The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 153: Doragunov, Queen Irene!

"My you need to think more about it?"

In the entire council hall, it wasn't that there were no people who dared not speak up. An elderly man in the crowd stood up and warned.

"The dragon clan is coming fiercely, and if civil strife occurs within the human race, Queen Irene may not be able to explain it."

"Confession, you think I need to give it to him"

The general looked at him coldly.

The sharp gaze made the old man bow his head in fright.

The general continued: "Dolagunov has been too busy to take care of himself. A few days ago, they couldn't support themselves, and even came forward to ask for help."

"Do you think she dares to do it?"


"Nothing but! Everything is done as I say!"

The elder just wanted to persuade something.

With a flash of cold light, consciousness instantly plunged into darkness,

A second ago, the old man who was still talking.

In the next second, he was already lying in a pool of blood.

This scene scared everyone so much that they dared not look up at the old man holding the knife.

"No one can question me, let alone those who oppose me.

"No matter how high the price is, I will not allow anyone to provoke me and carry out my orders!"

"Yes! My lord general!"

Following the general's order,

The machine called the state immediately began to operate, and a large number of troops gathered.

A war that is ready to go will unfold 187...

Human center area.

the magnificent palace,

Dozens of 100-meter stone pillars support the entire hall, and each stone pillar is engraved with complicated magic patterns.

Sitting cross-legged on the left and right of the throne in the center of the main hall are two holy white dragons. Their huge dragon eyes are tightly closed like stone statues, and an ancient and solemn atmosphere permeates.

At this moment, a young girl with fiery red hair and silver-white armor was sitting upright.

Only fifteen or sixteen years old.

However, there is an innate noble temperament exuding from the whole body.

And this person is Irene.

Queen of Doragunov.

Just as the Magic Council four hundred years later is the ruler of the Ishgar continent, and the ruler four hundred years ago is Doragunov.

Irene, who is the queen, is naturally the leader.

Irene is processing intel from the front.

Dragons attack.

Now, with the invasion of dragons, part of the human kingdoms on the western coast have fallen, and the heavy pressure almost made her unable to breathe.

And when she was overwhelmed.

A soldier rushed in from outside the hall.

"Your Majesty Queen, there is a ceeg report coming,"

Seeing this, Irene cheered up again. She never showed her weak side in front of her subordinates.

"What happened?"

at this time,

Except for the things on the side of the Dragon Clan, it is very difficult to shake Irene.

But this time the news is obviously different,

"Yes, there is movement from the Celestial Spirit clan. It seems that something big has happened. People from the Second Kingdom want to snatch some dragon bones and dragon scales.

"The general of the Second Kingdom is now launching a counterattack."

Wen Yan,

Irene frowned slightly.

The second two kingdoms of the human race,

A nation that has emerged from war, Irene remains on the alert.

Now that the war is imminent, it is hard not to think of some situations when launching a war.

"I'm afraid it's malicious."

A voice rang in Irene's heart.

next second,

A huge figure walked slowly into the palace.

The colored scales and holy wings emitted soft light from top to bottom, illuminating the entire palace, making the surrounding dragons unable to bow their heads in submission.


Doragunov's guardian dragon is also the only giant dragon on the human side.

"Belserion you are back."

The moment she saw the other party, Irene immediately walked up.

Since inheriting the throne, he has been able to secure this position to a large extent because of the help of Belserion, which can be said to be his only reliance.

"I came back this time to bring you information. The situation on the front line is not optimistic. I'm have to be prepared to abandon some countries."

Belserion said gravely.

Wen Yan,

A trace of anxiety appeared on the beautiful face.

If the civil strife is a headache, then the Dragon Clan's attack made her feel even more desperate.

However, in such a situation, it was only a short moment, and Irene recovered.

"No, I fight to the end, no matter who I will abandon my people."

This is the kingdom her father gave her,

She won't give up no matter what.

Celestial Spirit family.

drove away the people of the Second Kingdom,

Liu Yun is sought after and welcomed by the entire Celestial Spirit family.

They have been oppressed for too long, Liu Yun's actions undoubtedly gave them a sigh of relief, but they were also worried.

After all, the background of the other party is not small.

On the contrary, Liu Yun himself is not worried at all.

In the process of waiting for the other party, he was not idle, and started to investigate some things.

"By the way, do you know where the Nerubians are?"

Liu Yun Q&A.

"Nerubit tribe? Sir, should you be talking about the Nerubit Kingdom?" Anna corrected the problem in Liu Yun's words, and then explained seriously.

"The Nerubians disappeared decades ago,

"It's gone."

Liu Yun said in surprise.

"Well, this happened a long time ago. The current Nerubit tribe is occupied by a withering demon. How did you know the existence of the Nerubit tribe? I only found out about this history through investigation."

Anna became more and more curious.

Liu Yun obviously doesn't know anything, but now he suddenly knows some extremely rare news.

Liu Yun fell into deep thought.

I just crossed over from the location of the Nirubit tribe, and I planned to go there to investigate, but the Rubit tribe has disappeared.

This was undoubtedly a headache for him.

"Forget it, let's go and investigate,"

Gas tree sea

When Liu Yun looked at the front, the corner of Liu Yun's mouth twitched.

"Are you sure it's really here?"

look around.

Everything you look at says desert.

This and the sea of ​​trees he saw in the future are completely two extremes.

"It was occupied by a demon. After occupying this place, it changed this area into what it is now." Anna explained.

"This is a super-large demon."

"It's not much weaker than the giant dragon. Many human mages died in his hands."

Anna is like a tour guide, introducing the interior.

"I've found it."

Liu Yun interrupted her.

"Huh? I found it."

Anna was slightly taken aback.

Before she could react, Liu Yun's hands had already wrapped around her body, holding her in his arms, and the surrounding environment was constantly receding.

There was also the sound of howling wind in the ears. .

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