Chapter 995

The matter was so serious that Zhang Yu didn't dare to think about it. This might be a super disaster, but now it's useless to worry about it. You must prepare.

Zhang Yu said: "Yun Lu, you run out, do your father and brother know?"

"I don't know, they think I ran out in anger." Ma Yunlu said.

Zhang Yu nodded. He and Ma Yunlu are good friends, so naturally they don't want anything to happen to her.

"Your power is too weak to manage this matter. Now that I know it, now I have to complete the great cause of unification as soon as possible and prepare to confront the disaster that may come."

"If you want to do something, try to protect yourself and collect some information for me."

Zhang Yu can't let Ma Yunlu do dangerous things, just let her provide some information when it is convenient.

At this time, Zhang Yu's expectations were greatly exceeded. Zhang Yu was already in South Africa to use South Africa's wealth to hold the Roman Empire.

This matter has made considerable progress. Zhang Yu has dug a gold mine in South Africa and dug up diamonds.

As long as the Roman Empire covets South Africa’s wealth, they will want to fight for it, and they will have to cross many deserts, and the price will be very high at that time.

If they go by sea, they still don't have a decent navy, and their shipbuilding technology is immature, which can greatly delay their eastward journey.

But if someone in the Huaxia area cooperated with them and provided them with food and grass, the cost of the Roman Empire would be small and there would be no huge logistical pressure.

This is a big disaster.

Zhang Yu arranged for Ma Yunlu to stay, and he was locked in the study again.

Don't think that in history, the Roman Empire can be ignored without killing it.

An empire, a powerful empire, is very aggressive in itself, and it is obviously impossible for them not to kill.

Unless there is an irresistible block.

Ma Teng and the others are too dangerous. Those little princes are also ambitious. Human ambitions are terrible and will make people do crazy things.

"Even Ma Chao was involved. The history of this time and space has changed too much."

Zhang Yu had a headache, it was too difficult to deal with.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yu wrote a letter back, asking the cabinet to prepare immediately that such behavior must be stopped.

At the same time, Zhang Yu also needs to learn more.

The next day, Zhang Yu saw Ma Yunlu again. Ma Yunlu's eye sockets were a little red and swollen, and she did not rest overnight.

"Yun Lu, don't worry, things may not be that bad."

Zhang Yu continued: "I have been overseas and have been preparing for a long time. When necessary, I have the ability to copy the back road of the Roman Empire and prevent their invasion."

Zhang Yu briefly introduced the overseas situation to Ma Yunlu.

Zhang Yu said: "I have ordered the cabinet to also form some troops overseas. If necessary, they can be recruited at any time. Overseas, there are no enemies, and there is money and food. The formation of troops and horses will not cause too much burden on me."

Ma Yunlu said: "If my father and brother both participated in the entry and caused disaster to China, then my Ma family would really be a sinner through the ages."

Zhang Yu sighed inwardly.

But what can he do? The ambitions of Ma Teng and others have swelled.

Zhang Yu still has time.

Zhang Yu must prepare as soon as possible.

Recruiting soldiers and horses, strengthening himself, and completing the great cause of reunification as soon as possible is his best choice at the moment.

Zhang Yu sent Ma Yunlu away and sent Dianwei to **** her back, and Zhang Yu went back to Beiping first.

This matter is very big and must be promoted by himself.

Millions of civilian husbands are still transporting grain and grass for Zhang Yu, and these grain and grass will be placed in these counties in Jizhou.

With these food and grass, Zhang Yu's problem can basically be solved.

Next, when the place stabilizes, there will also be taxes, so that grain can be collected on the spot to reduce road losses.

Zhang Yu suddenly felt that the west needs a strong city and the city needs to protect the safety of the west.

But the territory far away from Zhang Yu has just been laid down by the counties, and there is no foundation, so they can't do it yet.

Zhang Yu returned to Beiping, mainly to push the territory to explode troops.

After returning, Zhang Yu called a cabinet meeting urgently.

"Master, develop the total force to two million, which will have a huge impact on the entire territory." Zhang Zhao said.

Two million, after a big battle, Zhang Yu currently has an army of more than 1.1 million. If it is two million, it is doubled.

However, Zhang Yu said: "Mainly recruit from Jizhou, Qingzhou and Xuzhou, plus some overseas, and let Fusang's army stand 300,000."

Zhang Yu already wanted to take action on the entire Fusang, and by then controlling the entire Fusang, more soldiers and horses could be recruited.

Everyone listened to Zhang Yu's tone, this Zhang Yu was determined to recruit so many troops.

Zhang Yu said: "I try to find a way for money matters. If it doesn't work, I will borrow it, but I cannot make the money bank too indebted, otherwise it will cause a very serious disaster."

"Part of the army has joined the army to reduce our pressure."

Zhang Yu added: "The enemy won't give us too much time. We can't beg God, we can only do it ourselves."

"If you don't have any money, go to grab and cheat. Starting today, the Chinese princes are our enemies, and you can use all kinds of methods to fight them."

Zhang Yu doesn't know who the next traitor will be. When the Roman Empire is killed, if powerful princes cooperate with them, it will be even more serious.

The hearts of several cabinets cannot be calm, Zhang Yu's decision is correct, but it will have a great impact on the entire territory.

Two million troops, that is a huge burden. The money they collect may go to military expenses, and there is not much money for other things.

It is difficult to develop a place.

However, Zhang Yu has already ordered, and it is necessary to do so.

What we can do now is to get past it and try to expand our sources of finances and taxes.

A decision made by Zhang Yu will have a huge impact everywhere.

Zhang Yu and the cabinet began to formulate a more detailed plan, according to how many people should be recruited in each county, and then began to act.

After Zhang Yu left for more than a month, he recruited troops on a large scale.

In this action, the princes of the world looked sideways, and Cao Cao felt even more Cao's site was half surrounded by Zhang Yu.

Cao Cao also returned to Xuchang, this time he came back much older.

Cao Cao has frequent headaches recently, and has delegated many things to Cao Ang.

Cao Cao convened a meeting to gather dozens of his own civil servants and generals.

"Everyone knows that Zhang Yu's large-scale recruitment of troops and horses, at the speed of Zhang Yu's army, can be effective in about half a year."

Cao Cao glanced around and said heavily: "We have been greatly affected, but we can't keep up. We can only continue to recruit troops and horses to fight against Zhang Yu."

Xun Yu sighed and said: "Prime Minister, at this time we are already unbearable. The battle on the Western Front has reached our limit. If we want to continue recruiting soldiers and horses, we can only find new sources of financial resources."

(End of this chapter)

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