The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 155: The Second Kingdom Strikes, The Dragon Attacks!

into the abyss.

The two went straight into the devil's stronghold,

But the moment she entered, Anna was stunned.

It was too bloody.

Looking at the past, you can see human beings in captivity everywhere, living underground like walking corpses,

Looking at this scene, Liu Yun also frowned slightly.

"No wonder the strength is a bit special, it turns out to be like this."

The devil's mantra comes from negative evil thoughts.

And the sources of these evil thoughts all come from human beings.

It is precisely because of this that the withering demon became unusual under the captivity of a large number of demons, and these humans were handed over to Anna to deal with.

Liu Yun continued to search,

In the end, he found the Nirvana he wanted to find in the deep underground.

However, just as he was trying to activate Nirvana, there was no movement at all. When he entered the interior, he found that the dark energy inside Nirvana had been emptied.

"Zero Seven Three" don't need to think too much.

It must have been absorbed by the devil again.

"Hope is broken again."

Liu Yun's expression turned ugly.

He came here and wanted to try to use the power of Nirvana, and then try to touch the opportunity, but now it seems that there is no hope.

"Is it really possible to wait until the solar eclipse gate opens?"

Liu Yun left the crack abyss.

Nirvana has no energy, so there is no such thing as activation.

I was still thinking about activating Nirvana, and then trying to see if I can pass the activation

With the severance of this hope, he could only continue to wait, thinking that there was still a long time to wait, he also had a headache.

The two returned to the Celestial Spirit family,

As for those who were brought out, they were also taken out of the crack, and they were allowed to leave separately.

However, there is one exception.




"Master Liu Yun, this child has not been claimed, and for some unknown reason, he has been crying."

Anna walked towards Liu Yun with a crying little girl in her arms, her face was full of anxiety, and she wanted to ask Liu Yun for help.

"let me see."

Liu Yun took the little girl over.

"It was caused by excessive hunger, and because of being deep underground for a long time without sunlight, the body was too weak."

"Then what to do?"

Anna said anxiously.

She still knows a little about magic, but she doesn't know anything about healing.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

"How about your healing magic?"

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Anna froze.

"Understand a little."


Liu Yun stretched out his fingers and touched the little girl's forehead.

On the fingertips, release a part of the energy stored in the Liukuxian thief in the body.

Seemingly feeling the warm breath, the little girl didn't cry anymore. Instead, she hugged Liu Yun's fingers with her tiny fingers and sucked them in her mouth.

There was a smile on his soft little face.

This scene made Liu Yun a little dumbfounded.

He is not a nanny.

After he was almost cured, Liu Yun took some water of life from his body and let the little girl drink it.

This is what he kept, just in case.

Just now.

After drinking the water of life, the little girl fell into a deep sleep.

"It's really good."

This scene was seen by Anna, with shock in her eyes.


She never imagined that Liu Yun is not only extremely powerful, but also understands healing magic, and how many secrets are hidden in him.

Picking up the child again, looking at the sleeping child, Anna smiled: "Master Liu Yun, I am going to take her back, do you think this is okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Liu Yun said with a smile: "Since this child has no parents, it's good to keep him.


Anna was pleasantly surprised.

In this way, the two brought the child back.

Celestial Spirit family.

"Master Liu Yun, this little guy seems to like you very much,"

After going back.

The two also returned to the patriarch's room.

And the little girl who had slept all the way also woke up, making noise in Anna's arms, waving her little hands and yelling.

But let Anna appease her.

Liu Yun said with a smile: "How is it possible, what do children know.

"It seems to be true, her eyes have been watching you." To prove it, Anna sent the little girl to Liu Yun's arms.

And then, a miraculous scene appeared.

A second ago, the child was still crying.

In the next second, he quieted down silently, crawling into Liu Yun's arms as if feeling the arms of his parents.

"It's true."

Liu Yun was a little surprised and felt a little proud.

But, seeing the little girl's mouth open very quickly, he subconsciously thought of something......

Could it be that......

Liu Yun took out some water of life and put it into the little girl's mouth.

The little girl has big eyes and a smile on her mouth,

Liu Yun let out a laugh.

Sure enough, she became a nanny.

Speaking up.

Mirajane always wants to help her have a daughter.

The two have been together for a few months, and if there is no accident, they should be pregnant by now, but they have come to four hundred years ago.

have to say.

This situation is really a twist.

But it's useless to say anything now, and I can only wait slowly.

Children's biological clocks are just different from other people's.

It is common to sleep seven or eight times a day.

Often said to sleep and fell asleep.

At this time, the little girl looked like this. After drinking, she lay down in Liu Yun's arms, found a suitable position and fell asleep.

This kind of eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

Really teased him.

But looking at the appearance of the little girl, unconsciously, his restless heart calmed down a little.


Before the little girl fell asleep,


A huge sound resounded through the canyon area.

For a moment, the entire Celestial Spirit family fell into a panic, and at the same time woke up the little girl, crying loudly.

Anna on the side also stood up immediately.

"This is the voice of a dragon, and the number is not worth one. Enemies are coming!"

1.0 finished.

Outside, the wizards of the Celestial Spirit family broke in.

"It's not good, Mrs. Liu Yun, Mrs. Saintess, the people of the Second Kingdom have already attacked. There are a large number of troops, and they have also sent two giant dragons."


Anna stood up instantly.

The outside world of the Celestial Spirit family.

At this time, above the town, there is a giant dragon over a hundred meters long, hovering, looking down at the world below.

Outside the town, a large number of people wearing armor and holding weapons approached step by step, watching this scene, the entire Celestial Spirit clan fell into panic.

"Is this the Celestial Spirit mage family? It looks like a bunch of ignorant waste, who dare to provoke people from our Second Kingdom."

"The giant dragon can solve it directly."

"This is a bunch of ignorant people."

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