The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 101: Laxus Wins, 76% Progress!

Accompanied by a huge roar.

The rock iron giant was pierced through the body by the golden thunder dragon, entangled upwards, contracted the pressure, and the bound giant disintegrated continuously.


Is this the end?


The moment the rock iron giant was penetrated.

However, it seemed that the flames of war had been completely aroused.

Grabbing the brontosaurus with one hand, carrying endless gravity, it pressed down towards the ground.


A heavy voice sounded.

The thunder dragon hit the ground, making a deafening dragon cry, and immediately took advantage of the momentum, shattering the arm that was pressing on his body.

One man and one dragon.

Directly staged a monster duel.

The huge momentum frightened the people around them so that they couldn't say a word.


It's just too scary.

When they simply fought with Jura at the beginning, they still felt that Jura was not as strong as imagined, but now it seems that the previous opponent was completely using defensive magic.

When Jura truly reveals the destructive power of rock!

Of course.

Stronger than Jura alone.

The real shocker was Laxus.

Except for Liu Yun, no one could have expected his strength to be so strong, the Golden Thunder Dragon was on par with Jura's Rockman. twenty four

Even, it gave the other party great pressure.

"Look at it."

Liu Yun's voice diverted all attention, and while watching the battle, he explained: "This battle is not just a battle, and many of you can learn from it."

Natsu and others nodded.

This level of battle can not be seen all the time.

Boom boom boom!

In the ups and downs, after experiencing the final confrontation.

The giant was already broken, and only half of the Thunder Dragon's body was left.

In the field filled with thick smoke, only the topless people were still barely in place, and at the last moment, they fell backwards at the same time.


Those who are a little more careful can find that Jura fell first than Laxus.

The battle was victoriously won by Laxus.

Lying on the ground and taking short breaths for a few seconds, Jura, who barely recovered some strength, eased from the shock, sat up, looked at Laxus in front of him and smiled.

"I didn't expect that I would lose this time. As expected of the grandson of His Excellency Makarov."

"You're not bad, uncle."

Maybe it's a recognition of Jura's strength.

Facing the same words, Laxus didn't bother to argue with Jura.

Of course.

Physical exhaustion is beyond calculation and not impossible.

Using two kinds of power at the same time, Laxus not only exhausted his magic power, but also completely exhausted his physical strength. Now he doesn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

"Next time, I will come again."

Jura held out her hand towards him.

Laxus smiled and took the extended arm.

"I'll be waiting for you."

Although he won, Laxus did not underestimate his opponent.

on the contrary.

He was shocked by Jura's control over rocks, even fine sand and gravel could be easily controlled without being damaged by lightning. This is not something anyone can do.

After standing up, Laxus and Jura walked towards the outside of the arena, Natsu and others immediately went up to meet them, and there were bursts of exclamations at the moment they approached.

"It hurt a little bit."

"too crazy."

take a closer look,

Both Laxus and Jura had scars on their bodies.

Between the strong, it is inevitable that there will be injuries in the battle, not to mention that both of them used their strongest means in the end, so it is normal to be injured.

Regarding this, the two of Lak didn't care about it, and the breath adjustment recovered.

"Leave it to me."

Sherria came out from behind and put her hands on the two of them. Her hands emitted soft magic waves, and the superficial trauma healed in no time.

"Sherria, do you know healing magic?"

As if they had discovered a new continent, the onlookers made a surprised sound.

"Don't you know?"

Lisanna said: "Sherria is a magician who destroys the gods of the sky. She has the ability to heal and is a very powerful magic."

"Heavenly Destroyer Sorcerer? Rumored to be even rarer than dragon slayer magic?"

"Why don't I know anything?"

Natsu was surprised.

Hearing this, Gray said next to him: "Nonsense, besides eating, what else can you know?"

"Thank you, Sherria."

Laxus said after recovering from his injuries.

"It's okay, it's what I should do."

In the face of everyone's praise, Sherria had a shy expression.

The battle is over.

The gymnasium has returned to its former calm.

Laxus is still practicing under the guidance of Liu Yun. Unlike before, in addition to basic training, Laxus will also fight with Jura.

We fought almost once a day or two. Anyway, with the help of Sherria, there were no problems with injuries.

During the period when Jura stayed in the gymnasium, the two fought more than a dozen times.

During the period, there were wins and losses between the two sides, and overall Laxus won the most.

In the practice field.

Liu Yun sat on the edge, watching the battle between Laxus and Jura.

At the same time, the system panel was opened to observe the progress of Laxus.

【Student】: Laxus

【Ability】: Thunder Dragon Slayer magic, Qigong master inheritance

【Grade】: Qualified

【Academic Completion】: 76%.

"It has actually improved so much."

Looking at the data panel, Liu Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

073 He clearly remembers that when he first joined the gym, Laxus was at most 20 progress, although during this period of practice, he has already broken through the 80 barrier.

This improvement is really not small, and it has slowly caught up with Erza et al.

Come to think of it, give Laxus another year... no! A few months or less, you can suddenly be sentenced to experience time.

Among them are not only the advantages inherited by qigong masters, but also the power of dragon slayer magic.

A collection between the two produced a decent response.

Not only that.

The presence of Jura helps tremendously.

With a suitable sparring partner, the effect is no worse than the first props of life.

He masters rock magic, has excellent magic power control, not to mention his seasoned experience, no one would dislike such an uncle character just because of his calm and reliable personality.

The premise is that Makarov is not mentioned in Laxus, and everything else is easy to talk about.


It is impossible for such a person to stay.

When Jura told Liu Yun that she was going to leave, Liu Yun felt a little bit reluctant.

"Aren't you going to stay for a few more days? Is the food in the gym not good?"

"No, that's not what I mean, Granny Ooba has been urging me, I have to go back, there are some things I need to deal with.

Jura apologized. .

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