The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 108: Collecting A Large Number Of Books, The Dao Museum's Library!

"Cough cough."

Facing the words full of resentment, Liu Yun couldn't help coughing a few times to remind Mirajane.

After all, I am a teacher.

How can you say such teasing words in front of everyone?


Liu Yun doesn't know.

Everyone in the gymnasium has long been familiar with it. After all, it is obvious to all that Mirajane likes Liu Yun.

But this scene was different in Erza's eyes.

"Mirajane, the teacher has just finished practicing very hard, you should relax quickly and let the teacher take a good rest.'

Not to be outdone, Mirajane said: "No, it's been so long since I haven't seen each other, I've been with the teacher all day today, and I can wait for the teacher to rest.

"Whoever is like you, who is hard and wears armor every day, will not like you."


Mirajane puffed out her chest, showing her growth during this time.

And this scene quickly angered Erza.

"What are you talking about, you bad woman who likes to show her belly button and seduce the teacher!"

"Who are you talking about!"

Seeing the two arguing,

The people around silently stepped back a few steps, for fear of being hurt by the fish in the pond.

After all, everyone else knew about the strength of the two of them. They were completely monsters. If they were not careful, they would have to lie in bed for several months.

It's okay to be injured.

The key is that in this way, the cultivation in the cultivation tower is all in vain.


The other guys are not idle either,

Lisanna ran to Liu Yun and asked.

"Teacher, teacher, which floor have you been practicing these days? Sister Mirajane said that she has been going to the sixth floor, but she still hasn't seen you."

"The sixth floor? Mirajane is still on the sixth floor?"

There was a flash of surprise in Liu Yun's face.

Lisanna nodded, and said: "It's not just Mirajane sister, Erza sister has been there.

Wen Yan,

Liu Yun felt even more strange.

The sixth floor is thirty-two times.

It's fine if Erza goes up,

Normally, Mirajane should not be able to go up, why... Wait, can it be said?


Liu Yun opened the system panel.

【The strongest teacher system】

【Grade】: Level 4

【Hall Owner】: Liu Yun

【Elite students】: Erza, Mirajane

【Qualified students】: Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Laxus, Sting, Rogue, Lisanna, Sherria

[Special Facilities]: Practice Field, Meditation Room, Life Hot Spring, Tree of Life, Hundredfold Training Tower.

[Promotion Conditions]: Elite Disciple (2/5)

'Sure enough, I made the cut. "

Seeing the figure of Mirajane appearing in the column of elite students, Liu Yun's eyes flickered with a light.

Thirty-two times the pressure is not something everyone can bear.

Mirajane's ability to enter meant that he had made another breakthrough in his strength, and it was estimated that he made the breakthrough when he practiced wholeheartedly.

Otherwise, otherwise he would not have noticed it at all.

Liu Yun was not too surprised.

Mirajane's strength itself is very strong, but there is less pressure. As long as the time is up, everything will become natural.

Mirajane broke through and Liu Yun also received an elite reward.

Liu Yun didn't open it immediately.

Rewards are good, but the current predicament is the most trouble he should solve.

Before Liu Yun absorbed a lot of knowledge and principles of this world, even if Liu Yun got the best elite rewards, it would not be of much use.

Wait until the right time to open it again.

Too much to chew.

This is the case with Liu Yun now.

Ethereal, eight-door dungeon, swordsmanship, ghost way binding, etc...

He needs a large amount of knowledge reserves to assist himself in absorbing all these things.

"Teacher, what are you thinking? Are you too tired?"

Seeing that Liu Yun didn't answer for a long time, Lisanna thought that Liu Yun was working too hard, and there was a worried look in her eyes.

"No matter (ceai), on the contrary, I am in a very good state now, and I have grown a little bit compared to before.

Liu Yun said.

"Another improvement?"

Everyone is close.

Liu Yun's strength is already comparable to the king of heaven, and if he continues to go up, how strong is he already.

"Yes, teacher, which floor are you on?" Natsu also ran over and asked.

Gray and others did not speak,

However, judging from the reactions on their faces, they were obviously very curious.

Liu Yun simply said the answer: "I have been practicing on the eighth floor all this time, so you can't see me.


"The eighth floor!"

Words fell.

Everyone present showed horror.

The difficulty of each floor of the cultivation tower is doubled upwards, so the pressure of cultivation on the eighth floor is only 128 times.

They couldn't even hold on to the eight-fold cultivation on the fourth floor.

However, Liu Yun entered the eighth floor by himself, which lasted for nearly two months. How could they not be shocked?

"This is too powerful."

Everyone said from the bottom of their hearts.

Invisibly, several people worshiped Liu Yun more and more.

Liu Yun enjoyed it quite a bit, but considering the danger, he still cautiously reminded: "I'll forget it, but now you guys still start to practice from the bottom."

"After adapting to an area, go up."

"is teacher."

Everyone nodded.

However, it's still two words if you really don't have a conversation.

Natsu's is just that.

His eyeballs rolled around, not knowing what he was thinking about.


Liu Yun sneered in his heart, and then spoke.

"One more thing, when I'm not here, have you practiced well, and have you done what I asked you to double your practice before Natsu.


Natsu shed a lot of cold sweat in an instant, with a faltering appearance.

"This... this, this...."

"Hmph, don't use this or that, I will check everyone's cultivation later, and you are the one who will focus on the inspection, if you haven't reached it"

"Don't! Teacher, I was wrong."

Liu Yun will not beg for mercy from Natsu.

Now that he came out, Liu Yun naturally wanted to check everyone's cultivation results.

for the rest of the time,

Liu Yun has returned to the state of salted fish again, and the days of health preservation have passed, but he has one more hobby, which is reading.

A lot of money was spent, and many books about magic were bought in the market.

Buy all kinds of books to increase the inventory of gymnasiums.

There are so many books that the whole room can't fit, Liu Yun specially separates a room in the gymnasium to store books alone.

It can be regarded as a building he developed alone.

This building can not only collect the outside world, but Liu Yun's own skills can also be stored in it.

In the future, if you encounter something you don't understand, a few students can also go to the library to read books by themselves. .

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