The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 167: Shock From Irene!

Liu Yun left.

A few people were left looking at each other.

Liu Yun's strong refusal was unexpected.

To know the terms Queen Irene promised,

After thinking about it again and again, they still decided to take the initiative to contact Queen Irene, and use the magic crystal to link to the area where affairs are being handled in Doragunov's capital.

"What, he refused directly? Didn't he hesitate at all?"

When Irene received this situation, she was surprised.


The soldier nodded in answer.

"Master Liu Yun refused without any hesitation."

There is news from the magic crystal.

Irene's eyes wrinkled and said: "Is it because of the first thing to go?"

You must know that she is sincere enough, and the promise she made is as high as she can.

Changing to the general of the Second Kingdom has already agreed.

Generally speaking, it should not be rejected.

Putting aside the material situation, the only possibility is that the other party is still resisting because of the Second Kingdom. Thinking of this, Irene can't help feeling disgusted with the general.


For the overall situation of the entire human race, she can turn a blind eye.

Now he still provokes a strong man, a strong man who can kill a dragon, it is simply stupid!

"Could it be that he needs to punish the Second Kingdom before he agrees?"

In order to resist the invasion of the dragon clan, she will give everything, this is her experience.

But think of the ability of the Second Kingdom.

If she really wants to reprimand the other party in exchange for Liu Yun's favor, this still makes her hesitate.

After all, she still needs the support of the other party.

However, just when she wavered.

The next sentence on the other side of the magic crystal gave Irene a decision.

"By the way, Queen Irene, when we went, we also encountered a giant dragon of the Dragon Clan,"

"Dragon Dragon?"

Irene was taken aback.

"Wait, where has the dragon of the Dragon Clan broken through?"

She knew the area of ​​the Celestial Spirit clan, and the dragon clan's approaching there meant that the front line had died down.

Thinking of this, Irene's heart tensed up.

"How many, how many people and areas have been affected" ~.

"The total number of dragons is sixteen."

"What?! Sixteen heads."

Irene exclaimed.

Sixteen heads are no longer a minority.

One giant dragon is enough to destroy a kingdom, not to mention sixteen dragons, these dragons are enough to destroy the first part of the western part of the human race.

Once a hole was torn in the front line.

The dragon side can go deep into the area inside Ishgar at will.

It was precisely because of this that Irene was so nervous, and she prepared to arrange personnel after thinking about it.

But at this moment, another sentence came from the other side of the magic crystal.

"Queen Irene, don't worry, this matter has been resolved."

"Solved? I see, I will arrange... Wait, you said it was solved?"

Irene belatedly said.

"That's right, that group of dragons is looking for Master Liu Yun, the location is within a dozen miles of the Celestial Spirit clan, and Master Liu is fighting against the ear dragons of the dragon clan.

"Finally kill all the sixteen giant dragons!"

Finish talking.

There is also a vibrato in the section of the magic crystal.

Witnessing Liu Yun's battle with his own eyes, it is impossible to say that he didn't react at all.

The Fall of the Dragon.

They dare not imagine.

What's more, there are more than a dozen giant dragons in front of them, one by one being slaughtered by humans, just like livestock,

Even though it has passed, that scene is still deeply engraved in their minds,

"Kill all?"

Irene was too shocked to say anything.

I can't come back to God for a long time.

In her opinion, Liu Yun's ability to kill Ssangyong was shocking enough, but now it seems that she still far underestimated the other party.

sixteen heads.

This kind of battle is no longer an ordinary battle force.

This is already approaching the legendary Dragon King class.

What is the king class.

Those who transcend their own racial limitations and master the true meaning of magic are extremely kings.

A strong person who has reached this level can affect everything in the world with every move, turning nature into a battlefield that suits him.

There is only one Holy Dragon King Belserion on the side of the entire human race.

But, the problem is that Liu Yun is only a human being.

King of men.

Could it really exist?

Irene couldn't imagine.

However, what can be seen is that the opponent's strength has far exceeded her expectations.

Thinking of this, she had a decision in her heart.

At this time.

Another voice came from the side of the magic crystal.

"My Lady Queen, what should I do now?"

They can also realize how powerful Liu Yun is.

They also hope to win over such combat power and join the Human Race Alliance, such as the victory of this war.

Four hundred years ago.

In order to survive, most people are selfish.

In front of being alive and his companions, he would definitely choose to live without hesitation.

Irene's tragic experience is largely due to the selfishness of human nature, and she ended up in prison, but not everyone among them maintains this idea.

At least.

This group of people are people who sincerely follow, follow Irene, and strive for the great cause of the human race.

They sincerely hope that the human race can win this war, even if they sacrifice for it.

Officially so.

Irene sent them out.

Thinking of this, Irene was silent for a while and said: "~ I understand, you don't want to go back for now, stay in the area of ​​the Celestial Spirit family and I will come later."


heard the words.

Everyone was startled, and their eyes showed shock.

Irene didn't say it clearly, but they could also guess what Irene was thinking from the words.

And Irene's nod confirmed the guess in their hearts.

"Yes, I plan to invite the other party in person."

Irene said.

The loyal guard at the end of the magic crystal quickly dissuaded him.

But what about your safety, this is the frontline area, very (Zhao Lizhao) dangerous, let's re-discuss this matter.

Irene is the core of the entire human race.

Anyone can fall, but not Irene.

Not only is the Holy Dragon King the contracted dragon of Irene, but also because Irene is the last hope of the human race, the only king who can lead the race.

Her every move will affect the situation of the human race.

Such an existence cannot easily leave the capital.

However, Irene doesn't care about Waugh at all.

This is our only hope, and I will not give up even if I take another risk, so you don't need to dissuade me anymore.

The second kingdom is the support behind it, with a lot of manpower and material resources, which can increase the probability of winning.

Liu Yun is a simple one, but he has a combat power close to the Dragon King, and such a talent can really turn the tide of the battle.

How to choose between the two.

Facing Irene's determination.

Several staff were silent for a while, and finally they could only silently agree. .

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