The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 172: Let's Taste The Roar!

There was more than one person who was also surprised.

Irene even more so.

She already knew Liu Yun's strength before coming here.

However, there is still a big gap between knowing and seeing with your own eyes.

It wiped out the attacks of the dragons in just an instant, and this strength is probably infinitely close to that of the Dragon King.

Could it be possible.

A king-level powerhouse is really about to be born in the human race.

This is simply an unprecedented event.

Even, it surpassed the influence of the previous dragon slaying.

"Do it! Do it!"

"I can't believe there's no way to kill this guy."

After recovering.

The general yelled at Liu Yun angrily.

In fact.

The dragons knew what to do without him reminding them.

You must know that they came here for this, how could they give up because of a little thing.


Just when they were about to attack, a figure appeared in front of them, and this person was Liu Yun.


The giant dragons were startled.

You must know that the other party dared to run in front of you before they made a move, which is too rampant.


With the next blow, Liu Yun told them directly.

He has rampant costs.


The violent power spread out, condensed into a golden dragon, and then roared out.

The speed is so fast that it only takes a moment.

It just pierced through the body of a dragon, and a big hole pierced through its huge chest. The dragon scales on its body didn't even have the slightest effect, and this giant dragon had already fallen into the abyss of death.

But fortunately, this is not over. The giant dragon that penetrated did not dissipate in the slightest, and its form was still cohesive. It let out bursts of roars and went towards another target.

Initiate a secondary attack.

"Get out!"

See this scene.

The dragons were startled and dispersed one after another.

However, the speed of the golden dragon was too fast. In an instant, it approached a blue dragon and bit down angrily towards the head.


Blood burst out.

The golden dragon flew away with its head in its mouth.

After losing his head, the broken port spurted out a large amount of blood in an instant, scattered on the ground.

And the two dead dragons also lost their strength, and fell to the ground like meteorites, making heavy noises.


"How can this be."

"In a split second, I killed two dragons. I'm not dreaming. Who can wake me up?"

"Monster, is this guy really human?"

The out-of-control sound resounded among the dragons.


Liu Yun's brutal strength was completely beyond their imagination.

I thought it would be possible to win by relying on the number of people, but I never thought that two members of the opponent would be killed by the opponent in a blink of an eye, and from the current situation, the opponent still has no loss at all.

The general was even more sluggish.

This... this is really real, huh?

for a moment,

Liu Yun became the focus of the audience.

"Recently, I just ate up all the dragons in the front section. The taste has always reminded me. I thought about going out to find new dragons to replenish the warehouse. I never thought that you would send them to me.

"In that case, then you all will be left to me."

"Hunting dragons? Do you want to be this crazy?"

Hearing Liu Yun's words, everyone was shocked by his thoughts.

Only dragons have always hunted humans. When did humans start hunting dragons?


Judging from his recent ideas and means, such a situation is really not certain.

"Don't underestimate the dragon."

"Do you really think you can win?"

"Let's go together, I don't believe this guy can't be killed."

Hearing that Liu Yun is ready to hunt them,

Even completely treating them as livestock with no power to resist, the dragon group fell into a state of rage all of a sudden, without the slightest awareness of the approaching danger.

And for this,

Naturally, Liu Yun would not remind them either.

Since you want to fight, it should be more thorough.


Energy emerges from the soles of the feet!

As soon as Liu Yun stepped on the ground, the space under his feet collapsed instantly, and his figure flew out like a streamer, covering a distance of several thousand meters in an instant.

at the same time.

Seeing Liu Yun approaching again, the dragons have no plans to dodge!



Spots of light rushed towards its mouth from all directions, forming a terrifying ball of light.


Power roared out.

Wherever it went, the space vibrated violently, as if a meteorite had been dropped on a calm lake.

The power spreads layer by layer.

A terrifying blast swept across the world.

However, Liu Yun still has no plans to dodge this, and his eyes are still looking forward.

It's just that each of the hands gathers a light spot!

Roaring towards the group of dragons, releasing attacks in the opposite direction.

The two forces collide together in the middle.

A shocking scene appeared.

Under the power of Liu Yun, the roar disintegrated layer by layer, dissipated into multiple forces, and disappeared in nature.

~This...isn't a coincidence. "

The dragons were startled.

This is the roar of dragons,

Gathered the power of all their dragons.

How could it be erased so easily? Even if the Dragon King came, thinking of this, they can only explain this appearance by coincidence.

face growl.

The skills that this giant dragon has mastered, Liu Yun can't understand how much.

Gradually, understand the so-called roaring principle.

It's nothing more than condensing a little power, and applying a part of the rotation characteristic at the moment of release.

As long as the power is released in reverse, this move can be cracked.

Of course.

It's not just skill.

If there is not enough strength, the end of resisting this blow can only be a miserable death.

"Aren't there any other moves? It's too boring for you giant dragons to talk about just a few repetitive moves,"

Liu Yun said calmly.

"Damn it!"

"This time, I must make you look good."

Seeing (Zhao Qianhao) that his moves were completely useless, the dragons once again opened their mouths to gather strength, ready to release the dragon's roar.

But before their attacks landed, Liu Yun's figure had already appeared in front of them, causing their pupils to shrink instantly.

"So fast!"

The dragons were startled.

Subconsciously prepare to get out of the way.

But Liu Yun has already struck.

"The smell of roaring is something that you often use to yourself."


Put one foot on the giant dragon in it, let the condensed ball of light return to its mouth.

at the same time.

This giant dragon also showed a horrified look, looking at its rapidly expanding belly, just about to roar out an explosion sound, it completely swallowed its sound in an instant.


The explosion emerges.

A giant dragon split into pieces directly in the sky.

A large amount of flesh and blood scattered down, falling between the ground and the mountains and rivers, revealing a different kind of monster. .

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