The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 140: The Way Of Killing, Cruel Killing Intent!

President Wu was very angry.

Anyway, he is also one of the presidents of the three major dark guilds in the Balam Alliance.

In the past, he was hurt and looked down upon by Grimoire Heart, but now he is rejected by an eight-year-old girl, which undoubtedly makes him feel very humiliated.


Faced with this situation, Kagura's expression remained the same, with suicidal intent flashing in his eyes.

I don't know the rest of the situation, but I only know one thing, and that is to kill you all.

very good.

No president said in a deep voice.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows very well that the chairman Wu has fallen into a state of rage at this time.

As good as Kagura's talent is, if he can't use it, then there's nothing to hold back.


If there is no president, he is ready to kill.


A terrifying force struck, directly blocking the chairman of Wu Liuqi.


No president was surprised.

Before the other party arrived, he had noticed a little bit, which showed that the other party's strength was not bad.

This is indeed the case.

After seeing the appearance of the visitor, President Wu's eyes shrank: "It's you!"

"That's right, it's me."

who is coming,

None other than Mirajane.

With her around, Kagura will not be in danger.

Facing Mirajane, President Wu has a serious expression, not because he is afraid of Mirajane's strength, but because he cares about another person, Liu Yun!

After the last fight.

President Wu clearly remembers the owner of the gym, and naturally he knows Mirajane.

Then a problem arises.

Since Mirajane is there, does that mean Liu Yun is also nearby?

If Liu Yun is present,

He had no intention of fighting at all.

After all, Liu Yun's strength, he has long seen with his own eyes, even the power of magic elves can't stop him.

In his heyday, he was still unable to injure Liu Yun at all, let alone now that he has been subjected to this level, it is even more hopeless.

As everyone knows.

No president is completely in vain.

For the defeated opponent, Liu Yun seemed to disdain to make a move, let alone a person who had already been injured, he even dismissed it and handed it over to Mirajane.

Looking around, when he realized that there was no one around, the president's eyes fell on Mirajane: "Where is your teacher, why didn't he come to take the first revenge? I still haven't forgotten."

This sentence is both a provocation and an investigation.

Mirajane could hear it, but she didn't bother to hide anything: "It's not enough for the teacher to deal with you, I alone is enough.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to say anything."

Hearing Mirajane's words, President Wu's face darkened again, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not difficult to hear that Liu Yun is not there.

That way, he would have nothing to worry about.

One thought here.

The murderous intent of Wu Guild Leader suddenly exploded.

"In this case, then you will die for me."

"If your teacher heard the news of your death, he would feel a little bit of grief.



The violent magic power roared out from President Wu's body.

The power was so strong that the ground under his feet cracked instantly, and the surrounding trees fell down in rows, and the endless magic pressure spread out.

Many dark mages couldn't hold on and fell down.

Kagura is also struggling to support.

Her talent is very high, but in the face of the unreserved Tianwang class, after all, she can't resist.

"Stay behind me, this guy will be handed over to me."

Mirajane said.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of fighting spirit.

If the baker entrusts her with a task, then she will definitely not disappoint the teacher.

Facing Mirajane's stand up, Kagura shook his head and refused: "No, Miss Mirajane, I won't leave a fight behind, leave the others to me to solve."

Kagura knows that she is definitely not the president's opponent, but she still has the power to fight against other people!

Any dark mage is her hunting object.

How could you give up lightly!

Mirajane wanted to persuade her to say something, but seeing Kagura's determined gaze, she finally gave up the idea.

"Okay, I agree to your request."

"But as long as you can't hold on, you have to flee immediately!"

"I see!"

Kagura replied.

"Stop arguing, you all have to stay!"

"Hand of Eternal Darkness!"


The dark magic power condensed, and President Wu attacked outrageously. The magic power condensed into a giant dark green hand, which slapped down on the two of them brazenly.

The super power roars out!

Before the giant hand fell, the ground beneath the two of them had already cracked layer by layer...

"Accept the satan demon!"

Mirajane stared.

The body transformed into a demon posture, and the giant claws covered with demon patterns directly tore apart all attacks.


No president was shocked when he saw this!

This was a blow from the Heavenly King, even if he was injured, he wouldn't be able to break through the attack so easily.

No president is not clear.

Mirajane herself is not weaker than the Holy Ten, especially after the First World War in the Far North, Mirajane absorbed the demons in the assessment into her body.

Greatly strengthen your own soul power.

At this time, even if she does not activate the virtual state, she still has a combat power comparable to that of the Holy Ten.

A mere blow, naturally no problem!

Boom boom boom——!

President Wu's violent attack fell crazily, and Mirajane kept blocking.

the other side,

The battle of Kagura also began.

I saw her holding a sword blade and fighting towards other crowds, her unreserved attack instantly took away the lives of a large number of dark mages.

A large amount of blood flowed down, quickly forming a pool of blood.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood for a while, but Kagura's expression was still extremely calm despite harvesting a lot of lives.

It can even be said to be indifferent.

As if the people she killed were just livestock, she could feel the slightest emotion.

It's different from Erza's way of chivalry.

Kagura's swordsmanship started from the moment she prepared to avenge her brother 1.5, and it was destined to be the way of killing.

A swordsman born to fight!

However... just killing these people was far from enough to vent her killing intent, and soon her attention was shifted to Hoteye, who had been reported by President Wu before.

Holding the blade, Kagura's figure rushed out quickly.

Faced with this situation, Hoteye's dead soul was terrified, and he took action immediately.


The ground is sunken layer by layer.

The left and right sides turned into waves and covered Kagura, completely submerging Kagura.

However, the moment Hoteye thought he had successfully stopped, a slash pierced through the ground and appeared in front of him brazenly through the stones.

Lisa, who rushed over at this moment, didn't even have time to stop her.


With a clear sound of the blade, Hoteye was directly decapitated by Kagura!.

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