Zhang Yu had been squatting in the mining area and did not interfere in the war.

The mining area is huge, so careful planning is required.

Zhang Yu intends to build a primary smelting workshop here to extract the silver before shipping it back.

The coinage must be made in Jiangdong or Youzhou, and it must be strictly controlled.

Next to this mining area, Zhang Yu also plans to build a city, and then emigrate Chinese people, all composed of Chinese people, to form a barrier here, in case the Fusang changes, this mining area can also be kept.

Zhang Yu was idle and waiting for the result, but the battle of Fusang was still going on.

The army attacked everywhere, killing a large number of Fusang troops.

A small group of Fusang troops, even 30,000 to 50,000 will definitely be unable to contend.

In particular, the Huns army is fast and mobile. As long as they see a large group of Fusang people, they will kill them regardless of whether they are the army or not.

And these Fusang people don't want any prisoners, they kill wherever they are, regardless of whether they are in the army or not.

For a time, the whole Fuso changed color.

And Zhang Yu didn't care about these Fusang people, but he still controlled his army strictly.

It is strictly forbidden to have strong women in your own army, even if the opponent is a Fusang woman.

If the opening is opened, then there may be unforeseen circumstances in the future.

The army offensive was very fast, and it quickly smashed a large area.

But soon, there was a rebellion in these places, and they were very uncooperative, and there was no way to manage them.

"It's really troublesome." Zhang Yu received the news and couldn't do much for a while.

If you want to send people to manage, first of all, language barriers are troublesome, and secondly, a large number of troops are needed to suppress and maintain.

This is the most troublesome, a large number of troops, I don't know how much it will cost.

There are more than 10 million people in Fusang. If the army is to be used to suppress it, it may be hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops.

However, where could Zhang Yu organize so many troops to manage.

The quagmire, if this is not done well, it will become a quagmire of war.

For example, during the 14th year of the War of Resistance, the Fusang people had a fierce offensive in the early stage. Later, they had to leave a million troops in the rear to maintain stability, and the army was completely dragged by guerrilla warfare.

"What should I do?" Zhang Yu was also very troubled in the face of so many troops.

"Fight first, destroy their army first." Zhang Yu had no good solution, so he could only fight first.

The army fought very well. Within a few days, the hundreds of thousands of Fusang troops were wiped out, but the territory was not attacked at all. Once the army left, these places would be occupied by the enemy again.

The big problem lies in front of Zhang Yu. It is not difficult to lay down the entire Fusang, but how to manage it.

Killing is unrealistic, and Zhang Yu can't do it if all the people here are killed.

To immigrate on a large scale, Zhang Yu currently does not have the ability.

A few days later, Anyuan sent a large number of tools, and more than a dozen managers came.

An Yuan and others came over, which was a great help.

"Master, the subordinates have been around the entire mining area for a day. This mining area is too big to hold tens of thousands of people to mine together." An Yuan said.

These Zhang Yu knew, and then asked: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Lord, if this is a huge mining area that can be mined for decades or even hundreds of years, the subordinates recommend that we use our people as much as possible, at least a considerable proportion of them are ours." An Yuan knew.

Zhang Yu nodded. This is not a question of mining for decades, but a matter of mining for hundreds of years.

Using your own people will be more efficient and safer.

"Well, I will be part of the immigration from the country, but in the future, it will be difficult for foreign immigration to be large-scale." Zhang Yu said.

However, for a single mining area, tens of thousands of immigrants can come, and there is no need for large-scale migration.

With a scale of tens of thousands, Zhang Yu can still afford it.

The problem is to increase our own population for a long time, apart from transforming Fusang people into Huaxia people, but this process takes decades or even hundreds of years, and Zhang Yu can't wait that long.

"Master, the subordinate does have a suggestion," An Yuan said.

Zhang Yu became interested and asked: "Please speak."

"My lord, after this battle, the ratio of males to females in Fusang will definitely change, and there are many males in China who are single and unable to marry, but it can attract a group of people." An Yuan said.

"Wonderful, wonderful."

Zhang Yu thought that in future generations, there will be many men who have no cars or houses, and generally have not been able to find a target. If the national package distributes the target, then the market must be huge.

Attract some people to come, and then immigrate part of it by yourself. At least it is enough to build a small city in this mining area. If you arrange some troops here, the mining area can be completely controlled.

But it is not enough for the entire huge hibiscus site.

"Lord, I am afraid that the barbarians will be able to control the barbarians, and then slowly control the entire Fusang for decades." An Yuan said.

This Fusang is indeed a big problem, and if you want to solve it in a short time, unless you kill everyone.

"Hoo~ ok, let's fight them first, An Yuan, you arrange a few people who understand Fusang to contact them and learn about their situation."

Zhang Yu knew that An Yuan's proposal was very safe, but Zhang Yu didn't want to be like this. If so, he could indeed control and transform the entire Fusang in a few decades.

But this Fusang has a lot of silver and gold mines. It is not only this silver mine. Zhang Yu wants to obtain more resources.

And these Fusang people will definitely not dig for him obediently, they must find a way to completely control them, and the best way to control them is to garrison them.

The army is there, kill if you refuse, simple and rude, but the most effective.

Zhang Yu's army had already hit half of Fusang in more than ten days, and drove the Fusang army away.

But they didn't control one place. There were so few people. If they stopped to control, then there would be no need to fight in other places.

It is not enough to leave a few hundred people in one place.

No one can solve this problem.

Zhang Yu came up with a set of simple maps. These maps were drawn by them later~www.readwn.com~ with only approximate outlines.

Zhang Yu's people can't go to Fusang inland to draw maps at will.

"We must control some key places. These places are only Chinese people. You have immigrated from Kyushu Island, and I am recruiting some places from China." Zhang Yu spread out the map and said to An Yuan.

Zhang Yu made a few strokes on the map and then said: "These coastal areas must build cities, and we will control them. We will build several ports throughout Fusang. Based on the ports, they will slowly infiltrate inland."

Zhang Yu couldn't solve it in a short time, but he controlled the coastal areas so that the Fusang people could only develop inland and could not get to the port, so they could control the entire Fusang.

Zhang Yu looked at the bay, the largest bay in Fusang, and the bay where their later capital was located.

"This area is all under control." Zhang Yu pointed to the bay and said.

(End of this chapter)

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