The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 616: The Death of a Famous General

Needless to say, Huang Zhong and Yan Liang are both top generals.

Both have faith in their hearts. Huang Zhong's faith is the people of the world, and then his loyalty to Zhang Yu.

And Yan Liang was for the victory of this battle and did not disappoint Yuan Shao's respect for him.

"Come again." Against the three moves, Huang Zhong had an understanding of Yan Liang's strength and was more confident.

Yan Liang also roared and slammed up again.

Yan Liang's long knife was shining with a cold light, and it slashed away, slashing fiercely, as if to cut all obstacles with a single blow.

How could Huang Zhong let him succeed, holding a sigh of breath, luck with both hands, blocking Yan Liang's offensive.

Yan Liang attacked three strokes in a row, one of which was more fierce than the other.

With a three-stroke attack, the momentum gradually reached its peak, and the people watching the battle on both sides mentioned it in their throats.

Zhao Yun squeezed the spear, if necessary, he would risk breaking the rules to save Huang Zhong.

However, Huang Zhong kept fighting calmly, holding the long knife in both hands, and slashed one after another.

It took three swords to remove Yan Liang's last move, blocking the most pinnacle blow.

Yan Liang's fierce offensive was blocked, and his momentum suddenly fell.

Taking this opportunity, Huang Zhong deceived him and took the initiative to attack.

In the offensive and defensive transposition, Huang Zhong still focused on stability, and did not rush to resort to the ultimate move.

With the collision of every move, Yan Liang lost the initiative after he succeeded in attacking.

At this moment, Zhao Yun released his clasped hands and sweated slightly.

Xi Zhi was calm on the surface and extremely nervous in his heart.

Huang Zhong is one of their most important generals. He has been fighting Zhang Yu from the south to the north and he is highly regarded by Zhang Yu.

If something happens, it is a major loss.

Note that it was only mentioned by Xi Zhi. Maybe Zhang Yu would not punish the crime, but if something really happened, he was also the sinner of Jiangdong and Liaodong.

The two continued to fight, fighting desperately, but Huang Zhong always had two points left to deal with emergencies.

In fact, Yan Liang was also very calm, but after a few battles, Yan Liang knew that it was difficult to take Huang Zhong down, so he took the risk and tried to suppress Huang Zhong from the momentum.

And if Huang Zhong's rhythm is disrupted, then he has a chance to win.

How do you know that Huang Zhong didn't change his rhythm even if he withstood his fierce attack, he still responded calmly.


Huang Zhong roared, his momentum slowly rising.

This Huang Zhong is the fierce general of the more fierce fighting type.

Huang Zhong's attack was intensified, and Yan Liang could only deal with it hard.


Huang Zhong began to explode the ultimate move, and the big knife changed several phantoms and shrouded Yan Liang.

Facing the sky full of phantoms, Yan Liang's mind was greatly affected. Huang Zhong only broke out after making a hundred moves with him. This kind of resilience shocked him.


Yan Liang also yelled, knowing that the decisive battle is coming, and the strongest force has erupted.

"Bang bang bang~"

The long knife collided several times, and Huang Zhong's momentum continued to rise.

But Yan Liang couldn't. After taking Huang Zhong's few strokes, he had already tried his best. At this time, his arms were out of strength, and the hand holding the knife was a little trembling.

Gritting his teeth to continue.


Yan Liang continued to fight, and instead of retreating, he moved towards Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong was also taken aback. When he was pressed and beaten by himself and broke out his own ultimate move, this Yan Liang actually leaned towards him, trying to fight him hard.

However, Huang Zhong could also understand that if he continued, Yan Liang estimated that he didn't even have the strength to hold a knife. If he didn't fight at this time, he would never have another chance.

Huang Zhong was only in his forties at this time. How could he be afraid of Yan Liang when he was at his peak.

Keep your mind, the two fight together.

"Puff puff~"

The shadow of the sword in the sky

Suddenly there were two tearing sounds.

The two separated, the two figures still standing proudly.

It's just that Yan Liang's face changed several times.


After a while, someone reacted, and Yan Liang had lost an arm.

Yes, Yan Liang's left hand was chopped off by Huang Zhong.

And Huang Zhong's right leg was opened with a big opening, blood was flowing.

Several generals of Yuan Jun rushed over.

Yan Liang raised his right hand and yelled, "All retreat, no one is allowed to come over."

Huang Zhong didn't take the opportunity to attack, but looked at Huang Zhong calmly.

"I lost."

This is to Huang Zhong and also to his soldiers.

"As a soldier, it is my duty to die on the battlefield. I am deeply favored by the lord and can only repay me with death, but you are different."

This time Yan Liang told his soldiers, but he did not explain what "they are different" specifically meant.

Yan Liang's complexion got worse and worse, and the blood kept flowing.

"General Huang, I am defeated, I should fulfill my promise, and at the same time I ask you to fulfill what you said." Yan Liang said.

Huang Zhong clasped his fists in a bow and said: "I, Huang Hansheng, once again swear that the previous promise must be kept, otherwise it will not die."

Yan Liang nodded. He believed Huang Zhong's words. Huang Zhong was a man who kept his promises.

Yan Liang turned around and faced his army and said, "This general gives the last military order, ordering you to lay down your weapons."

After that, Yan Liang was sad, how sad it was for a general to give an order to surrender.

But he had no choice. He ordered surrender, and these people would not suffer too much criticism when they returned. This was what Yan Liang could do in the end.

Then, Yan Liang faced Yecheng's direction and shouted: "Lord, Liang is ashamed of his failure to complete your mission."



"General Yan."

Yan Liang finished shouting and raised his knife to commit suicide. Everyone had no time to stop him.

Huang Zhong called out General Yan, but in the end he didn't move, watching Yan Liang fall down.

Yan Liang committed suicide and the war was over.

Neither party moved.

Without a stand, Yan Liang can be respected.

Yan Liang's body fell heavily under the horse, and some smoke and dust floated up.

A generation of famous generals fell like this.

The battlefield was quiet for a long time, only Yan Liang's horse neighed softly around Yan Liang.

After a while, Xi Zhi swept forward and slowly approached.

A few Huang Zhong's guards hurried forward to bandage Huang Zhong.

Yan Liang died in battle, the battlefield ended, Yuan Jun was sad, no one moved, waiting for the victor to deal with them.

Xi Zhicai commanded the army to approach slowly, but Yuan Jun did not move.

After a few generals struggled for a while, they ordered the soldiers to lay down their Liang died in battle, his army was scattered, and he couldn't come back without surrendering.

Huang Zhong and Yan Liang fought decisively, avoiding a big battle and avoiding hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries.

The soldiers were separated from the officers and then divided into several parts.

"Report to the lord immediately and ask for the next step." After the overall situation stabilized, Xi Zhi said to his personal soldiers.

Most of the aftermath matters were handled by Xi Zhi. Huang Zhong handled the wound and was carried over by the soldiers.

"Han Sheng, how is the injury?" Xi Zhicai asked.

Huang Zhong smiled and said: "This Yan Liang is not easy. With this cut, I won't be able to walk without a month."

Xi Zhi was relieved. Huang Zhong was only injured, and his fighting strength was not damaged. He just couldn't play for more than a month. This is the best ending. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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