The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 134: The Fainting Girl!

have to say,

Once practiced, the effect of Liuku Immortal Thief greatly exceeded Liu Yun's expectations.

Cooperating with the natural environment of the primitive deep forest and the pure magic power of the atmosphere, Liuku's current cultivation speed is very fast, first of all, the transformation of an organ is completed.

Accompanied by the successful transformation of the first organ.

Liu Yun could clearly feel that the flow speed of his mind power was greatly accelerated, and he had more mind power in reserve.

Normally, if Liu Yun can mobilize the willpower of 1, then the current effect is 1.3, don't underestimate the improvement of this point.

When used in battle, a small difference can greatly increase combat power.

one can imagine,

At the end of the training, all six organs have been successfully transformed, which can at least double the improvement, or even more.

Being able to double the combat power is scary enough.

To know,

Liu Yun's current strength is comparable to the lowest level of the Holy Shield, and if he is twice as strong, it will be very terrifying.

the other side.

Mirajane also got the practice method of the second stage of returning to the blade, and began to try the practice of the second stage of returning to the blade, concentrating the mind to cultivate her own thoughts.

Today, Liu Yun is the same as usual.

"Dad, come here!"

Suddenly, Wendy's voice came from ahead, interrupting Liu Yun's train of thought.

"Wendy? Did something happen?"

The voice was slightly anxious.

It stands to reason that Wendy, who has the strength of the Holy Ten, does not need to worry about Liu Yun, but thinking that she is only an eight-year-old, Liu Yun quickly approached her.

When we arrived, we saw a stream, and Wendy was on the edge of the stream.

In addition, there was a thin little girl lying at her feet.

It was a girl with dark hair.

Wearing a long gray tattered dress, his arms were partially bruised, his face was covered in mud, his eyes were closed, and he obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

Wen Wen tried to use his own magic to save the other party, but Wendy, who had only a preliminary understanding of the use of magic, couldn't help much at all.

Wendy burst into tears the moment she saw Liu Yun. "Father, I... just tried to practice magic here, and found out that I have a sister here."

"I tried to help him, but it didn't work."

"This... this person is dying..."


Liu Yun stepped forward in an instant.

Hold the arm of the little girl on the ground, touch it lightly, and let out a little breath.

"It's okay, she's still alive."


Wendy said with red eyes.


Liu Yun nodded.

He didn't finish his sentence. In fact, this little girl was already in a very dangerous state, and if it was delayed for a while, the vitality in her body would almost be exhausted.

Liu Yun gathered the strength of the Immortal Thief of the Liuku that she had just cultivated, and turned it all over to her, barely stabilizing the lost vitality.

"Go back to the magic airship first."

The environment in the tribe is good, but there are also many missing things.

The magic airship is the latest model, and it has everything that should be in it, including the life potion made by Liu Yun. At this time, the magic airship is parked in a forest next to the tribe

He picked up the little black-haired girl with one hand and Wendy with the other.

Liu Yun quickly approached the inside of the magic airship, took out the life potion and gave it to the little girl.

All that's left is to wait.


Mirajane returned, and the little girl took the initiative to take care of the little girl.

Liu Yun also left.

He is not a ruthless person, he can do whatever comes easily, and he doesn't bother to care about the rest.

But Wendy cared about it and stayed with Mirajane to look after it.

late at night

The little girl woke up.

The first thing she said was that she was thirsty, and Mirajane, who was watching her, then fed her some fountain of life.

When leaving the gym.

Some springs of life and fruits of life collected by Liu Yun just in case, and now they are just in use.


The girl drank so fast that Yiyou choked.

But fell asleep again in the next second.

Fortunately, the girl passed the dangerous period smoothly, which made her feel at ease.

next day,

The girl's consciousness just slowly woke up.

"I..... am I still alive..."

The voice is weak.

But it also woke up Mirajane and Wen Wen, who were accompanying them, in an instant.

"Well, are you awake yet? Great......"

"Miss sister, are you awake?!" Wendy rushed over immediately.

" me?"

The little girl will look at Mirajane and ask with a weak expression.

……ask for flowers…

Mirajane shook her head and said, "No, I'm just someone who takes care of you. It was Wendy who really saved you. Without her, no one would have found you."

"Thank you... sister."

After being praised, Wendy also smiled meaningfully on her small face: "Actually... I just heard the sound, so it's not a big deal.

"Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. Wendy, please stay with me." Mirajane got up and said.


Wendy nodded cutely.

He moved a stool with all his strength, and then used this stool to climb onto the bed and throw it away.

"Sister, my name is Wendy, in fact, the person who saved you was not me, but my father.

"Is your father very good?"

"My dad is very powerful, he can also do magic."

The two children chatted like this.

But mostly Wendy was talking and the little girl was listening.

After all, he is too weak and has not fully recovered, so waking up is not bad.

After a while, Mirajane brought the food and ate some food, and the little girl almost regained some energy.

At this time, Mirajane also asked the question in his heart.

"Why are you still fainting in the woods, and where is your family?"

Words fell.

As if something was touched, the little girl's body trembled slightly, and she called out who was too weak. "I.....I' family is dead.


know by knowing,

This little girl is a poor person who escaped from the hands of the Black Demon Order, and has nowhere to go.

When hearing this, both Mirajane and Wendy were a little moved.

Mirajane is even more aura of maternal love, especially when she knew that the other party was a homeless little girl, she directly hugged the injured little girl and said.

"You just stay here for now."

Originally, according to Mirajane's plan, after being rescued, she helped find her family and sent her back.

But now it seems that the other party has become homeless.


The girl was left behind as a matter of course.

Then Mirajane sent it to the bathroom for cleaning.

It was too rushed before, the little girl just wiped what she saw, and needed to clean it again. .

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