Chapter 908

Zhang Yu did not aggressively attack Jizhou or Xuzhou, and everyone in the world believed that Zhang Yu would definitely attack one of these two goals in the next step.

But now, Zhang Yu hasn't moved at all. Instead, he received Zhang Yu and wanted to expedition overseas.

They don't know how far Fusang is, but Youzhou and Jiangdong are regarded as remote places, so what a barren land overseas is.

I don't know how many people laughed at Zhang Yu, and instead of playing with the great Central Plains, they went overseas instead.

Overseas, in Zhang Yu's eyes, I don't know how important it is.

"When I take the Fusang and win the silver mine, I will have enough silver to use as currency in China in the future."

Although Zhang Yu has obtained a large amount of gold and silver overseas, and has minted a lot of gold and silver coins, the gold and silver coins are still not enough.

Especially now that commerce has developed, the lack of money for transactions is even more obvious.

Three days later, the pier was full of people, and a large number of ships docked on the sea.

Zhang Yu had already rushed over from Xinbeiping.

The team began to board the ship slowly. This time only more than 5,000 people set off with Zhang Yu. The rest of the army had already set off to Kyushu Island.

After drifting at sea for more than ten days, Zhang Yu arrived at Kyushu Island.

When I visit Kyushu Island again, I feel completely different.

The wharf on Kyushu Island has been expanded, and Zhang Yu’s landing place is already a medium-sized wharf that can dock more than a dozen large ships at a time.

There are also many people moving goods on the shore.

At this time, an area was emptied on the dock for Zhang Yu and the others to land.

After Zhang Yu's guard went up, Zhang Yu also landed ashore.

"Subordinates pay respect to the lord." An Yuan brought a group of people over to meet him.

"Get up all, you guys have worked hard." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu and his party arrived in a city located twenty miles away from the wharf. This will become Zhang Yu's temporary residence, and Zhang Yu will also receive news from all parties here.

"Let the soldiers rest for three days and attack after three days."

Zhang Yu set a date.

Zhang Yu first called a few young generals, this time there were ten young generals in command.

Han Dong and others were also on the list. They performed well in the fight against Qingzhou or the Huns. Zhang Yu selected a dozen of them.

"Our goal is the entire Fusang area. You have 70,000 soldiers and 10,000 Xiongnu cavalry, but the enemy has hundreds of thousands." Zhang Yu said.

Han Dong stepped out and knelt on one knee and said, "I wish to open up the territory and expand the territory for the Lord."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "You are not only opening up territory for me, but also fighting for development space for future generations."

"The goal of this trip is to control the entire Fusang area. As for the Fusang people, those who are disobedient will let the Huns go on and defeat them until they are defeated."

Let the Huns beat them, and that would be a massacre.

They used to slaughter Chinese people wantonly, but now they come to Fusang, their temperament still remains unchanged.

And Zhang Yu wanted to let these people take the blame.

Zhang Yu has too many things to do. Although history is written by victors, he also has to cherish his feathers.

When he captured the Sanhan area, he let Dianwei take the blame.

In future history, Zhang Yu will not be a tyrant, and of course, he will not be a benevolent.

"It is very important that Fusang has a large silver mine. You must occupy it as soon as possible, and then organize manpower to mine it."

The silver mine in Fusang, called Shijian Silver Mine, will be the world's largest silver mine for hundreds of years, and one-third of the world's silver mines are mined here.

At the same time, there are also many gold mines here.

Occupying Fusang and developing Fusang will enable China as a whole to enter the era of gold and silver currency thousands of years in advance.

Han Dong and the others immediately went to prepare after understanding that it was not so easy for the army to fight across the sea.

But it is not difficult, because the sea is controlled by Zhang Yu's army, and the Fusang people are huddled in the inland.

The next day, Zhang Yu summoned An Yuan alone.

"An Yuan, you have worked hard, but you still have to work overseas for a few years." Zhang Yu said to An Yuan.

"My lord, my subordinates dare not say that they are lucky. If the lord hadn't rescued his subordinates from the grassland, the subordinates would have died at this time." An Yuan said with excitement thinking about the days back then.

Zhang Yu didn't continue to be polite, and then said, "After smashing Fusang down, what do you think?"

Anyuan has been operating here for more than a year and is already very familiar with it. He said: "Master, it is not difficult to win Anyuan, but if you can't continue large-scale immigration, it will be too difficult to manage Fusang, because the remaining areas of Fusang have More than 10 million people."

If large-scale immigration is possible, of course it would be easier, but it is not realistic in the short term.

Even if there is war and there are a large number of refugees, Zhang Yu can't help it.

Because there is no money, the money spent by immigration is not less than that of war. Zhang Yu has already owed a lot of money for the reconstruction of Qingzhou, and he cannot come up with this money in the short term.

"There is no way for large-scale immigration. From now on, hundreds of thousands of people will be able to immigrate every year."

An Yuan pondered for a while, hundreds of thousands, then it can only slowly erode.

"My lord, after taking Fusang, the subordinates suggest that we retain the Queen of the Kingdom of Japan. We control their queen and let them rule for us. We will slowly replace the Fusang people, and we will be able to fully control it after more than ten years."

In such a large area and with such a large population, it will not take a long time to spend more than ten years.

Zhang Yu felt a murderous spirit in his heart. If he couldn't immigrate, then there would be a small number of people here.

However, large-scale hacking is also not possible, and the consequences of such hacking are unpredictable.

"Fine, I will find a way to let the Fusang people come down in the future. All the Fusang people who are captives or offenders will not allow them to marry, but the female Fusang slaves should be married to their soldiers." Zhang Yu said.

If you cannot increase the number of Han people, then reduce the number of Fusang people.

"In you have to cultivate more Chinese people who understand Fusang dialect or Fusang people who understand Chinese language, so that we can rule."

An Yuan started preparations early in accordance with Zhang Yu's instructions, but the preparation time was relatively short.

"In a few days, a batch of equipment will be delivered, mainly casting equipment. A batch of gold and silver coins will be directly minted here, so that the transportation pressure can be reduced on the road."

It is always more convenient to cast gold coins and silver coins back for good luck than to transport ore.

Zhang Yu explained a lot, and An Yuan recorded them one by one.

Every word Zhang Yu said will have a huge impact on the entire Fusang.

After An Yuan left, Zhang Yu said: "It won’t take long for me to have money. I have a large sum of money. Then I can launch more wars and send more fleets to reach the world. Go everywhere."

What Zhang Yu needs to do must be supported by a lot of wealth. After a war, it will be exhausted. The next time he starts a war, he will re-save. When he becomes rich, everything will recover very quickly. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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