Guo Jia and his 100,000 troops are moving, so they will naturally be detected.

When Huang Gai and the others received the news, they were even more anxious.

There are one hundred thousand at the front and one hundred thousand at the end, this Lujiang County is in danger.

Huang Gai waited in front of Jiang Qin for a while, waiting for him to come up.

The two armies rejoined.

"General Jiang Qin, Jiangdong's intention to win Poyang Lake is already very obvious. This battle may be very dangerous." Huang Gai said.

When the spies received that Guo Jia brought a hundred thousand soldiers and horses to Lujiang County, they knew it was not easy.

Jiang Qin's face was solemn, and then said: "We are going to rescue, I am afraid that it will not go so smoothly. A big battle is inevitable. I don't know what Old General Huang thinks?"

"Our two armies should not be divided too much. Five miles is better. The same goes for each other. Maybe Jiangdong's soldiers and horses are in ambush ahead, but we can't delay it, otherwise the Lujiang county town will be in danger." Huang Gai said.

"Okay, let the next striker, and General Huang will seize the opportunity at the right time." Jiang Qin said.

Huang Gai did not refuse, but agreed immediately.

The two adjusted their troops and then proceeded to set off.

This time Jiang Qin was in front and Huang Gai was behind.

The two dared not march very fast, because they knew that Jiangdong's soldiers and horses were in front, and they might encounter them at any time.

Guo Jia did intend to ambush, and both sides were almost all clear cards.

In fact, it is not an ambush, but Guo Jia has the dominant power and can choose the battlefield to force Huang Gai's army to confront him.

On the fifth day of the war in Lujiang County, Jiangdong’s soldiers and horses did not attack the city, but rested.

Zhu Zhi also took the opportunity to rest and let the civil servants reinforce the walls and transport supplies.

Zhu Zhi stood alone on the head of the city, and he was not in a good mood at this time.

Despite the truce, Zhu Zhi felt a greater crisis.

He already understood that Zhang Yu's determination to win Lujiang County was very big.

Although there is a truce at this time, the next time you receive a fight, can you hold it?

Although the rush aid is about to arrive, whether it can be held is still a mystery.

Jiangdong soldiers and horses are resting and reorganizing. They reorganize the army, and reorganize some of the troops with huge losses.

They are all troops trained by the same system, and they don't need to be run-in, just simply adapt.

"The military division makes them 50,000 soldiers and horses on standby at any time."

"The army in the city has been maimed by us. There are 30,000 troops to watch. It's not a problem. It's okay if they don't come out. If they come out, take the opportunity to take the city."

"After four days of high-intensity offensive, the army in the city is estimated to be more than 30,000 people, and morale will not be very high."

After several teenagers discussed, they assigned tasks.

Guo Jia had arrived that day, but he did not appear.

He has set up a battlefield thirty miles away.

The distance of thirty miles is relatively far.

Guo Jia arranged a battle formation on the road of Huang Gai and others, and waited for Huang Gai and Jiang Qin to arrive.

The strength of the two sides is not much different, depending on whether Huang Gai dared to kill or not.

The army under Lujiang County did not move, did not support Guo Jia, and did not attack the city.

After Huang Gai and Jiang Qin arrived, they stopped more than a dozen miles away, not daring to move on.

Huang Gai and Jiang Qin are very careful.

"Old General Huang, this Guo Jia has outstanding ability. He set up the battlefield to force us to fight a decisive battle." Jiang Qin said.

Huang Gai's face was slightly angry and said, "I'm afraid he won't succeed. This battle is inevitable, only a deadly battle."

Although Huang Gai knew that the enemy was powerful, they couldn't lose their morale.

Although Huang Gai said so, he was still cautious and sent out scouts to investigate around.

Guo Jia didn't ambush other troops. Both sides knew the other's existence, so the ambush had little effect.

But when Guo Jia sets up an army, how can Huang Gai ignore it.

If you don't fight, you can't. If you don't fight here, they will go to the Lujiang County City. Once the city is breached, the entire Poyang Lake will be difficult to defend.

With helplessness from Jiang Qin, Huang Gai said after some discussions: "Our two armies can only fight for battle. Even if the entire army is wiped out, we will have to fight to the death."

There is no way to be forced, but to fight recklessly, and can only fight with the enemy in the field.

Neither side has any cities or military camps to rely on, only hard work.

Huang Gai said: "The enemy has just arrived soon, and both sides are in the same state. It should not be delayed. Lujiang County Town will not last long."

Naturally, Huang Gai and the others also received a fierce attack on Lujiang County and lost huge amounts of information.

Together, the two decided to push up all the way and fight Guo Jia decisively.

It won't work without a decisive battle.

Guo Jia is in the formation, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Information continued to spread, and Huang Gai said: "General Jiang Qin, we attack at the same time on the left and right wings. We must go forward and fight to the end."

Jiang Qin also nodded and said: "The most important thing in this battle is morale. Whoever takes a step back will be completely defeated."

After the two discussed the matter, the army moved forward slowly.

"It's finally here, you have no choice." Guo Jia said lightly in the wind.

"Let a few teenagers fight well. This battle can only be a deadly battle." Guo Jia finished speaking, and slowly retreated under the protection of more than one hundred soldiers.

He is a civil official, and it is useless at all when he fights, and it will be bad if he stays.

He has set up the formation, and also explained a few things for the teenagers to pay attention to.

Guo Jia retreated to the back of the formation, and then left.

When he left, he gave an order and said: "Ma sends an order, the fifty thousand troops of Lujiang County can start."

Guo Jia estimated that for a distance of 30 miles, it would take half an hour after they had communicated the order, and it would be an hour later for Huang Gai to receive the news. At that time, neither of them would be able to retreat.

Once it retreats, it is a big defeat.

Guo Jia's choice of thirty miles away was not unreasonable, or it made the enemy not feel the threat of Lujiang County, and at the same time allowed Lujiang County to have time to support it.

If it is ten miles away from the city, then Huang Gai and the others will definitely not dare to attack. If it is more than fifty miles away, Guo Jia is still afraid of something happening in the middle, or Huang Gai and others receive news that the strongman has broken his wrist and is capable of running away part of it.

Guo Jia has already calculated it, and now he is waiting for the war.


"Rush over."

Huang Gai and Jiang Qin pressed up.

The soldiers and horses brought by Huang Gai are also good soldiers, and they have a strong spirit.


Jiangdong's soldiers and horses also launched an attack.

The left and right wings were attacked at the same time, and both sides began to go shopping.

The 20,000 soldiers and horses of Jiangdong were placed in front of them, fighting fiercely with the enemy.

"Split the formation, UU read to release the Fusang army."

A young general gave the order, the army in the middle split, and Fusang's army came up.



Fusang's army suddenly came out, which was very unexpected, because it did not conform to the common sense of the army.

If Jiangdong's soldiers and horses maintained their formation and took advantage of the formation, this battle would be easier to fight, but they actually split the formation and attacked on their own initiative.

"Fuck, what kind of army is this."

"Why are they so short."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ah, mad dog~"

(End of this chapter)

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