The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 118: Jellal Joins The Battle, The Melee Begins!

Explosion spread over a large area.

A large number of rocks rolled down, and the terrifying momentum did not stop for a long time. Brain struggled to get out of the rocks and lay on the ground.

That's right.

With only one blow, Brain couldn't take it down. .

At the moment of the explosion, he didn't dodge in time.

At this moment, Brain was in a panic.

Not only is the hair disheveled, like a beggar, not only that, but blood is constantly oozing from his body, and he is completely different from the arrogant appearance just now.

"This guy's strength is so strong!"

Brain was extremely shocked inside.

He knew Liu Yun's strength, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, which was completely beyond his imagination.

At this time, the crisis was constantly approaching him.

A stream of cold sweat dripped from Brain's forehead, and in a crisis, Brain suddenly roared angrily: "Jellal, are you still planning to come out?!"

The sound of shaking resounded throughout the sky.

With the sound falling, a golden streamer descended from the sky in the next second, and this person was obviously Jellal himself.

"Teacher, calling me out in such a hurry is too embarrassing."

"Stop talking nonsense, you guy has been watching me, okay.

The chairman of Wu replied.

This is

My own guess, guess that Jellal is around 353.

And so it is.

Jellal had arrived a long time ago, but the reason why he didn't make a move was just to see how strong Liu Yun was.

As for why it appeared at this time, it simply couldn't be hidden anymore, Brain would definitely attack himself if he was dealt with.

"Nice meeting, Your Excellency Liu Yun."

Jellal looked at Liu Yun.

Strictly speaking, it was the first time the two met.

"Finally willing to come out?"

Liu Yun said calmly.

That's right.

He has been waiting for Jellal all this time, and if Ultear appears in this mission, then Jellal will naturally have his footprints.

He hadn't killed Brain but had waited for Jellal to come forward.

The biggest reason for agreeing to take over the task is to clear the obstacles.

"It seems that you have also discovered it." Jellal smiled, he was not surprised at all, after all, it is impossible for a person like Liu Yun to guess the deep meaning of not dispatching Ultear.

"Let's do it together."

Brain scolded, interrupting their chat.

His condition is too bad, he needs to use magic power to stabilize his injuries, and he must make a quick decision,


The two top magicians erupted with the strongest power at the same time, but Liu Yun showed an expression of indifference. In his opinion, one and the other are the same.

"Do it!"


The voice fell.

Brain and Jellal both started at the same time.

The super-horrific power spread out, swept the entire snow field, and a new battle started again.

"Often dark obliteration!"


Countless streaks of dark green light spewed out from Brain's hands, turning into a large amount of pitch-black rain, falling crazily towards Liu Yun.

At the same time, Qi Lal also released the Seven Star Sword.

A golden magic circle is suspended above the sky, there are seven in total, and each one is shining with dazzling light.

"Seven Star Sword!"

One light and one dark.

The two forces are intertwined, and their power has surpassed that of Serena.

"Good strength."

Looking at the incoming attack, Liu Yun also gave a sigh of admiration.

Brain needless to say, as for Jellal itself is also very strong.

Born with excellent magical ability and talent.

When he was only twelve years old, under the guidance of Brain, he showed a talent comparable to that of the Holy Ten, which is extremely rare.

This is why Jellal itself can become Holy Cross with just one thought body.

Even, even if Natsu, who had awakened the power of the dragon, defeated him, it was because of his previous injury that he forcibly terminated the battle.

If the fight had continued at that time, the winner would have been Jellal, not Natsu.

But he also showed his own strength.

Comparable to the powerful magic of the king of heaven.

"Psyche Shield!" (cefj)

Golden thought power emerged from Liu Yun's body, turning into a light shield to isolate everything.

Any attack that fell towards him was automatically blocked by him, without hurting him at all.

Take a step.

One fights with Jellal and Brain.

The violent power fell crazily, and a large part of the entire snow mountain area was razed to the ground by the battle of the three, and countless stones rolled down.

A new battle begins,

The power of terror surpassed by an unknown number of times before.

And in this area not far away, there is a small figure watching the battle here, and this person is the former Ultear.

After all, I couldn't help my inner curiosity.

Of course.

This was also related to her thinking that Liu Yun could not win, so she hid and watched the battle from a distance. At this time, she was watching this scene from a distance, her beautiful eyes were full of horror.

"This man can't be defeated by one against two?"

The combined forces of Brain and Jellal.

Even Ulfheim is not invincible, but he still can't take Liu Yun directly. This strength is a bit too terrifying.


Light shifts.

Jellal's whole body exudes dazzling light, and his figure moves quickly in the air, drawing seven magic circles!

"Really, Tian Xingjian!"

Words fell.

Seven beams of light descended at the same time, impacting the golden light surrounding Liu Yun, trying to break it apart directly.


Not to mention it was broken, just a slight shock, the burst of golden light shattered the beam of light.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple, no wonder you can beat Brain."

staring at this scene,

Some fluctuations flashed in Jellal's eyes who temporarily pulled away.

Some situations are tricky only when you encounter them. Fighting Liu Yun face to face, he also felt the pressure that Brain felt.

"Fight with all your strength, this guy is a monster, otherwise it will be difficult to let him leave here.

Brain's voice came from the side.

Judging from that weak reaction, his magic power and physical strength can't last long.

"I don't need you to tell me."

Jellal's eyes shifted again.

With hands crossed above the head, a black spot that looks like a black hole emerges. The moment the black spot appears, a strong attraction spreads to an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

A large number of chaotic rocks kept rushing towards Jellal's hands and became part of it.

Dark Paradise

One of the celestial magic, imitating a black hole.

At the moment of release, even the surrounding shadows will extend towards itself in the opposite direction, creating a black hole that sucks everything, sucking everything into endless darkness and destroying it. .

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