The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 181: Irene's Heart!

The world situation has undergone great turmoil.

At the center of the storm and the focus of the world, Liu Yun was lying comfortably by the stream, eating dragon meat and enjoying the services of beautiful women.

After World War I.

The towns of the Celestial Spirit family have basically been destroyed, not to mention the houses, not even a blade of grass can survive.

In desperation, they could only move to a lake tens of thousands of meters away to resettle.

The scenery here is very good.

In the wizarding world, rebuilding a home in a short period of time is not a big problem at all.

At least,

With Irene's help, this new home was established very quickly, it can be said that it is a breeze.

After all, Liu Yun has already killed a dragon king at this time, and it is nothing to the opponent to help build a paradise.

Because the biggest gain this time is not the "one three zero" cloud, but Irene herself.

The death of the Dragon King greatly changed the situation of the battle.

At the same time, there is the death of the general of the Second Kingdom. After his death, the Second Kingdom has no leader.

But even if you die, you need a judgment.

Under Irene's guidance, the Second Kingdom was directly incorporated into Doragunov's territory, and at the same time deterred some disobedient kingdoms.

at this time,

After reshuffling the cards, Ishgar finally has an atmosphere of the same front, instead of each fighting for their own interests.

This result is undoubtedly surprising.

However, this also caused a lot of affairs at the same time, and she had to bid farewell to Liu Yun and return to Doragunov.

It was already late at night, most people had already fallen asleep, and at this time, Irene approached Liu Yun.

before the temporary.

Irene extended an invitation to Liu Yun just like when she first came.

"Sorry, I refuse."


The result remains the same.

Irene had a look of disappointment on her face.

But after being rejected by Liu Yun this time, Irene didn't force anything.

After all, Liu Yun had already risked killing a Dragon King while giving her the chance to swallow a Second Kingdom.

What right does she have to make a request to Liu Yun?

However, the emotion shown in those beautiful eyes cannot be concealed.

"Then Master Liu Yun, I'm going to go back. I hope you don't mind disturbing you during this time."

"If one day the war ends, I will welcome you in the royal city."

Irene bowed deeply.

Immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

Looking at the lost figure, Liu Yun's heart seemed to be touched a little, and he suddenly said, "Wait a minute.

"Master Liu Yun, is there anything else you want to say?"

Irene turned her head and said.

Liu Yun said: "It's just something I want to give you."

With a backhand, Liu Yun took out three fruits of life from behind him and put them in Irene's hands.

"That's it?" Irene wondered.

"The fruit of life contains the power of life, and it can save your life in critical times."

Liu Yun explained softly: "These three fruits are very precious, and I don't have many left. You need to use them carefully."

"And don't be too aggressive in doing things. If you really lose one day, you can come to me."

"Although I can't help you with anything, you shouldn't be under protection."

Still soft-hearted after all.

Putting aside the identity of Erza's mother, Irene is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

Before he was an adult, he had already shouldered the responsibility of a kingdom, and even the fate of mankind on the entire continent of Ishgar.

Liu Yun said that it is impossible to have no feeling at all.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still a person, but he is still a person from four hundred years later. It is the best choice not to intervene in history.

However, in the face of Irene's tragic experience, Liu Yun still hopes to change.

Talking and talking.

Liu Yun suddenly recalled his identity as a teacher, and the person in front of him was Erza, and he began to preach habitually.

Preach to the queen of a country.

If this scene is seen by others, it will undoubtedly be a very ridiculous thing.


Irene didn't speak, just listened silently, looking at Liu Yun's face.


At some point, a layer of mist appeared in her eyes, which finally turned into bean-sized teardrops, sliding down from the corners of her eyes.

The stones that finally fell on the edge of the river.

When Liu Yun came back to his senses, Irene saw tears streaming down her face.

"Wait... why are you crying..."


Liu Yun panicked all of a sudden.

You must know that he is the one who hates girls to cry the most,

Subconsciously, I wanted to reach out to wipe it, but when I stretched my hand halfway, I suddenly remembered the identity of the other party's queen, and the doctor stopped in mid-air...


Irene didn't care about these at all, and threw herself into Liu Yun's arms, crying loudly.

for a long time.

Irene is really bitter.

A loved one died suddenly, and she had already shouldered the heavy burden before she experienced the wind and rain.

Although there is the Holy Dragon King Belserion to shield her from the wind and rain, this is only limited to the external pressure, and the internal pressure needs to be borne by Irene alone.

Every time Irene moves, she is cautious, for fear of failing to live up to the high expectations of others, she walks on the tip of a knife all day long, like walking on thin ice.

But, until they came to the Celestial Spirit clan and met Liu Yun.

During this time, it is what she enjoys most.

Here she really let go of her worries and troubles, and lived a free life, especially watching the moment when Liu went to fight Longyu alone.

It's like finding a haven where you can shelter from the wind, which is reassuring.

But before the interim, I heard about Liu Yun's relationship again, it seemed that the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally found a place to vent.

This pressure is like a torrent of savings, all gushing out.

No matter how Liu Yun comforted her, she couldn't make Irene recover.

Before Liu Yun could react.

A hot red lip pressed up, throwing Liu Yun to the ground.

At that moment, a thought flashed in Liu Yun's mind.

Grandpa was pushed back?

It has always been Liu Yun5.7 who took the initiative.

But this is the first time it has been reversed.

It is true that he has not imagined such a situation, but the moment it really happened, he still felt a little outrageous.

It is completely unimaginable that this kind of plot will happen to me.


The charming aroma quickly made Liu Yun stop thinking.

late at night.

Everyone is already fast asleep.

After experiencing the dragon attack, everyone was extremely tired and fell asleep early.

Extraordinary tranquility by the creek.

The only sound was the burning bonfire in the camp.

The hot flame burned the wood, making a crackling sound, sending out more violent flames, dyeing the surrounding scenery red.

It didn't stop until after dawn.

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