Zhang Liao did not ask Zhao Yun what to do, but gave him a direction and let him attack freely.

After Zhao Yun studied, he decided to harass him far away.

The enemies around here hid, not giving him a chance, so Zhao Yun chose to attack a distant place.

Zhao Yun carefully studied the route.

"The enemy must not think of attacking hundreds of miles away. As long as they succeed, their rear will definitely be in chaos for a while." Zhao Yun thought.

After studying, Zhao Yun ordered to rest during the day and set off at night.

Zhao Yun acted and walked around for two days, so that Cao Jun didn't know his whereabouts, and then moved towards the goal.

Zhao Yun's departure did not affect the situation of the battle, and Zhang Liao continued to attack there.

They attacked for another five days, and within five days there was not much progress. Although Cao Jun broke through several city walls, he repaired the city walls with certain sacrifices.

Even, several times Cao Jun wanted to continue to let the migrant workers repair the city wall at night to raise the city wall, but after Zhang Liao discovered it, he attacked twice and Cao Jun did not continue.

In five days, more than 10,000 people were killed and injured on each side, which is not very high intensity.

At the same time, Zhang Liao continued to let people make all kinds of siege equipment and put on a battlefield.

Zhang Liao was waiting, waiting for Zhang Yu to launch an attack.

The two armies were fighting there, and the intensity was not very high, but not low.

On Zhang Yu's side, he was ready.

"I'll leave it to you here. This king will go south tonight and prepare to attack the eastern front of Cao Cao." Zhang Yu met again and said to the cabinet members.

Zhang Yu has finished the arrangement in the south, and will act soon.

Although Xi Zhicai was missing from the cabinet, Xi Zhicai went to Changshan County to assist Zhang Liao, but the cabinet still functions well.

Zhang Yu finished the meeting and set off overnight.

He led an army of fifty thousand to the south.

In the early morning of the next day, in Picheng under the rule of Xuzhou, an army of 100,000 marched towards Xuchang, carrying a large number of siege equipment, and the coming was fierce.

Cao Cao received the information soon.

Cao Cao called an emergency meeting.

"This Zhang Yu is going to fight on two fronts, attacking both east and west at the same time." Cao Cao said with a headache.

A group of staff below, and then Cao Ang was there.

"Lord, I don't know if Zhang Yu is going to pretend to attack Xuchang, or really want to attack Xuchang, or if there are other places that will be attacked. The subordinate thinks that he will not move for the time being." Cheng Yu said first.

The other strategists also agreed. This Zhang Yu prefers to use conspiracy to launch attacks in unexpected places.

So they are also very distressed.

After some research, everyone took out the map and studied it to see if the military deployment was reasonable.

After the study, there is not much problem, but Cao Cao has not many soldiers and horses. If a place is suddenly attacked, then their soldiers and horses will take a long time to react.

Two days later, when Zhang Yu arrived in Qingzhou, he had secretly assembled 300,000 soldiers and horses, which was actually not a secret, because Cao Cao already knew that there were two soldiers and horses training here.

Yes, part of Zhang Yu's use is recruits.

But after several months of training, most of the army is still veterans, and the combat effectiveness is not bad.

In fact, although there are two places, the two armies are very close and can support each other.

One soldier and horse is in Dongguan County, the other is in Donghai Country, and Langya County is separated between the two counties.

At the same time, the two counties are next to Yuzhou and Yanzhou.

Here is the junction of the four states, a place is half-surrounded by Xuzhou and Qingzhou.

One morning, Zhang Yu arrived in Dongguan County with 50,000 soldiers and horses. Cao Jun was very nervous and was already on guard.

But Zhang Yu still fought in the past.

"Soldiers, follow me to expand our territory."

Zhang Yu's pre-war mobilization was very simple, just one sentence.

All the soldiers ignited, and followed Zhang Yu's steps, killing them with high morale.

Zhang Yu's goal is Taishan County in Yanzhou.

Zhang Yu moved quickly, traveling hundreds of miles a day and conquering a county seat.

Cao Jun shook, and the battle reports were flying.

Zhang Yu has a huge momentum.

The soldiers and horses in Yuzhou are also very nervous, because there is still a soldier and horse on the border. They don't know what reaction this soldier and horse will do, whether to cope with Zhang Yu, join Zhang Yu, attack them, or suddenly invade them.

The soldiers and horses of Yuzhou, the soldiers and horses that are closely adjacent to Taishan County did not dare to move, and Zhang Yu was allowed to act in Taishan County.

They can't help it.

On the other side, Ling Cao took 150,000 soldiers and horses, staring at him.

And Zhang Yu, plus 50,000 soldiers and horses brought from Beiping, makes a total of 200,000.

Zhang Yu almost used a million soldiers and horses this time to attack Cao Cao's territory together.

Cao Cao faced great pressure.

Zhang Yu was traveling in Taishan County, and the news soon reached Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao was discussing matters, the staff quarreled.

Zhang Yu is now dispatching a three-way army. The intensity of the Western Front is not high, but it greatly affects Cao Cao's resources.

On the eastern front, Xuzhou dispatched one hundred thousand troops to advance in the direction of Xuchang.

At the same time, Zhang Yu was in the Taishan County of Yanzhou.

"The lord, the subordinates judge that Zhang Yu is very likely to invade the Lu State in Yanzhou from the East China Sea in Xuzhou, and then be able to unite with Taishan County." Xun You said.

This judgment everyone also agreed, if Zhang Yu another army attacked, what would happen to them.

Knowing that the homework knows, but there is no way.

Cheng Yu also said: "Lord, Ling Cao led the army to lead and not send. If Taishan County falls, Zhang Yu will kill him from the north, and Ling Cao will kill him from the east. If the soldiers and horses of Yuzhou dare to rescue Taishan County, then Ling Cao must Take the opportunity to invade Yuzhou."

"Lord, we should abandon Taishan County, concentrate our forces to block Zhang Yu's attack, and then slowly regain the land."

"Lord, don't, the land controlled by Zhang Yu will become hiss in a short time. Even if it is not, he will take all the people away. Giving up is equal to losing popular support."

"Lord, we should send more support."

A group of counsellors have their own opinions and their own reasons.

Cao Cao was very irritable ~www.readwn.com~ At this time Jia Xu came out and said, "Master, Zhang Yu's soldiers are waiting for us to make mistakes. Wherever we make a mistake, he dared to attack. It's better to break his thoughts and mobilize our troops. , Ate and attacked Xuchang all the way, and then attacked Xiapi City."

Cao Cao frowned, and after thinking for a while, he asked: "Then Taishan County and the surrounding area may not be able to keep it."

Jia Xu said again: "No, add fuel tactics and be eaten by Zhang Yu a little bit. We will have a harder time."

Cao Cao thought for a long time, and then said, "Okay, that's it. Ang'er immediately mobilized troops and horses to encircle Zhang Yu's army."

Cao Jun decided to use Jia Xu's strategy to fight against Zhang Yu.

At the same time, he ordered the army of Taishan County to deal with Zhang Yu as much as possible, not to fight recklessly, to run if they could not fight, and not to give up the city easily.

(End of this chapter)

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