The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 14: Two Guys Who Are On The Edge Of Their Horns!

"This is not an example."

Seeing Mirajane's expression humbly accepting the reprimand, Liu Yun didn't delve into it. Instead, he looked at Natsu and Gray who were sitting aside, frowning for the question and answer.

"they are?"

"Teacher Liu Yun, their names are Gray and Natsu, they want to join the gym."

Mirajane explained.


Of course these two rambunctious guys knew it themselves.

Liu Yun never thought of arranging a Mirajane assessment task, and bringing back these two good seedlings for him in no time, they are simply his lucky stars!

Natsu and Gray.

The twin protagonists of the Fairy Tail world, this is without a doubt the student he most wants to recruit.

I didn't expect that now I would take the initiative to deliver it to my door.

"You are the teacher of Sister Mira, you look so young."

Once at the door,

Natsu got straight to the point and expressed his first impression of Liu Yun.

Before coming here, he thought the teacher Mirajane was talking about was an old man with a long beard.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Liu Yun asked curiously.

"This is..." Gray on the side was about to explain, but before he could finish speaking, he felt a strong killing intent coming in front of him.

I saw Mirajane turning his head back, staring at the two with a pair of eyes exuding black aura, and was so frightened that what he just wanted to say abruptly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Mirajane turned her head and said in a cute manner in front of Liu Yun.

"Teacher, they are too tired to say the wrong thing, don't you think so?"

In the words, Mirajane deliberately bit harder.

Gray nodded quickly.

"That's right."

"That's right."

Although they don't know what's going on now, their instincts tell them that if they say the wrong thing, something very dangerous will happen.

Closer to home.

"Okay, let me tell you what the purpose of apprenticeship is."

Although Liu Yun was a little curious about what he said just now, he still had to get down to business now.

It is obviously not suitable to directly accept apprentices. Considering the demeanor that a teacher should have, you have to ask them the reason for apprenticeship.

Judging from the excited expressions, these two little guys obviously came to the gym with impure ideas, and they need a good beating.

Otherwise, the appointment of teaching in the future will be overturned.

Liu Yun didn't worry about the two being dismissed directly.

Although Natsu and Gray are noisy, they have a strong will beyond imagination.

"To become stronger!"

"To defeat the female devil!"

Natsu and Gray simply stated their reasons for coming.

"Oh, is it?"

Liu Yun said with a serious expression: "In that case, let's go back."

"Eh?! Why."

Natsu and Gray made surprise noises!

Liu Yun said indifferently: "There is no reason. There are many purposes for people to pursue being strong, such as breaking through themselves, seeking liberation, protecting relatives, etc."

"But in you, I only see being aggressive and aggressive, and you have not even determined your own future path. Just for this superficial goal, you are not qualified to be my students."


Hearing this sentence, Gray and Natsu froze.


They heard the same words in the old man when they were thrown out.

Before they could react, Liu Yun turned to Mirajane and said, "Mirajane sent someone away."

finished speaking,

Liu Yun got up and walked into the backyard.

Now, Natsu and Gray were dumbfounded.

Seeing Liu Yun leaving directly, Mirajane was also a little unhappy, and dissatisfied: "It's all right now, it's all your fault for making the teacher unhappy, if I knew it, I wouldn't have brought you here."

Natsu was at a loss: "But we didn't say anything."

heard that,

Mirajane looked unkindly: "What? You want to say that the problem is my teacher? If you dare to say yes, I will throw you out right now."

Gray stopped talking.

At this time, he can also see that Mirajane is very protective of his teacher, and he must not say anything bad, otherwise he may really end up being thrown out.

"Then what should I do? Is there really no chance at all?"

Gray said dejectedly.

If it is said that he came here with the intention of becoming stronger at the beginning, then Liu Yun's words just now completely changed his mind and woke them up.


There are many kinds of goals that people pursue to be powerful.

It is meaningless to become stronger simply for the sake of becoming stronger, and before setting off, the old man had already told them that strength is for protecting their families.

At this moment, when he heard similar words again, he seemed to understand a little bit.

So is Natsu.

I only heard him say with a serious expression: "Sister, can you help us again, we have already understood what we just said, and we will no longer fight for that kind of thing."

Mirajane didn't want to agree at first, but the expressions of the two seemed to be different from before, she still softened her tone even though her face was cold and her heart was warm.

"Forget it, I will help you one last time, I don't care if I succeed or not."



Mirajane got up and walked into the backyard.

About ten minutes later, Fang Cai appeared again, and the two of Natsu immediately went up to meet him.

"How is it, Miss Mira?"

"The teacher didn't agree. He will give you a chance. As long as you complete the task, he can allow you to join the gym."

"What mission?"

The two asked hurriedly.

Mirajane said: "The two of you each carry a statue of a holy beast, and walk around the entire gymnasium ten times in one day. When you do it, let you join."

The reason why Liu Yun arranged this task was also to kill the restless characters of Natsu and Gray.

no doubt.

The talent and talent of both Natsu and Gray are unquestionable.

Even in a world full of monsters, their existence is still irreplaceable, and Natsu finally became the most dazzling savior in the final battle.

But the problem is the same.

That is an overly anxious personality, even Gray who uses ice magic is no exception.


After finishing speaking, a stubborn look flashed in the eyes of the two of them. Although it was already dark, they went to the practice field to lift up a statue of the holy beast hand in hand.

It was dark now.

Coupled with the hard work during the day, Natsu and Natsu's physical strength is almost the same. This task is undoubtedly very reluctant for them.

After all, they didn't wake up early like Mirajane.

Now their strength is still in a dormant state, coupled with the effect of the forbidden magic stone, the stone statue weighing a thousand catties is undoubtedly a challenge for perseverance.

But for these two people, what they lack most is perseverance.


The world is always cruel.

The condition was not good, Natsu and Gray fell to the ground because of hunger before they lifted themselves up, and it would be a ghost to finish the training.

After the failure, the two returned directly to the guild, intending to come back to practice tomorrow.

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