attack, Zhang Yu would also have a way to make them unable to eat.

Zhang Yu and the others retreated, Yuan Shu and the others did not dare to chase them right away, fearing that there would be an ambush.

Ji Ling sent thirty thousand troops to go first.

"Tell Yuan Shu to go faster. As long as I don't come to provoke me, I will be lazy to pay attention to him." Zhang Yu said to Yuan Jun who was chasing over.

The general was puzzled and didn't dare to make his own claim, so he hurried to ask Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu also wondered, would Zhang Yu be so kind to let him go?

However, after Sun Ce pressed harder, this Sun Ce attacked them madly.

After hesitating for a while, Yuan Shu said, "Send more people to guard Zhang Yu, and we will pass quickly."

Being flanked back and forth, Yuan Shu couldn't care if there was any ambush.

However, half an hour had passed since Yuan Shu sent people to investigate and hesitated.

Within half an hour, Sun Ce did not stop attacking.

Yuan Shu led the men and horses through Zhang Yu's defense zone safely. Zhang Yu did not attack, and slowly retreated.

After Yuan Shu and the others retreated, Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses also almost retreated.

"Brother Zhang, thanks to you this time." Sun Ce asked several veterans to lead people to pursue Yuan Shu first, and he stopped to greet Zhang Yu.

"Yes, yes, you continue, I'm going to take over Wanxian, according to the agreement, this Wanxian is mine." Zhang Yu said.

Sun Ce's face froze. He designed Zhang Yu this time so that Zhang Yu would push himself in the front, while he attacked Yuan Shu in the back.

Sun Ce felt a little nervous and wondered if Zhang Yu would take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity and not pay back after occupying Wanxian County.

But at this time, Sun Ce couldn't take care of the others. This time was a good time to hunt down Yuan Shu.

In order not to delay Sun Ce's time, Zhang Yu bowed his hand to him and then retreated.

"Gao Shun, how many soldiers and horses have we lost this time?" Zhang Yu asked on the road.

"More than 36,000 people." Gao Shun reported.

More than 30,000 soldiers and horses were lost, and a lot of food and other heavyweights were also lost during the war.

Zhang Yu was completely unprepared this time, but fortunately, the camp was relatively solid.

Zhang Yu initially estimated that Yuan Shu's loss would definitely exceed one hundred thousand.

After fighting with Zhang Yu, there were more than 50,000, plus Sun Ce assaulted from the rear.

On the road, Zhang Yu also ordered Guo Jia, who was feigning attack in Hefei City, to also retreat and return to Chao County.

And Zhang Yu moved quickly to Wanxian. According to the agreement, everything in Wanxian belonged to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu couldn't be mad at being thrown by Sun Ce.

But things have happened, and now is not the time to turn his face with Sun Ce, and look for opportunities to retaliate against him in the future.

Zhang Yu asked the soldiers to advance quickly and arrived in Wanxian a day and a half later.

At this time, there were already 30,000 defenders in Wanxian, and they had been strengthening the city walls.

"Open the city gate, I'm here to receive the county seat." Zhang Yu shouted when he arrived.

Zhang Yu's army put on an attacking posture, coming menacingly.

Zhou Yu came to the city when he heard the news. Seeing Zhang Yu and the others, Zhou Yu was also helpless.

"Open the city gate." While ordering the city gate to be opened, he went down to meet him in person.

"General Zhang." Zhou Yu said at the gate of the city.

Zhang Yu didn't even glance at Zhou Yu, at this time he was still very angry.

"Take all the population and all materials away from the city," Zhang Yu ordered.

This is the rhythm of emptying Wanxian.

"Military officer, what should I do? There is a lot of food here." A general said to Zhou Yu.

Other things are easy to say, but there is a large amount of grain and grass that Yuan Shu has hoarded here, which is exactly what Sun Ce and the others need.

But Zhang Yu wants to move them all away.

"General Zhang, this is our main contribution to attacking Wanxian..." Zhou Yu went up to argue with Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu directly reached out to stop him.

"According to the agreement, everything in this city is mine, and I don't care about so much. If your people dare to stop me, they will kill me." Zhang Yu did not explain, let alone discuss.

Zhou Yu couldn't help it, he really couldn't beat it, otherwise he wouldn't order the gate to open.

Now Zhou Yu only has 30,000-year-old soldiers, and they are all newly recruited, and they are not Zhang Yu's opponent at all.

Sun Ce went to the front to chase Yuan Shu, but couldn't come back in a short time.

In the end, Zhou Yu could only watch.

Zhang Yu didn't want to stay here either, so the soldiers began to levy carts and carry supplies.

There are still more than 200,000 people in the city, and Zhang Yu intends to take them away, leaving no one to Sun Ce.

Zhang Yu controlled the city, and then the streets were also controlled by soldiers, and all the people were driven back to their homes.

"Go door-to-door, let them pack their things and prepare to leave, if they don't leave, they will be taken away by force." Zhang Yu ordered.

Now it's wartime, Zhang Yu doesn't have time to spend with them, so he forces it directly.

Soldiers went from house to house to inform that one area would be vacated.

Faced with soldiers who are armed with weapons, these people are of course afraid, and it is inevitable that they will cry.

One day later, Zhang Yu first prepared all the materials in the city, especially food.

"Master Zhang, how about discussing the matter with you?" Zhou Yu said to Zhang Yu again after a day.

Zhang Yu waved his hand impatiently to let him say.

"Master Zhang, we bought all the food in the city, and the price is still calculated according to the previous price." Zhou Yu said.

Zhang Yu thought about It was useless to take away these grains, too much, and it would take a lot of time and troops to move them.

"Okay, all the food will be sold to you, but there are still a lot of weapons and equipment in this city. Take them together. I have no plans to ask for these tattered things." Zhang Yu said.

This is a bundle sale, Zhou Yu can only agree to it, and now he doesn't dare to provoke Zhang Yu, if Zhang Yu occupy the county seat and don't leave, then they will be fighting for nothing.

Food, weapons and equipment, as well as a lot of city defense materials were packaged and sold to Sun Ce. Zhang Yu did some calculations, plus what he had previously sold to them, and now Sun Ce owed him a huge amount of 103 million yuan.

War really is a good time to make a fortune.

Zhang Yu began to concentrate on transferring the population.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy?" Zhang Yu was patrolling the city, and when passing by a large family, he found that it was very noisy.

"Lord, this family will not move away, but let the family fight against us." The soldier reported. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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