The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 169: Molesting Irene, Warm Daily Life!

"Master Liu Yun, are you going to think about it again?"

"It is about the future of the human race, no human being can avoid this war.

for several days.

Irene has been staying in the Celestial Spirit family for a week, and every day is so annoying that Liu Yun can't have a moment of peace.

For example now.

Liu Yun is grilling the food as usual, and Irene is also following along.

"Can't you stop for a while?"

Liu Yun said with a dark face.

If he hadn't considered that she was Erza's mother, he would have already started driving her away.

Of course.

The fine wine she brought was also one of them.

Different from the taste of later generations, the wine from four hundred years ago also has a certain flavor, and it is especially delicious when paired with dragon meat.

Irene also noticed this.

"If you like this type of drink, Irene can make it for you."

"Do you think I care about material comforts?"

"Then why have you been unwilling to promise me?"

"Then why do you insist on letting me join?"

some discussion.

Seemingly about to be caught in an endless loop,

Irene said more urgently: "Master Liu Yun, why don't you make a request, as long as you promise to join, no matter what request you make, I will agree."

"Regardless of any request?"

Liu Yun said in surprise.

"Yes, whatever the request."

Seeing that Liu Yun showed signs of changing his words, Irene quickly nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, I heard Liu Yun say: "In this case, then I want you."


Irene was taken aback when she heard the words, and then her face flushed instantly.


She also never thought that Liu Yun would suddenly say such a sentence at this moment.


Liu Yun said that this sentence is just to let Irene quit in the face of difficulties.

After all, her status has reached the level of Irene, marriage is not something she can easily control, and it is even less likely to have anything to do with happiness.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to use this as a threat.


Unexpectedly, after saying this sentence, Liu Yun didn't get the answer he wanted, but blushed and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Liu Yun shuddered, as if he had thought of something, and asked hastily, "Wait, you're still a Chu...... girl right now."

This sentence is undoubtedly very rude.

But, like Erza, Irene lost her ability to think when it came to marriage, and she blushed and gave a little grace.

Good guy.

All of a sudden Liu Yun was embarrassed.

He originally thought that the other party was already married, and the other party would find an excuse to persuade the other party to quit, but he didn't expect that Irene was still a pure girl.

But also right.

Irene looks similar to Anna at this point.

Both of them looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, and it was indeed a bit difficult to get married at this time.

Think here.

Liu Yun quickly coughed a few times and moved to the barbecue.

Liu Yun took the barbecue off the grill, took a big bite on it, and the juice was overflowing.

"Well, the heat is about the same."

"Here, eat something, I've already taught you.


Irene took it, blushing.

Because of noble etiquette and status, she couldn't be as casual as Liu Yun, who opened her cherry lips and bit them lightly.

In the next second, Irene's eyes lit up.


Eat grilled food.

It was the first time Irene had eaten something so delicious.

"Not bad right,"

Liu Yun smiled, and then passed the remaining barbecue over.

"However, if you want to really taste the deliciousness of barbecue, you need a group tour with big mouthfuls.


Irene tried it out like Liu Yun,

as expected.

The way of eating is different, the taste and experience are completely different,

"This is too delicious."

Gradually let go of that reserve, imitating the same way as Liu Yun.

"You can eat as much as you want, I still bake a lot here.

Liu Yun said.

Irene Mmm Seriously.


Liu Yun regretted his decision.

When Irene wiped her hands in satisfaction, Liu Yun's eyes almost popped out.

"You have too much appetite." Liu Yun looked at the pile of bones beside Irene, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Most of the roast meat he cooked fell into Irene's stomach.

This is the first time he has a woman who can compare with himself in appetite.

Hearing this, Irene also blushed a little: "I'm sorry, I'm a little too hungry, and I won't let Master Liu Yun suffer, I paid for these expenses."

"There is food, if you need it, I can deliver it."

"Here, do you know what you are eating?" Liu Yun asked without curiosity.

...asking for flowers......


Irene was taken aback, and said, "Isn't it just meat? Is there anything special about it?"

"Of course, because this is dragon meat!"

"Dragon meat?"

Irene looked at Liu Yun with a dull expression, and then quickly started to vomit, trying to spit out what she had just eaten.

she is queen of dragons

The Queen of Doragunov is also the contractor of the Holy Dragon King Belserion.

In any case, I will not eat the flesh and blood of dragons.

Because, this is undoubtedly a betrayal of one's own companions.

I thought it was dragon meat.

The previous delicious taste changed instantly, and it was extremely smoky.

But, in the next second, Liu Yun's words made her stop again.

"Don't worry, the things you know are ordinary beasts, I caught them, it's fine."


I really want Irene to leave as soon as possible.

However, Liu Yun doesn't bother to do such things that tarnish his personality


Irene said pitifully.

"Of course it's true, and you think I'm willing to share the dragon meat with you?" Liu Yun rolled his eyes.

What a joke.

There is nothing like too much dragon meat for Liu Yun.

Anyway, with the existence of Liuku Immortal Thief, he can convert all energy into food reserves for the body.

All the dozen or so dragons he killed earlier fell into his stomach.

"You're not trying to comfort me, are you?"

However, Irene still couldn't believe it.

"No, if you don't believe me, I can grab a dragon and give you a taste, and let you try to see the difference between dragon meat and ordinary monsters.

"Let me tell you, the taste of dragon meat is several times more delicious than some monsters."

" need.

It is true that what Liu Yun said was very tempting, but Irene still shook her head again and again.

This kind of thing is a matter of principle. If you say you can't eat it, then Irene will naturally not try it, even if it is a bite.

After confirming again and again,

Irene finally breathed a sigh of relief,

Liu Yun looked at Irene who looked worried, and was speechless.

Only now do I know that I am worried, whether I trust myself too much.

This more realistic appearance is almost carved out of Erza's mold, it is too similar.

When practicing, Erza is extremely serious, and Erza will not do anything that violates the principle. Now it seems that this part of her personality should be inherited from her mother. .

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