On Zhang Yu's side, although several generals were restricted, a dozen young generals exerted their strength, which also caused Cao Jun to suffer a big loss.

Zhang Yu and their young generals are also very outstanding, leading people into the battle, that is an overwhelming victory locally.

A young general rushed over, chopped off the head of the enemy general, and then slaughtered the enemy army in a small area, and the other enemy troops had to rush to support.

Once or twice is occasional, but this situation on the entire front is a problem.

Cao Ang's face turned dark. He had been working hard to promote this decisive battle. Originally, he wanted to know how far he was from Jiangdong's soldiers and horses.

Originally, Cao Ang expected that the outcome would be five to five, and he was fully prepared, how could he be able to fight a result with a small gap, but now it seems that the result is not very good.

The two sides continued to fight in blood, and the fight went dark and dark.

The war lasted for several hours, the soldiers continued to fall, and the two sides continued to throw in soldiers and horses until all the soldiers and horses were thrown in.

After a few hours, Cao Jun finally couldn't hold on.


Cao Ang had to order to retreat, and it was dangerous to continue the fight.

Several generals received the order and slowly withdrew, fighting and retreating.

Zhang Yu and the others took the opportunity to cover up, but they were also very tired, and they couldn't overwhelm them all at once.

Failing to overwhelm the opponent, naturally let the opponent escape.

The chase was only two or three miles away, and Zhang Yu ordered the chase to stop.

Zhang Yu looked around, every soldier was covered with blood, and some were injured.

This battle was earth-shaking and blood flowed into rivers.

Zhang Yu's hands trembled a little, and he kept rushing and smashing with weapons. He didn't know how many times he had been shaken.

The soldiers were also very tired, and many people were speechless.

Zhang Yu sorted out the army a bit, and then ordered a retreat.

As he walked back, Zhang Yu looked at his army, and the losses in this battle were huge.

Fifty thousand heavy cavalry, 21,000 people were lost. You must know that every soldier of the heavy cavalry must go through strict selection and then strict training.

As for the other troops, more than half of the casualties were also involved.

The crowd returned slowly, and many soldiers didn't have much strength.

A few hours of fighting is too challenging.

As for the battlefield, it will be handled by other troops.

Tens of thousands of soldiers died in battle on this land.

Forty miles, they walked for nearly four hours. If it was normal, it would definitely not be the case.

Zhang Liao personally led the troops to accumulate to respond to them and cover their retreat.

In fact, Cao Jun didn't have the strength to continue the battle. Both sides suffered huge losses in this battle.

Cao Ang did a bit of inventory on the road, but the result made his heart very bitter.

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, killed more than 38,000 people in battle. This is the strongest combat power of Cao Jun. Under the collision with Zhang Yu's army, there were so many casualties.

The other infantrymen also killed about 40,000, with heavy casualties.

110,000 troops, more than 70,000 people died in battle.

"The eldest son, it's the uncles who couldn't do it. They couldn't fight this battle well." Xiahou Dun walked beside Cao Ang and said softly.

Cao Ang glanced at the injured Xiahou Dun, then gently shook his head and said, "It's not that we are incompetent, but Zhang Yu is too strong."

Cao Ang watched the entire battle carefully, and the gap between the two armies was still very large.

Going back separately, although the scale of this battle is not unprecedented, it is not small.

This battle will have a great impact on the two armies.

Returning to the city, Zhang Yu began to count, accurate data came, Zhang Yu's loss still made him heartache.

Zhang Yu called several generals over.

"My lord, this Cao Jun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has formed combat power. Although it is not as good as ours, it can't be underestimated." Huang Zhong said

Huang Zhong struggled with them, feeling the natural deeper.

Zhang Yu pondered for a while and said, "Han Sheng, is there any way for this heavy cavalry to expand to 100,000 people?"

Huang Zhong was silent for a while before he said: "Master, heavy cavalry costs too much. At the beginning, it is four or five times that of ordinary infantry. When the training begins, the usual consumption is several times that of infantry. Can afford to consume, even if it can, without two years, I am afraid it will be difficult to select enough soldiers."

Zhang Yu was silent for a while, asking for money, he could get it, but he couldn't help it.

Zhang Yu suddenly felt that his force limit was too great.

"Heavy cavalry must expand its army. At that time, there will be as many soldiers as they can find. There is no restriction on the organization."

This time with Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, even though the enemy was crippled, his own side also suffered a lot.

Huang Zhong agreed to come down and prepare after returning.

Zhang Yu also said: "After returning, everyone will evaluate this war, and at the same time evaluate Cao Jun's combat power. This is very important. We will start wars in the future. This war is our important assessment."

These things Zhang Yu was doing, Cao Ang was doing the same.

This battle can be used as a basis for generals from both sides to refer to.

Regardless of other conditions, it can be used as a comparison of military strength and combat effectiveness, providing a very important reference for generals to make decisions.

Although Zhang Yu and the others won this battle, if it was a decisive battle, what would happen if the two sides had hundreds of thousands of troops.

Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses have the highest combat effectiveness. This is a fact that no one dares to deny, but Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses are too scattered, which is something they cannot do.

"When the battle situation in Yangzhou comes, I have to evaluate the fighting strength of the Fusang army."

Fusang people have now reached the rank of tens of millions, and recruiting hundreds of thousands of troops is easy.

If they can be used, Zhang Yu naturally wants to use them. If they can't be used, then nothing needs to be said.

If the Fusang army can be used, Zhang Yu's pressure will be reduced.

It can also take the opportunity to disperse the population of Fusang and find a way to slowly dilute them.

Both sides of this battle attach great importance to it.

In the next few days, Zhang Yu and the others made a summary and analysis, and no more battle broke out between the two sides.

The war in the north has been temporarily ceased, and the war in the south is about to start. A few days later, Zhang Yu received Guo Jia and took the entire Lujiang County.

The entire Lujiang County fell into the hands of Zhang Yu~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Yu's territory expanded again, and at the same time he took the wealthy Poyang Lake area.

Wake up early, when Zhang Yu took Poyang Lake, there was wasteland everywhere. Later, he sold it to Sun Ce. Sun Ce focused on business development and soon became a granary.

Sun Ce also used this to develop the army.

Now that it has fallen into Zhang Yu's hands again, Zhang Yu will naturally not sell it again.

The northern front has temporarily stabilized like this.

In the south, Guo Jia went through rest and reorganization and mobilized his forces to threaten Lu'an City.

The role of Lu'an City is not so great at this time, but it is also an important supporting city in this area.

It is an important barrier of Shouchun City.

Guo Jia threatened Lu'an City and might change many things.

At this time everyone knew that Zhang Yu's real purpose was the Poyang Lake area. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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