A day's offensive, both sides are difficult, if the loss continues like this, Zhu Zhi knows that he can't hold on for half a month.

Zhu Zhi called several lieutenants.

"Everyone knows about today's casualties. If it continues, we may not be able to keep it for ten days." Zhu Zhi said solemnly.

A lieutenant patted the table and said, "General Zhu, the enemy is the offensive. There is simply no way to maintain such an aggressive attack. Their soldiers will definitely not be able to stand it first."

Another lieutenant also said: "That is, can they keep it for three days, and can they keep it for five days."

Zhu Zhi is also a very capable general, and his status in the Sun group is also quite high.

Of course he understands this truth.

"We are the defender and the enemy is the attacker. This point would have been very clear. Today's offensive can show the enemy's determination. We are all aware that they have no support?"

Yes, what if the enemy has support.

Although they also have support, it is very hard to say who the reinforcements of both sides can beat.

"There was news before that there was a soldier and horse moving towards Poyang Lake in Danyang County, but I didn't know the number of enemy troops. If Zhang Yu is determined to take the entire Poyang Lake area, there may be many enemy troops."

Zhu Zhi's words calmed down several lieutenants.

After Zhu Zhi and others understood their situation, they said: "Today the loss is too great. The enemy will fight us desperately. If this is the case tomorrow, we must fight them desperately and suppress their arrogance."

"Starting from tomorrow, each will be responsible for one city wall and dispatch a team to supervise the battle, so that the archers will fight against them regardless of casualties."

Zhu Zhi understood that only after the enemy didn't dare to fight hard, they could not fight hard, so naturally they could defend longer.

After Zhu Zhi gave the order, several deputy generals took orders, and then went to prepare.

Zhu Zhi couldn't sleep, so he reached the wall again. Jiangdong's soldiers and horses rarely attacked overnight, and only a few battles were attacked day and night.

The night was calm, and Zhu Zhi made a round of inspections. A strong smell of blood could be smelled on the city. During the day, many soldiers sprinkled blood on the spot.

Looking at the barracks with many flames in the distance, Zhu Zhi felt uncomfortable.

The next day, the enemy troops outside gathered early in the morning, and this time Zhu Zhi also led the generals on the wall.

The soldiers who had been in the night's watch last night were replaced and rested. At this time, they were replaced by soldiers who had already rested.


Jiangdong's army attacked again.

As the previous day and night, the soldiers still attacked frantically.

The archers approached and attacked as close as possible, shooting at the enemy on the head of the city.

"Don't go back."

"Attack, whoever dares to retreat and kill without mercy."

"Don't be afraid, attack me."

Several lieutenants were standing behind the archers with the supervising team, they kept calling and screaming.

The archer did not dare to slack off, let alone retreat, standing on the head of the city and confronting the enemy.

Soldiers continued to fall, and new soldiers were replenished.

Groups of soldiers fell, and another group of soldiers made up for it.

Jiangdong soldiers and horses under the city have to endure great pressure.

After all, Sun Ce had the advantage of the city wall. With both sides fighting to the end, Jiangdong's casualties of soldiers and horses increased rapidly.

The huge casualties did not make Jiangdong's soldiers retreat, and several young generals frowned, still insisting on attacking.

Jiangdong's soldiers and horses were also changed a few batches, and a large number of casualties made their hearts bleed.

This day was particularly difficult to fight, and Jiangdong's casualties of soldiers and horses increased greatly.

At the end of the day, they lost more than 8,000 people, while Sun Ce lost nearly 5,000 people.

After the end of the day, the ratio of the offensive and defensive battle losses will be normal.

Several teenagers gathered for a meeting.

"Fuck, our army has so many casualties, how can we be worthy of the lord."

"If we slow down the pace, the casualties can be controlled."

"We must persevere. The military division requires us to maintain this rhythm for three to four days."

"It's just that the casualties are too great, the brothers who lost more than 8,000 in one day."

Several teenagers were emotionally agitated. Seeing the number of casualties, their hearts were indeed bleeding.

But they are soldiers. Even if they know that the casualties will be so great, they must stick to it. Orders are orders.

A few teenagers turned into anger, but still had to execute the order.

"The casualties are so high today, mainly because the enemy's archers were too fierce, and the constant offensive made them very strenuous."

"Tomorrow we will hit the city wall violently, so that they must devote more energy to cope, so that the pressure on the archers will not be so great."

They were in a meeting, and Zhu Zhi also called several lieutenants over.

"Today's battle was not bad. The enemy was hit hard by us. It would have been estimated that their casualties were nearly twice ours." Zhu Zhi said.

Several lieutenants agreed with Zhu Zhi's judgment, but one lieutenant said: "General, we have not enough archers. After two days, the archers will lose the most."

Zhu Zhi was unmoved, he said: "Fearless, when the archers are gone, we will fight them on the city. This time, unlike other times, the two sides are desperate and there is no other way."

"Tomorrow I will organize some family guards to fight against them, and we must guard the city, otherwise the entire Poyang Lake will be passive."

Zhu Zhi made up his mind, and none of the lieutenants had any opinion.

There are not many archers in Sun Ce's army. Although some ordinary soldiers have been trained, they are not trained much. Let them be archers and their attack power will not be very high.

Archers, like soldiers of later generations, have to be fed with arrows, but the later generations are fed with bullets.

Jiangdong’s professional archers have to train every day, three days to train shooting skills, other times to train physical fitness, training arm strength and so on.

A qualified archer has to train for a long time.

And arrows are very expensive to use, and there are not many archers who can equip them without money.

A new day is about to begin again ~www.readwn.com~ This day may be another fierce battle.

In Chaoxian County, Huang Gai and others have also begun to attack.

After a fierce attack for one day, more than 3,000 soldiers were left behind without any progress.

The soldiers on the front of the city did not suddenly attack them, but they maintained a steady rhythm and did not panic at all.

There was no panic in the city, and the forces in the city should not be empty.

But Huang Gai and the others are still hard to judge.

At this time, news from the south kept coming, and Huang Gai and the others were able to confirm that the soldiers and horses going south were Jiangdong’s main battle army.

"General Huang, the army going south is the main combat army. I am afraid that their purpose is really to break through Lujiang County and occupy the Poyang Lake area that I set." Jiang Qin said.

Huang Gai's face was solemn. After thinking for a while, he said: "Lujiang County can defend for a while, but if Jiangdong is deliberate for a long time, this battle may be difficult to fight." To read this site, please use the latest domain name.

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