Liu Bei's actions Liu Biao didn't know. Historically, it was because Liu Bei was too active and made friends with a family in Jingzhou. Then Liu Biao found out. Then Liu Biao wanted to kill Liu Bei, but Liu Bei escaped.

But this time, Liu Biao's body is not good enough, and both above and below are concealing Liu Biao from letting Liu Biao know.

They are already secretly training Liu Bei, so that Liu Bei can successfully take over.

At this time, Liu Biao didn't know that he had been emptied.

Just waiting for Liu Biao's soul to return to the ground.

Recently, Liu Bei is in a good mood. He has recruited a group of staff. Although the number is not large, he finally has his own team.

Forming his own team has always been what Liu Bei wanted.

But he didn't know that one of his dozen or so staff members relied heavily on the nails Zhang Yu had planted in his early years.

On this day, Fu Xun went to the teahouse to drink tea in idle time, everything was normal.

When I finished drinking and paid the bill, there was an extra piece of paper in my hand, which was secretly stuffed into the hands of the shopkeeper, and then left.

This Fu Xun is one of Liu Bei's more reliant staff members, and he often delegates some chores to him.

The shopkeeper didn't open the note. He often received this kind of note, and he didn't feel strange.

Put the note into the mezzanine of the counter and continue working.

For about half an hour, everything was calm. The shopkeeper asked a second person to clean up, and then the second person secretly took the note to the back.

If someone is looking at them, their movements are so concealed that it is difficult to be developed.

This teahouse was secretly opened by Jiangdong. It is very convenient to transmit information here.

Non-urgent information can be handled in this way, and there is enough time to send it out.

Xiao Er handed the information to Mr. tent behind in the backyard, and the tent arranged to pass the information out.

A few days later, Zhang Yu received the information.

"This Liu Bei is really going to be a big deal."

When inspecting road construction in Qingzhou, Zhang Yu directly looked at the information from the side of the road.

Liu Bei's activities fell in Zhang Yu's eyes, but Zhang Yu did not move.

"Liu Bei is going to rise after all, so let's rise."

Zhang Yu's strength at this time didn't worry about what impact Liu Bei would have on him.

This historical time and space of Liu Bei had been castrated by Zhang Yu. Without the support of the Mi family, even Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun were not by his side.

Zhang Yu knew that Liu Bei was trying to seize Liu Biao's position, and he didn't bother to pay attention, and continued to pay attention to the things he cared about.

Zhang Yu is more concerned about Cao Cao's situation.

After the last war, Cao Ang gave Yecheng to Cao Ren, and he returned to Xuchang.

After returning, Cao Ang reported to Cao Cao on the situation of the war in detail.

After assessing the combat power in detail, Cao Ang explained to Cao Cao that the outbreak of the young generals in Zhang Yu's army on that day caused a serious blow to their army.

"Father, this Zhang Yu has established a military academy since a few years ago, but this military academy has hardly been paid attention to."

"When this military academy was established, it was to train basic-level officers such as centurions and thousands of officers. The number is not large. Each period may have three to four hundred people, or even less. But in the past six months, we have strengthened our intelligence work. , I discovered that this military academy is not that simple."

Cao Cao was listening carefully. He also understood the course of the battle that day. Whether it was analyzed from the perspective of soldiers or other generals later narrated, the young generals in Zhang Yu's army in this battle did indeed be very eye-catching.

Cao Cao is drinking tea. He likes drinking tea now, which can make him more sober.

He took a sip, warmed his body, and said, "Very well, go on."

Cao Ang went on to say: "This Zhang Yu focused on training a group of young generals. Many of these young generals came from Jiangdong College. If they join the army, they must go to this military academy for two years of training. After that, they will generally be able to serve as commanders. After training in the army, he has grown very fast, and many people have led an army alone."

"In that war, more than a dozen teenagers led people to constantly attack, causing us a lot of casualties."

"According to our secret investigation, the number of such young generals may be more than a dozen or twenty recruits each year, and now there are more than 100 in the army. These people, Zhang Yu, have gradually entrusted them with important tasks and have now become middle-level generals. "

Cao Cao nodded, then sighed and said, "This is what Zhang Yu is afraid of. Even the generals in the army are willing to use students from the colleges."

Scholars of this era are undoubtedly senior talents, and talents are rare.

The key is that Zhang Yu asked them to become centurion chiefs, and those who were better were commanders of thousands. The probability of these officers being killed in battle was very high.

It was indeed very high. The seed officers cultivated by Zhang Yu and the others had a high rate of death, with more than one third of them killed in battle.

But being able to stay and grow up is undoubtedly a great future, and it may become the cornerstone of the military in the future.

Cao Cao also understands this truth, but most of his scholars come from aristocratic families. They look down on soldiers and naturally won't go to the army.

So, Cao Cao didn't have many choices.

"Father, we must also reform in the army. This grassroots officer has too much influence on an army. Zhang Yu has been training in batches for several months, and many officers have been trained. These officers are there, and it is easy for them to expand their army. ."

Cao Cao nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, you will stay in Xuchang and pay close attention to this matter."

Cao Cao thought for a while and said, "We should also assist in training the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will be rebuilt to form combat power as soon as possible."

For Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Cao Cao was quite sad. With so many people killed in the battle, it would be too costly to rebuild.

This Cao Cao is not as capable of making money as Zhang Yu, which makes him feel a little bit stretched, and money is often in shortfall.

If you don't have any money, you will find the family's support. However, the asking price of these families is not low and you need to pay from other places.

Cao Cao didn't like this very much, but he had no choice.

Cao Cao has worked hard to grasp the economy, and Xun Yu is almost exclusively helping Cao Cao grasp the economy and grasp the grain and grass. Although the effect is there, it is still lacking.

Cao Ang left after the report but Cao Cao fell into deep thinking.

Now it seems that he has the advantage, because he can concentrate hundreds of thousands of troops, but Zhang Yu cannot.

It is rare for Zhang Yu to concentrate 500,000 troops.

If you concentrate 500,000, there will be many loopholes in Xuzhou and Qingzhou.

"Overseas, is there really that much wealth hidden?"

Cao Cao knew that a lot of Zhang Yu's wealth came from overseas, but all the coastal areas were controlled by Zhang Yu, and his eyes were useless. As for the desire to fight to Qingzhou or Xuzhou to grab the coast, Cao Cao felt too much thinking.

Maybe you can grab it, but none of them can go to sea.

"Maybe this king should initiate the big battle, and Zhang Yu can't be led by the nose." Cao Cao said while looking at the map hanging on the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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