The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 982: Seize Changshan County

This battle has a tendency to develop in a dramatic direction.

The soldiers broke out in a group, and they quit, and this battle is not going to be fought.

The surging soldiers marched towards the north gate.

When the guard knew about it, he panicked.

There are hundreds of thousands of enemies outside, and if their soldiers rebel, they will have only one fate.

"Open the gates, we surrender, surrender."

"Quick, open the city gate."

A guard was frightened, and ordered the gate to be opened and surrendered. If the gate was not opened, then no one had a chance when the tide of soldiers came over.

On the other walls, the soldiers had already given up their defenses. The soldiers began to climb the city and climbed up the city walls smoothly.

When the army opened the gate, the north gate was also opened, and many soldiers rushed out.

Only some of them are still holding weapons, and some have already thrown them away.

The scene was chaotic, as if mutiny.

Zhang Yu commanded a large army to surround them, encircling them outside the city.

"Put down your weapons, otherwise you will kill you without mercy."

"lay down your weapon."

Under the threat of the army, these people lay down their weapons one after another and did not dare to resist.

In this way, this city is considered to be defeated.

Those guards are in tragedy. They are treated like soldiers, without any special treatment.

Zhang Yu did not even distinguish between soldiers and generals when they surrendered and they were treated the same.

Falling into their hands, Zhang Yu was not afraid that they would turn back, and there was no need to separate the generals from the soldiers.

Taking down Quyang County, Zhang Yu will have a fulcrum in Changshan County.

Follow-up soldiers and horses are also on the way to support.

The most time-consuming part of this battle is to fill the trenches.

Zhang Yu ordered the people to spread the news, and spread the news that they had killed them all the way.

Many of these troops have just been recruited to cooperate with some veterans.

They are not elite troops, and it is not difficult to deal with. Zhang Yu sent people to influence their morale and make this battle better.

Zhang Yu asked the soldiers to rest for half a day and one night, and then continued southward the next day.

In the south, Cao Cao's progress was not very smooth.

Yuan Xi's 100,000 troops were surrounded by him, and Cao Cao stormed for three days.

Three days later, Yuan Xi's army suffered more than half of the casualties, but Cao Cao's army suffered great losses.

Yuan Shang and the others attacked for rescue several times and fought a few tough battles, but they were not Cao Cao's opponents.

It has been three days, although the offensive is still progressing normally, but if it continues, Cao Cao and his troops will lose a lot.

Cao Cao frowned and called some counsellors.

"Lord, according to the current trend, we only need to continue to attack for three or five days, and the city will inevitably be broken by us, but our loss will also be between eight and one hundred thousand." Cheng Yu said.

The loss of so many troops made Cao Cao distressed. Although he had a large number of soldiers and horses this time, he could not withstand such a loss. The battle that followed was still big.

Xun You felt otherwise.

"Lord, there are tough battles. The 300,000 army is the elite of the Yuan family. If all is eliminated, most of the subsequent battles will be smooth battles."

It was difficult for Cao Cao to make a decision, and after some discussion, he decided to continue the fierce attack for two days.

"So, after two days of fierce attack, we deliberately let Yuan Xi leave, acting like we were tired, and luring Yuan Jun to flee. When that happens, we will cover and kill in the back, which is so easy to fight." Cao Cao said.

Onslaught is not a solution, the loss is too great.

This Cao Cao still changed the way he had always attacked.

Two more days passed, and the onslaught of Cao Cao had an effect. Yuan Xi suffered a great loss, leaving more than 30,000 troops.

Yuan Jun came to rescue Yuan Xi again, this time ten thousand troops came to attack Cao Jun.

Cao Jun let go of a hole and let them come in.

After that, Yuan Xi finally found the opportunity and rushed out.

The two armies of Yuan Xi were united, and the army of Cao came chased and killed.

While killing and retreating, Yuan Jun retreated into the city.

In this way, the three cities became two cities.

"Lord, now we are encircling a city, and then annihilating Yuan Jun's army along the way, then Yuan Jun's elite will not be much." Xun You said.

Although Cao Cao felt sorry for his elite soldiers, he could only quickly destroy Yuan Jun.

Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang and the others were surrounded, and Cao Cao chose to surround the city where the two of them were.

However, Cao Jun is not strong enough at this time, and I am afraid that he will be a little weak under the strong attack.

Cao Cao has only more than 200,000 troops, and Yuan Jun also has so many.

Guo Tu felt bad, and found Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang and said: "The two sons, now our triangle is broken, it is very dangerous, it is better to break out and regroup in the rear."

Cao Jun surrounded them. If there is a decisive battle, there will be many troops behind Cao Jun who can quickly support them.

And they can't, they don't have that many troops anymore.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were reluctant to give up, because their territory was getting smaller and smaller, and they couldn't afford to give up a few cities.

At this time they were in the northern part of Zhaoguo County. Guo Tu suggested that they go west and resist in Leping County, which is close to Bingzhou, where they can abandon some places and concentrate their forces to resist.

Yuan Shang agreed with Yuan Xi, because Changshan County was in the north, and Zhang Yu was also beaten there. They didn't run, because they were afraid of being flanked back and forth.

Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi chose to break through at night.

When they broke out, Cao Cao felt very sorry. They chased them for a while, after all, the opponent had a lot of troops, so they didn't dare to chase them too tightly.

Let Yuan Jun run away, but Yuan Jun also left 100,000 people behind.

Cao Cao didn't chase and kill him immediately, but seized Zhao Guojun, rested his army and strengthened the city defense.

After Cao Cao and the others retreated Yuan Jun, they discovered that most of Changshan County in the north had fallen into Zhang Yu's hands.

Cao Cao did not immediately pursue Yuan Jun, but was forced to stop and hold a meeting.

"Most of Changshan County falls into Zhang Yu's hands, what should we do?"

Everyone was also entangled, letting go, Zhang Yu must have occupied the entire Changshan County.

And if Zhang Yu rob Changshan County, then there is no way to fight Yuan Jun, Yuan Jun will have more time to prepare, or strengthen the city wall, or recruit soldiers and horses, it is troublesome.

"Ah, we can't let Zhang Yu threaten our back path. At least we must seize a few to send troops and horses to block Zhang Yu's way to the south." Xu You said.

Cao Cao was very annoyed. Yuan Jun's elite soldiers had already been killed by himself, and he could just destroy Yuan Jun by chasing after him.

"Okay, the whole army will go north and block Zhang Yu first."

In Changshan County, Yuan Jun was terrified at this time, because Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang ran away, and the road behind their forehead was cut off.

They still have a place to run, they can go west.

Cao Jun went north, Zhang Yu went south, the two armies began to fight for territory and time.

When Zhang Yu knew about it, he gave an order and said: "Evil is coming, you bring fifty thousand cavalry to the front. Yuan Jun is not strong now, and even abandons the city to flee. If Yuan Jun wants to run, let them run. ."

Compete with Cao Cao for time, and see who has more land. You may end up competing here.

(End of this chapter)

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