The huge fleet began to dock in sequence.

Thousands of naval forces went up first and built a defensive position on the shore.

After the army began to land, both Taishici and Zhang Liao landed first. After landing, they set out with the army.

They led thousands of people to each side separately.

Zhang Yu only landed after tens of thousands of troops landed. It was already mid-afternoon.

Ships docked one by one, very slowly.

"Finally set foot in this place." Zhang Yu said with emotion after stomping on the ground a few times.

Zhang Yu had long wanted to conquer this place, but now the time is ripe.

To conquer this place, mobilize more than two hundred large ships, and almost evacuated the ships from Jiangdong and Youzhou.

Of course, some of them went to Tianzhu Country and a small part of them went to Australia.

More than two hundred large ships not only transport the army, but also a large amount of supplies.

"Bao, lord, General Taishi is here to report. They traveled ten miles and found no enemy."

"Paper, Lord, General Zhang went ten miles ahead and found a small village. There is currently no action."

This is the southern coast, with a small population and a desolate place. Taishici and Zhang Liao found a small village after they were ten miles away.

"Order Zhang Liao to control the village chief, not to let one person run out, and to block the surrounding area. People are only allowed to enter but not to leave." Zhang Yu ordered.

The order went down soon, and the armies began to move slowly.

After Zhang Yu gave the order, Guo Jia said, "Master, there is no dock here. I am afraid it will take at least five days for us to unload these goods. We must first occupy a place to establish a base."

"Well, order Wenyuan and Ziyi to immediately find a place to establish a base, and send someone to immediately start building a dock, first build a simple dock, and then look for a place to build a permanent dock.”

The efficiency of loading and unloading goods without a wharf is really bad.

A few hours later, Zhang Liao found a suitable place for establishing a temporary base thirty miles away from where they landed.

More than 10,000 troops immediately went over to establish a camp.

The scout started a secret operation, and it was necessary to find out this place.

This is still a desolate place, there are not many people, and most of the population is concentrated in the north.

This is convenient for Zhang Yu and the others. They can unload the cargo slowly.

Three days later, after unloading a large amount of supplies, Zhang Yu and the others slowly transported them to the inland.

There are no tools, no carts to carry materials, and the speed is very slow.

Three days later, half of the supplies had been unloaded, so Zhang Yu asked the vacant fleet to go back and let them go back and continue to load the supplies.

It takes only ten days to go back and forth from the Malay Peninsula, which is very convenient.

The fleet returned halfway, and a large part of the sea was vacated.

Then, Zhang Yu asked the navy to take a few ships out. They wanted to find a base to build a port, and at the same time, they wanted to know if there were any enemy ships floating in the sea.

"Feng Xiao, how about let's go fishing for a few fish at sea?" Zhang Yu became an idler, and there was nothing to do at present.

"Since the lord has such a leisurely sentiment, his subordinates should be respectful instead of following orders."

The two of them took a battleship and went out to sea under the manipulation of the soldiers, and they were just near the sea when they went out.

The two got hooks and bait and started fishing there.

"Lord, it is not that difficult to lay down Fusang at present, but it will be difficult to fully occupy and then be led by my Chinese clan like Ma Han," Guo Jia said.

Guo Jia actually disagrees with aggressively attacking Fusang, because it costs a lot and there is not much benefit in the later stage.

The most important thing is to fully occupy here, at least tens of millions of emigration, Zhang Yu and the others will cost a lot of transporting 100,000 people.

What's more important is that there are not many refugees in Youzhou. To transfer them on a large scale, you have to recruit them from other places in China, which is even more expensive.

If you come here, if you all pretend to be refugees, you will bring two or three hundred thousand people in one trip, and it will cost you millions of dollars.

What's more important is that there are not many ships. If they are requisitioned here in large numbers, then the north-south business will be greatly affected and the losses will be even greater.

"Don't worry, let's take down the island first, develop slowly, and act when the time is right."

"China Kyushu has always had a large number of refugees in successive wars. Once there is a war, there will inevitably be a large number of refugees who will be transported by then." Zhang Yu said.

Guo Jia didn't know Zhang Yu's dedication to Fusang, even if other places were not occupied, this Fusang Zhang Yu would not let it go.

After catching a few fish, the two of them went back and returned to the shore to start a barbecue.

A few days later, Zhang Yu went fishing every day, and there was nothing to do.

In the past few days, all materials have been unloaded, the base has been built, and the surrounding areas for dozens of miles are under their control.

"My lord, our cavalry only has 3,000 men and horses. If there are a few thousand more, it is estimated that we can sweep the entire island." Guo Jia said.

Through investigation, although there are many people on this island, there are not many troops, and many of them do not have any decent weapons and equipment.

As long as thousands of cavalry, it is estimated that they can sweep everything.

It is not difficult to defeat the army here, but the difficulty is to control such a large area.

"We should move too, everything is ready, it's time to go to war." Zhang Yu said.

After all the preparations were completed, Zhang Yu summoned the army to start the action: "Evil Lai led three thousand cavalry troops to attack on the left, Ziyi led 20,000 soldiers and horses to move in the middle road, Wen Yuan led 20,000 soldiers and horses also walked in the middle, fifty miles away from Ziyi, I Leading 20,000 troops on the right, the navy allocated 20,000 people, led by Feng Xiao, detoured north and moved from north to south."

"To kill all armed forces, as long as they resist, all men and women will be killed."

Zhang Yu added another order.

Zhang Yu still remembers that when the future generations of Fusang invaded, he did the next kind of animal breeding.

Five directions were sent together, and Zhang Yu wanted to screen the entire island in one and defeat their army at once.

This island is expected to have a population of more than one million. Faced with a well-equipped army of 100,000, Zhang Yu predicted that they would not have the ability to resist at all.

The action begins.

Zhang Yu followed the coastline on the right, a few miles from the coastline, and began to attack and advance.

It took Zhang Yu for a long time to find a small village head, a small village head of hundreds of people, surrounded by the army, and controlled it in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Leave a hundred people to take care of it. No unreasonable murder is allowed. In addition, there are rebels to kill."

In a village with hundreds of people, Zhang Yu didn't need to bother, because there were already a lot of people left behind.

Zhang Yu and the others continued to move forward. They occupied more than a dozen small villages in one day. The people here are still small villages. Zhang Yu didn't see any big market towns.

(End of this chapter) The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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