The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 104: Thirty-Two Times The Speed Of Cultivation!

Eight layers of pressure are not weak.

However, Liu Yun still didn't stop there, and walked towards the fifth floor by himself.

Straight across to the sixth floor.


"Does thirty-two times have this effect?"

Feeling his own pressure, Liu Yun spoke with difficulty.

In fact,

At this time, Liu Yun ascended to the sixth floor completely relying on the strength of his body, and he can completely release his own strength and relieve the pressure on himself.

But in order to better feel the effect of the Hundred Times Training Tower, he chose to give up this plan.


This is also an excellent time to test the limits of the physical body.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yun slowly walked towards the stairs to the sixth floor.

The distance is not long, about ten meters away.

However, this is the distance of more than ten meters, but Liu Yun walked very hard, and beads of sweat even appeared on his forehead.

You know, even when fighting Serena with physical skills, Liu Yun didn't have this kind of situation.

One can imagine the situation he suffered at this time.


Road 1

A lot of sweat fell from Liu Yun's body, and it took him almost a few minutes to reach the stairway on the fifth floor from the entrance on the fourth floor.

And that's just the beginning.

The position near the stairway does not mean that everything is over, but it is the beginning of the test.

There are thirty-three steps on the first floor, and each step is fifteen centimeters in height.

However, in Liu Yun's eyes, these thirty-three steps are like a heavenly ladder, but even so, he has no intention of backing down.

Take a deep breath.

Liu Yun exerted strength on his right leg, lifted his right leg that was as heavy as Mount Tai, and began to climb the steps.

However, with just this action, the muscles of his whole body began to ache, and his soul also had some fluctuations.

The pressure is too much.

So big that his physical body has begun to be a little bit unbearable.

After ascending the first step, the left leg was also pulled up, straddling the second step.

During this period, Liu Yun paused briefly for a few minutes to recover his strength and relieve stress.

After waiting for about the same time, he continued to open his legs and continued up towards the seventh floor.

The whole process took a full hour.

Liu Yun just crossed from the sixth floor to the seventh floor.

However, the moment his front foot stepped onto the seventh floor, Liu Yun's body shook violently as if he had been hammered by a god.

Sixty-four times the pressure fell on his body instantly.

too heavy.

too heavy!


If it wasn't for Liu Yun's timely reaction, he would have collapsed almost instantly.

But even if he didn't fall to the ground, Liu Yun's body was almost bent, and the clothes on his body were completely soaked in sweat.

"The pressure is just right, so I can practice here."

Sixty-four times is already so terrifying.

The eighth floor, which is 128 times higher, is definitely not something he can go up, and it may not be crushed into minced meat the moment he goes up.

Without thinking too much, Liu Yun decided to practice on the seventh floor.

Suppressing the discomfort, Liu Yun bent down, supported the ground with both hands, and squatted down little by little, so as not to practice lying down.

Sitting cross-legged, Liu Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

But doing so can only relieve a little, the pressure on the body still exists, and it hasn't disappeared at all.

See here.

Liu Yun also closed his eyes and began to practice his own skills.

Time passed bit by bit.

During this period, Liu Yun sat on the seventh floor without moving, practicing the magic eye of death and extracting his own thoughts, and his consciousness has fallen into a state of emptiness.

During this process, Liu Yun didn't even realize it himself.

Under the terrifying high pressure, his own soul was growing little by little, and with this, the pressure on him was also shrinking little by little.

If Liu Yun saw it, he would definitely shout out in surprise.

You must know that until now, if Liu Yun wanted to improve his own soul power, he could only do so by ingesting other people's souls.

Although there is a little increase in daily practice, the effect produced is minimal.

This kind of improvement speed has already achieved the effect of two or three months on weekdays, and even much more.

This is not only the soul, but Liu Yun's body also has great movement. Under strong pressure, the generation speed of the prison force is greatly improved.

The emerging golden light has completely enveloped his body.

that's all.

From night to day, Liu Yun practiced on the Hundred Times Training Pagoda for a full ten hours.

When the next day, dawn.

The closed eyes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened the eyes.

...asking for flowers...

A cold light flickered in the pitch-black eyes for an instant, and a foul breath was exhaled from the mouth.

After waking up, Liu Yun didn't notice anything, until he raised his hand as he was used to, and he froze for a moment, because he spent a lot of effort yesterday.

" hand? raised?!"

"What's going on here? Maybe the pressure is gone."

Such an idea came to Liu Yun's mind.

But as soon as this idea surfaced, Liu Yun denied it.

Because, such a situation is absolutely impossible to happen. The things sent by the system have absolute capabilities and cannot be destroyed, let alone malfunction.

The only possible problem is only yourself.

Thinking about it, Liu Yun closed his eyes again to feel the changes in himself after a night of practice.


But... the moment he closed his eyes, his body trembled, and infinite surprise burst out on his face.

"What's happening here?!"

Inside state.

Liu Yun only saw that his soul power increased by one-tenth, and his mind power increased by one-sixth, and this was the result of practicing all night.

"This is too scary."

Liu Yun was a little dumbfounded.

He had expected that the effect of the Hundred Times Training Tower would be good, but such a terrifying effect completely exceeded his expectations, it was too terrifying.

Even soaking in the life hot spring has no such effect.

Still, that's not a big deal.

Not only these two aspects have been improved, but Liu Yun also found that the Demon Eye of Death, who has not started for a long time, has officially stepped on the road of cultivation.

The moment Liu Yun opened his eyes, the world turned gray.

The ground and walls were stained with a layer of gray, this is the performance of the direct death demon eye, although there are no lines and dots, the reason is that the hundred times training tower cannot be destroyed.

The thread of death and the point of death naturally cannot appear.

This discovery undoubtedly caused Liu Yun to almost jump in surprise.

According to this speed of cultivation, I will soon be able to break through again.

at the same time.

Just when Liu Yun was immersed in joy, Natsu and others woke up and found this new tower.

Before they had breakfast, they rushed towards the Hundred Times Training Tower one by one.

Pairs of eyes stared blankly at Gao Tanai who had no idea when he would appear in front of him. .

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