Zhang Yu has stayed at home since the messenger left, thinking about problems.

The problem of the grassland has always been of great concern to Zhang Yu, and other forces close to the grassland also have to pay attention.

Because the Huns couldn't grab anything here, they went to grab other people's.

Nowadays, whether it is Jizhou or Bingzhou and other places, a more thorough defense must be carried out at the border to prevent the Huns from entering.

Considering two days of fruitlessness, Zhang Yu did not leave the house.

He didn't want to cultivate a super power, or a power that he could not control.

"Kill the Huns?" After thinking for two days, Zhang Yu felt that the problem could only be solved by weakening the Huns and Xianbei at the same time.

But this problem has also come. If you smash the Huns, you may offend the two forces.

If you offend you offend, the relationship with the Huns is not so good anyway.

Zhang Yu had a preliminary plan, and then waited.

If the Huns will continue to find them, then implement the plan.

Zhang Yu told Xi Zhicai about the plan and asked him to help improve the whole plan.

When Xi Zhicai received Zhang Yu's letter, he did not dare to be sloppy at all, and shut himself in the room to study.

Zhang Yu studied with Xi Zhicai for more than ten days, and then the envoy of the Huns came back.

It seems that the Huns are also very jealous of Xianbei.

However, it is understandable that Xianbei grew up to be a behemoth.

Moreover, they also live on the grassland. They are ethnic groups on the grassland. They compete directly and confront each other directly.

In this way, the Huns were of course extremely jealous.

The envoy of the Huns came again, and Zhang Yu directly met him alone this time.

"I don't know what's the matter with King Yuvro?" Zhang Yu asked.

The messenger had nothing to do with Zhang Yu, so he could only negotiate directly, and Zhang Yu simply didn't accept the trick if he wanted to make those twists and turns.

So the Huns envoy said: "My king agrees to Master Zhang's proposal to trade supplies in Xianbei, but my king also hopes that Master Zhang can send troops to conquer together. If it should be captured, everything except the population can be given to Master Zhang."

After the Huns' envoy returned to report, Yuvro organized people to start the research, and finally felt that Zhang Yu was so in love with money and love, as long as there was interest, he could move him.

So they came up with such a way.

Zhang Yu already had a plan, and of course he was "caught."

"Haha, King Yuvro is still very interesting. Doing business with him is great."

Zhang Yu quickly agreed, agreeing to send one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to help.

The two discussed the matter for more than an hour before finalizing the matter.

The Huns envoy left, and Zhang Yu sat quietly in the room alone.

"The Huns are still very alert to me," Zhang Yu said.

The Huns did not disclose specific information to him, and did not even say how many troops were dispatched.

That night, Zhang Yu secretly worried about An Yuan.

"Meet the lord."

Zhang Yu asked An Yuan to sit down, and then asked the guards to guard ten meters away from the room, and no one was allowed to approach him.

"An Yuan, you are more familiar with the situation here. I am afraid we are going to undergo a major test. You have to prepare early." Zhang Yu said.

An Yuan was taken aback. Now that their business is booming and their strength is growing rapidly, how could there be any major test.

"The Huns want to annex Xianbei, and we can't let them do so, otherwise the Huns will become stronger and threaten us too much." Zhang Yu said.

An Yuan was also worried. He grew up on the border and knew the harm of the Huns and Xianbei.

But thinking of Zhang Yu calling him, there must be some way.

"The lord, please give instructions, the subordinates must do their best to die."

An Yuan hates the prairie people very much. Many of his relatives died in their hands, and he was caught in the prairie and worked as a slave.

"It's not that serious, I want you to arrange some people to flee to Xianbei, and reveal to them that we and the Huns will fight Xianbei together, so that they can take precautions in advance." Zhang Yu said.

"Lord, why don't you tell Xianbei directly, so Xianbei will still be grateful to us, and if the lord is like this, Xianbei will also treat us as enemies." An Yuan said.

"The enemy is not terrible. This time the plan is top secret. You must plan carefully so that the Xiongnu cannot see any flaws." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu asked An Yuan to secretly select a few people, find a few traitors, or prisoners, and use other methods to disclose the news to make Xianbei believe.

Zhang Yu was afraid that Xianbei was not prepared and would be destroyed by the Huns in World War I. When the time comes, the Huns will grow stronger and become enlightened. He has to face a huge enemy every day.

Zhang Yu told An Yuan of all the plans and let him execute them.

This Anyuan is capable and loyal, and he has been stationed here for a long time and understands the situation.

"The lord can rest assured that his subordinates will be very careful, and immediately mobilize materials and personnel from Liaodong and surrounding counties and counties." An Yuan knew the importance of the matter and did not dare to neglect a little.

This time Zhang Yu also took it seriously. If he went to the grassland in person, the journey would be long and communication problems might occur, so he had to be very careful.

"In addition to materials, the people of Xuantu County must make arrangements in advance. Once there is a change, protect them as much as possible. Some of them can be withdrawn into Shenyang City first, and some of them can be prepared for themselves. If there is a change, they should be notified immediately. The mountains, the mountains must be well stocked in advance of grain and other materials."

Zhang Yu didn't want to be attacked once and suffered heavy casualties. He wanted to protect the people as much as possible.

Now the population of Xuantu County has also come up, although it is smaller than other counties, but there are also millions of people.

An Yuan repeatedly expressed his understanding that he must pay attention to the problems Zhang Yu explained.

Shenyang Cheng Zhang Yu is confident that he can block the enemy.

Zhang Yu called Zhang Liao after he had confessed to An Yuan.

This time the leader of Shenyang City is Zhang Liao.

"Wen Yuan, this plan is very dangerous and very important. As long as Shenyang City is as stable as Mount Tai, Liaodong can be safe and I can rest assured." Zhang Yu said.

"Don't worry, the subordinates understand that they must protect the lives of thousands of people in Youzhou." Zhang Liao said with a fist.

Don't think Zhang Liao was forced to come here by Zhang Yu using other methods~www.readwn.com~, but now he is very loyal to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu has nothing to say to the people, they all know it, so they will support Zhang Yu.

"When necessary, the secret roads in Shenyang City can be activated. There are many secret roads in Shenyang City, which only a few people know, and only military generals can know." Zhang Yu said.

The secret road in Shenyang City is very hidden and can lead directly to the outside of the city.

Zhang Yu took it into consideration when designing.

This is a military fortress with secret passages inside. If they are surrounded, they can pass the secret passage and win by surprise.

Zhang Liao's solemn guarantee.

After dealing with these problems, Zhang Yu was truly relieved. This time he went to Xianbei, Zhang Yu always had a hunch that it would not go so smoothly.

But Zhang Yu is not afraid, this game depends on who does it wisely. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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