The Strongest System

Chapter 867: This is the earth (fourth more)

Even if some Zerg turned over to the chicken, in the twinkling of an eye, a flame rose from the chicken and directly burned the worm to ashes.

Overbearing, it is really overbearing.

A paw of a chicken suppresses a zerg, swallowing a zerg.

This time, Ling Tianzong and others, the heart trembled fiercely, so fierce and fierce beasts, it is too overbearing.

But for everyone, I don't know what a beast is this chicken.

"court death."

At this moment, the ancestors saw that their own people were so oppressed by this ugly beast, and naturally they could not stand it.

Countless feet only rise to the sky, the dark touch of the feet is terrible, even time and space can be cut off, not to mention chicken.

Chickens have no problem with these small bugs, but it is still too much to deal with the ancestors of this eternal god.

Lin Fan’s figure flashed, and a sword rose from the sky. The light shone and the sword split into the void.

Those incomparably touching feet are like paper paste, and they are instantly split and sprayed with green blood.

The miserable scream broke out from the giant mouth of the ancestors.

"It's so strong."

Ling Tianzi looked at the scene in front of him, his heart trembled, and then he looked at Ling Tianzi. He didn't know the strong man who came from this disciple.

However, in the eyes of Ling Tianzi, is this situation going to be a huge change?


Taking advantage of this gap, Ling Weiwei came to the side of the Sovereign, and the hundreds of spiritual people were integrated into the disciples. When they knew that many of the brothers and brothers died in the hands of the Zerg, the hearts of the people were also entangled.

"No power, who is it?" Ling Tianzi looked at Lin Fan, who was looking at the ancestors, and asked without doubt.

"The Sovereign, the man is the Terran Emperor." Then Ling Weiwei explained the things of the giant sharks.

After hearing it, the stunned color of Ling Tianzi’s face was very unbelievable.

How is it possible to destroy the entire giant shark?

The giant sharks are the top ten beasts of the ancient times. The racial strength is strong, especially the shark ancestors are even more powerful, and they are not something that ordinary people can handle.

Some disciples around, after learning about Ling Wuwei’s experience, were shocked. They did not expect that there would be such strong people besides the ancients in the world.


"Who are you?" At this time, the ancestors looked at Lin Fan with vigilance, and his vigilant look also contained endless anger.

For the ancestors, this abominable guy dared to marry him twice.

But these two times, let the ancestors understand that the strength of this creature in front of us is no small feat.

"Zerg? This kind of family is strange, ugly." Lin Fan looked up and down, then revealed the color of doubt. "How do you look like a beggar?"

The cockroaches that Lin Fan said are only a kind of worm that existed in the past.

Today, this ancestor is very similar to that.

"You actually humiliated the great to the high zerg." When the ancestors heard it, they exploded in an instant, and countless feet swayed, as if they wanted to tear Lin Fan apart.

"Xuanhuangjie, the Terran Emperor, the cockroach, remember the title of the Emperor, but don't know who it is, but I don't know who it is." Lin Fan said with a smile.

This solution is a university question, but it is not learned by ordinary people.

"Human nationality, oh, the human race is about to die, the ancestors are the king of the Zerg, and they will not die." The worm screamed, and then sneered again and again, as if thinking of something.

"Bug bug, what are you laughing?" Lin Fan asked.

"Stop, my ancestors are not bugs, you are a small family, you will pay a painful price." The ancestors waved countless feet, making people shudder.

"Bug bug, the Emperor asks you, what are you laughing at?" I don't know when the Axe of Eternity has been caught in the hands of Lin Fan.

"Go to my ancestors to die."

Suddenly, the insect ancestors turned into a Changhong, and they came to Lin Fan.

"Hey, the hundred insects, let the Emperor, cut you into a stick." Lin Fan laughed, the eternal axe fiercely stroked, a long rainbow broke through, split everything, annihilate all.

Every foot of the ancestors, every time the swing, the void is like a white paper, was cut, and in this moment, there are countless cracks in the void, these are caused by the worm's swinging feet. sign.

The violent emptiness of the emptiness is filled between the heavens and the earth. If it is a general strong, at this moment, I am afraid that it has been strangled into the void.

But for Lin Fan, it’s all like itching, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t feel anything at all.


The eruption of Changhong, a tragic cry, resounded between heaven and earth.

"Bug, you are too weak in the eyes of the Emperor."

One person, one axe, and a simple stroke, it is earth-shattering.

The ancestors suddenly found themselves touching their feet at this moment, all of which were chapped, and the body was like a stick, rolling over the ground.

"Awful, hateful..."

The worm screamed, and a green blood flow came out of the removed foot.

"How?" Lin Fan himself cultivated as a **** of heaven, although he did not prove the eternal position, but the strength is also against the sky.

Although this ancestor is powerful, but compared with Lin Fan, it is really too much, too much.

Now between the heavens and the earth, the strong man who can kill Lin Fan, maybe, maybe not.

But the strong who can not be killed by Lin Fan are few and far between.

Even if the ancients are high, how can they fight for a battle, Lin Fan has a 70% grasp, relying on himself to kill the ancients to the highest, if they borrow the ancients, they are naturally 100% killed.

As for the ancestors, in the eyes of Lin Fan, it is just an ant.

"It's so strong."

At this moment, everyone in Lingtianzong was already dumbfounded. They didn't expect things to become like this.

The ancestors who were so powerful in their view, in front of this Terran emperor, could not resist a move.

The rest of the Zerg, at the foot of the ferocious beast, is also very miserable.

The flesh and blood flew, and there was no dead body.


At this time, the chickens are like a sinister evil. When they saw these zergs, they broke out infinite fighting power.

For chickens, there is only one idea right now.

That is eating... eating... eating.

"The Terran Emperor, the abominable Terran, the ancestors will let your Terran dissipate in the world." The worm screamed, and then a strange sound broke out.

"Oh, I am afraid that you are going to be disappointed. The Xuanhuangjie has been under the protection of the Emperor. What can you do with this bug?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Hey! The Terran, the only thing is that the Xuanhuangjie is the Terran." The ancestors screamed, and then violently opened a huge mouth, and a sacred explosion broke out.

In a flash, a virtual shadow appeared.

Lin Fan saw this scene, his brow slammed.

The meteorites dragged their long tails and flew fast in the endless universe, and the destination of countless meteorites was the blue world.


The picture turns.

From the rock, countless Zerg are resurrected, blowing the horn that devours all living beings, and thoroughly fighting this blue world.


Lin Fan, this is not his hometown...


Lin Fan brows a move, the whole body is imposing, and the fierce explosion comes out, one commanding.


The Zerg instantly turns into two halves.


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