The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 177: I Haven't Lived Enough Now!


Under the dark world.

A white lightning is like a big sword, tearing apart the dark world and illuminating the whole world,

And at this moment, both sides started at the same time.

The figure disappeared in place almost instantly!


Big and small collide together.

A heavy sound erupted in the central area, and an air circle suddenly exploded, distorting the surrounding space layer by layer like ripples.

The ground below directly sank into a huge deep pit.

Thunder and lightning surrounded the two of them.

However, after a brief collision, the two sides opened up again!

The Dark Dragon King stared forward, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.


This was the first time he met someone who resisted his blow head-on,

In other words, it proved that the opponent's physical strength was not weaker than his own at all. Seeing this, the Dark Dragon King was a little more afraid of Liu Yun.


And that's just an appetizer.

The real feast is yet to come!

"Try my trick.

"The poisonous claws of the Death Dragon King!"

The claws of the Death Dragon King met, and the dragon claws were covered with a layer of green light. When it swung down, it looked like a poisonous snake was flying.

"Is that how your dragon clan got their names? Nothing new at all."

"In this case, I will take the same name."

Liu Yun is not to be outdone.

The golden thought power condensed into a dragon head, bursting out with golden light, and headed up.

"Nianlong's giant bite!"


Along with the dragon cry, the golden dragon roared out!

The two sides collided together, generating huge waves, and in an instant, the surrounding space was shaken.

Every collision can make a dull sound.

In just a short moment, the two fought fiercely in the sky no less than a hundred times!

And the air waves generated by the collision caused the ground in all directions to further disintegrate,

The real power of the Death Dragon King lies in the terrifying power of death, which can directly corrode the moment the magic power touches it.

No amount of magic power or enchantment can stop the breath of death.

However, in terms of physique, Liu Yun is slightly inferior.

Coupled with the isolation and strengthening effect of mind power.

Liu Yun survived the violent onslaught of the Death Dragon King.


heavy blow,

The two sides parted again,

Liu Yun was floating in the sky, staring at the figure in front of him, his eyes revealing a trace of solemnity.

It is true that I took advantage of some advantages just now,

But he never underestimated the strength of the Dragon King of Death. After all, the Dragon King class is there, no matter how weak it is, it cannot be so weak.

However, he still underestimated the other party.

At the moment of the collision, he only felt that every punch he had landed on the steel made him feel pain.

To make him like this, Death Dragon King is the first one.

But that's not a bad thing.

After all, it can let him see the gap between himself and the Dragon King class.

"What is your power, human being?"

The Dragon King of Death flapped his wings and flew in mid-air in the area hundreds of meters away, making a whirring sound, watching Liu Yun question him.


Curious about the golden waves flowing on Liu Yun's body.

I don't understand why my own dragon power can't swallow it.

However, this kind of thing can only be told to the other party by a fool.

Wen Yan,

The corner of Liu Yun's mouth twitched, "Why do you want to learn, if you want to learn, kneel down and beg for mercy to be my mount.

"I wouldn't mind teaching you if I could do that."

have to say.

The strength of the Dragon King of Death is very terrifying, and if possible, it is a very good mount.

A dragon king acts as his follower.

This is undoubtedly a very cool and handsome thing at first sight.


No matter from which angle you look at it, it is impossible for such a thing to become a reality unless it is cultivated from dragon eggs.

And so it is.

Words fell.

The Dragon King of Death quickly became angry.

"What did you say!"

"Damn ants, do you know who you are talking to?!"

Liu Yun's words were like a knife piercing the death dragon king's self-esteem, Shang Hehang. After being said like this, he fell into a rage.

However, Liu Yun's face remained unchanged,

"Yes, you are the Dragon King, but it is also my goal. If I can eat your flesh and blood, it should make me stronger."

There was a cold light in the black eyes.

Liu Yun made no secret of his crazy ideas.

This time it's not just about dignity.

"Damn it guys!"


The Dragon King of Death roared angrily towards the sky.

The trembling dragon cry spread to the whole world.

In the next second, the double horns of the Death Dragon King turned into a single horn, and more and stronger magic power burst out from his body, matching his black single horn.

The entire giant dragon was directly wrapped into a sphere, and suddenly hit Liu Yun.

The speed is fast.

The strength is strong.

The dragon encountered in Liu Yun does not know how many times stronger!

»The sword thrust of the Death Dragon King!"

That dragon's horns can actually change!

"This is too messy!"

Irene and Anna witnessed this from a distance.

Everyone was shocked by Liu Yun's madness.

It's okay to fight against a dragon king.

It's crazy to provoke the other party with words.


Liu Yun was not afraid at all, but was extremely excited.

Come on, let me see where the gap is with the Dragon King!

Clench your fists.

Liu Yun rushed out at the same time, aiming at the hundreds or even thousands of dead dragon kings in front of him.

The result is not difficult to imagine.

Liu Yun was sent flying from the jack.

The body was penetrated by the dragon's horn, breaking several mountains one after another, leaving a deep river.

After all, it is the Dragon King.

With little physical awareness, the power of death can't get close, but it doesn't mean it has no effect at all.

With a full burst, it can still produce a huge boost.

And at the moment of piercing through the body,

The terrifying breath of death also poured into Liu Yun's body along the dragon's horn.

Immediately, the entire body was submerged in the collapsed mountain

"Master Liu Yun!"

"Master Liu Yun!"

When Liu Yun was pierced through the body,

Both Irene and Anna witnessed it, and their hearts suddenly became tense, and their whole heads were completely in a state of enlightenment.

Can't believe the facts in front of me.

Seeing Liu Yun being pierced through his body by his own dragon horn, the Dragon King of Death grinned grimly!

"Humans die for me!"

"Anyone who underestimates the Dragon Clan must give me a death guide!"

The body is pierced.

Coupled with being infected by the power of death.

Both are extremely fatal, and he does not believe that Liu Yun can survive in such a situation.


Just in this case, a voice.

"Dead? Forget it, I haven't lived enough now.

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