The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 137: Dusty Past, Amazing Secrets.

"The mystery of life and death?"

asked Kagura.


Liu Yun said: "Life and death exist between everything, as big as a mountain peak, as small as a stone.

"Even stones? Stones are alive."

Kagura was a little surprised.

"I think you misunderstand the true meaning of life and death. The so-called life is not necessarily worth living, but to understand the meaning of existence."

Liu Yun explained.

Immediately, Liu Yun stretched out his finger and slid down the stone.

next second.

A miracle happened.

I saw that the stones that Liu Yun slid across were instantly separated, and the broken parts were as smooth as a mirror.

"How can this be!"

Kagura's eyes sparkled with shock.

Standing by Liu Yun's side, she could feel that the huge stone was cut open by Liu Yun's light stroke, and no force was used in the whole process.

At this time, Liu Yun also explained: "This is what kills the magic eye."

"After understanding the nature of things, you can see through the life and death of stones. The me just now was drawn along the line of death, so I don't need any assistance."

"Now you should start practicing with small rocks."

"Then increase the difficulty little by little, and when you fully understand what life and death are, you can easily cut it like me."

"have you understood?"

"Understood, butcher!"

Kagura nodded emphatically.

After explaining clearly, Liu Yun let Kagura practice alone, and then he returned to the tribe to rest. .


Just when he was about to enter the tent to rest, a person called out to him.

And this person is exactly Ronan Lu himself.

"Your Excellency Liu Yun, I wonder if you have any free time now."

"Master Robin Roux."

Liu Yun was a little surprised.

Obviously, he never thought that Robin Lu would take the initiative to find him.

He stayed in the tribe for about two months, except for the occasional meeting, Robin Lu seldom talked to Liu Yun, let alone greeted him proactively.

Some curiosity arose in Liu Yun's heart, why did Robin Lu find him.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun took the initiative to agree,


"Okay, then come with me,"

The two walked towards the main tent in the tribe, and as soon as they sat down, Liu Yun asked directly: "I don't know, Your Excellency, Patriarch, what can I do for you?"

"It's about Wendy."

"Thinking about it, you should have discovered that I am a soul body. To tell you the truth, in fact, I was a Nerubian from four hundred years ago, but because of my lack of memory, I don't remember many things."

Robin Lu replied: "However, for some reason these few days, after seeing you, I gradually recalled some things."

"I've thought about it for a long time these days, and I still think it's better to tell you."

"But before that, I hope you can promise me one thing. After I finish this thing, I will tell you what I know.

Liu Yun's eyes lit up.

You must know that he has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, but due to the lack of intelligence information he has, he has no way to start.

Now, Robin Lu is willing to take the initiative to speak out.

Of course he was happy to see it.

As for helping.

He already had a rough idea of ​​what the other party wanted him to do.

And as expected.

In the next second, Robin Lu said: "I want to ask you to help me destroy something called Nirvana.


The legacy of the Nerubians.

It is a terrifying weapon designed by Robin Lu, and it is also the root cause of the demise of the Nerubit family.

Nirvana has the ability to reverse good and evil, known as the great magic of good and evil.

However, it is not so much magic as it is a large magical device, because Nirvana itself is a city, and Nirubit lives in it.

Due to excessive use for four hundred years, the evil thoughts stored in Nirvana are too terrifying.

When the power reaches the limit, reveal it.


The Nerubians living on Nirvana were naturally infected by evil thoughts, completely lost their own rationality, and thus killed each other.

For this reason, Robin Lu directly sealed Nirvana.

When he learned about this, Liu Yun couldn't help asking: "Why didn't Your Excellency Robin Lu seal it directly? With your strength, you should be able to do it."

Don't look at Robin Lu as just a soul body.

Being able to live for four hundred years with one's own strength is simply not something that ordinary human beings can do.

And Nirvana itself can be completely destroyed as long as the six cores are destroyed.

With Robin Lu's strength, these shouldn't be a problem.

Liu Yun speculates that Robin Lu's heyday may not be much better than the dragon crystal.

Robin Lu smiled bitterly and said, "I thought about it too,"

"But if you think about it, you also know that now I am in a state of soul, as long as I try to get close to Nirvana, I will be absorbed by Nirvana.

~So the only way is to ask outsiders to help.

"Then you are the only one looking for me?"

Liu Yun asked again.

Even if Robin Lu couldn't solve it by himself, he could find someone else to do it.

However, in the next second, Robin Lu gave an unexpected answer: "Because the person who gave Wendy to me four hundred years ago said a word."

"If I promise to take care of Wendy, then one day in the future, Wendy's father will come to pick up Wendy, and at the same time help me solve the curse of the Nerubians and bring the Nerubians back to life."


Liu Yun interrupted Robin Lu and said, "According to mean, Wendy was entrusted to you by someone four hundred years ago? How is this possible!"

It is not difficult to see from the words that Robin Lu took over the responsibility of taking care of Wendy from others four hundred years ago.

But, the problem is.

If this is the case, why does Wendy look like seven or eight now.

For a moment (Okay Zhao),

The first thing Liu Yun thought of was spoofing.


How can this be.

You must know that this trip to the Nirubit tribe, he just met by chance, how could he have foreseen it.

However, the problem is that judging from Robin Lu's reaction, the other party doesn't seem to be joking with him. Seeing this, Liu Yun's heart is extremely shocked.

Not to mention Liu Yun himself, Luo Nanlu also believed in it.

However, for the Nerubit family, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will try.

It is precisely because of this obsession that he has survived alone for four hundred years.


Robin Lu continued talking.

"My soul is too incomplete, but I vaguely remember that this incident itself is also related to Wendy, and there is an answer you want to know. You can find out by exploring it yourself.

After speaking,

Robin Lu left on his own without further questioning Liu Yun about the situation.

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