The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 124: Fat Meat Delivered To Your Door!

Returned to the gym.

Everyone has a feeling of surviving the disaster for the occurrence of this incident.

no way,

All of a sudden.

In the course of the battle, not only Oracion Seis appeared, but also demons and even magus powers appeared.

Could it be that the teacher prepared the assessment for them?

If so, it's too scary.

To this.

Liu Yun didn't bother to explain, he could think of whatever he wanted, and it was impossible for him to be a babysitter for several people all the time~.

To become a qualified mage, you still need independent thinking ability-.

In contrast,

The Magic Council is - a real headache.

Such a big thing happened, and the power of the magic wizard was used. All the major guilds and kingdoms questioned the Magic Council and asked about the situation.

Magic Council.

In the magnificent palace, members of the House of Representatives are sitting together to discuss issues.

But it was a discussion, but the whole process was extremely quiet, and a heavy atmosphere surrounded the huge meeting room.

There was a long silence.

Ouge in the second seat said: "I have to take the initiative to come to apologize, otherwise I'm afraid the other party will take action against us, and the matter will become even bigger by then.

Magic Council offered to apologize.

Such a thing has never happened in the past, and members of Congress believe that it will not happen in the future.

However, in the face of Ouge's proposal, everyone fell into silence. If it was normal, someone would inevitably jump out and accuse Ouge of being weak.

The problem is that the existence of that man does not allow them not to give up their dignity.

Even one of the foundations of the Magic Council cannot shake the opponent's strength. If it is not dealt with properly, the Magic Council may not need to exist.

After all, with that man's character, this kind of thing can definitely be done.

some tangled,

Everyone silently chose to nod.


"What do you mean? They want to worship me as a teacher?"

Liu Yun looked at Gajeel and Cobra kneeling in front of him strangely, and didn't know what to say, especially when he learned the whole thing.

The corner of Liu Yun's mouth twitched a few times.

Lost the bet.

Gajeel naturally has to fulfill the agreement. Although his personality is a bit bad, he still has to do the good things that should be done.

Originally, he planned to kowtow a few times before running away.

But after discovering how powerful Liu Yun is, Gajeel, who wanted to take revenge again and regain face in Natsu's hand, had the idea of ​​apprenticeship.

By the way, Cobra was also pulled.

Cobra has a look of reluctance on his face.

Firstly, my status is special compared to Gajeel, so apprenticeship may be like a sheep's mouth, and secondly, I'm used to being unrestrained, so how could I agree to apprenticeship?

But Gajeel was so enthusiastic that he pulled him over abruptly.

There is the present scene.

At the same time, Natsu also explained triumphantly.

"Teacher, look at how I brought back two students, how can I be great.

While talking, he still showed the expression of "quickly praise me".


Seeing Natsu's stinky fart, Liu Yun slapped him unhappily, causing him to fall to the ground with his head in his arms in pain.

"Why did you hit me?"

"It's you who hit me. You know how to kidnap and traffic people at only a few years old. Have I ever taught you such a thing?"

Liu Yun waited curiously.

What a joke.

It made me, a teacher, seem to be ignored by no one.

With my own strength, I am afraid that I can't find good students, so do I still need my own students to attract people?

Lesson Natsu passed, Liu Yun transferred to Gajeel and Cobra.


Two more Dragon Slayers were sent, Liu Yun must be lying when he said that he didn't want it.

Let alone two, he can accept more, but considering their past misdeeds, it is impossible to accept them directly, and they need to be polished.

Laxus was a nice guy compared to them all.

And depending on the situation, one of them is not very willing, which is fine.

Liu Yun said seriously: "Are you two sure you want to be defeated by me?"

"Yes, Teacher Liu Yun."

Gajeel hastily answered.

"In this case, according to the rules, I still need to test you. Now go out and do a hundred good things for me, and then come back to me."


Hearing this, Gajeel suddenly froze.

The same goes for Cobra.

The two of them never expected that "Ryumi would make such a request.

"There's no reason, it's just a test of your character. There are no people with bad intentions in the gymnasium, but if you can correct your evil ways, there is still a chance."

...ask for flowers‥

"If you don't want to, just leave."

finished speaking,

Liu Yun left.

Mental skills must be changed. The gymnasium not only teaches, but also teaches the principles of life.

Not to mention teaching the way of chivalry and righteousness, but never teaching crooked ways, this is the most basic principle of Liu Yun.

Walking back to the main hall, Liu Yun was ready to rest.


It is at such a time.

Outside the gate, an unexpected figure appeared.

If Makarov was present, he would be able to tell that this person was none other than Crawford, the chairman of the Magic Council.

The chairman of the Magic Council visited the gym in person, but it was still a sneaky situation.

If this news gets out, it is guaranteed to involve a whole lot of things.

"Oh, is it coming so soon?"

Just as Lisanna opened the door, Liu Yun's voice came over, and Lisanna also turned her head.

"Teacher, you are here, do you need tea?"

"Get ready, join me in the past."

at noon,

At this time of weekdays, Liu Yun has the habit of drinking afternoon tea.

After Lisanna left the preparations, Liu Yun also said straight to the point: "Let's talk about this decision by the Magic Council."

Liu Yun didn't intend to waste time.

There is no thought of letting the other party in for tea.

In order to deal with the matter as soon as possible, Crawford didn't care, and said directly: "Magic Council can pay, and the hush money is 1 billion J."

Billion J.

This is not a small amount.

But Liu Yun was still dissatisfied with this, and continued to ask: "What else? You just want to fool me with such little things."

Wen Yan,

Crawford looked calm, because long before he came, he was ready to be opened by Liu Yun.



"In addition, we have also prepared two billion high-quality magic crystals for you, and at the same time provide 500 million funds to the gymnasium as compensation every year.

"But the Magic Council has a request."

"That is, I hope you can cooperate with us in this matter and transfer all the responsibilities to Oracion Seis.".

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