The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 185: Dilemma, The Siege Of The Four Dragon Kings!


The well-deserved Dragon King on the continent of Ishgar.

Also the strongest.

Its existence lies not only in its unparalleled strength, but also its extraordinary wisdom, and it has the title of Zhilong.

However, after all, a powerful life is not a completely invincible existence.

His greatest weakness is his kindness.

In order to save the collapsed situation, he finally exhausted himself and died in battle.

The dragon who was regarded as a father died on the battlefield, and Irene also started Blacken's first step with no support at that time, and finally walked on the road of no return.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun's eyes darkened instantly.

"Is she crazy? Really thinks she'll be able to intervene in - a fight like that?"

He knew that this was an unchangeable result.

However, I still couldn't help but want to scold him, obviously I had already warned the other party, but I still chose such a path.

"Master Liu Yun........."

Anna also looked over worriedly.

Obviously, she was also worried about Irene's safety and couldn't stop ignoring her.

She has no ability to control the situation of the battle, and her only hope can only be placed on Liu Yun.


Liu Yun sighed.

"I see, then you can leave the other personnel and go to the inner area.

Who made himself soft-hearted.

If it was some time ago, Liu Yun would never have cared about these crap things, but now Irene is his woman.

Liu Yun couldn't sit idly by.

Leave some fruits of life and water of life for Anna and the little girl. After ensuring safety, they turned around and flew away towards the distance.

Western region of Ishgar.

A large number of giant dragons poured in, and giant dragons comparable to mountain peaks landed on the island. The number of them was completely uncountable.

Too much

It's just too much.

Under this amount, almost the entire sky is covered, and the light cannot penetrate.

The whole land was in a state of darkness, everything was left with only one color, and high mountains were crushed under the trampling of Mulong.

It's almost like a picture of the end.

Any power, any strong man is just a joke in front of so many dragons.

And in the middle of these dragons is a huge human city.

Within the city, there are several giant dragons struggling to support it.


The brightest.

It is the largest dragon with white wings all over its body.

A terrifying aura emanated out, and its powerful strength made the giant dragons around and in the sky afraid to approach.


His name is Belserion.

The strength of the peak dragon king is enough to shock the audience, but with the passage of time, the number of dragons is also increasing.

In the four directions of the city, there are also four powerful dragons surrounding it.


"Belserion, are you still holding on? Give up, you cannot win this war.

"That's right, why are you struggling to support yourself here? Why do you belong to the Dragon Clan and hang out with these ants-like guys? Obviously you have such a powerful Lihuang.

"Did you pay so much for these waste humans and to protect them?"


Facing the dragons, Belserion had only one answer.

"Don't waste time."

"I am Belserion. The dragon of wisdom will not abandon anyone. Before I die, no one will be sacrificed here."

"As long as you have the courage, go up one by one!"


The sound of angry dragon cries resounded through the sky.

Despite being exhausted, Belserion has no intention of giving in [the huge eyes still flash with determination.

That's right.

Belserion alone can easily break through.

The strength of the peak dragon king, unless he sacrificed himself, with the mood of going to death, there is no existence that can stop the world's peak combat power.

See the entire Fairy Tail world.

Only the Black Dragon King, the Five God Dragons, and Zeref who stepped into the realm of God can kill the peak Dragon King.

However, this is also the era four hundred years later.

Belserion is strong enough to fight four against one and protect the humans below.

Even so, the giant dragons around did not dare to take it lightly.

I'm afraid that one of them will die on the spot if he is not careful.

However, they don't have to worry too much.

As long as they kill each other slowly and spend a little more time, the victory in this game will belong to them after all.

It is true that such means are somewhat low.

But these dragon kings don't think so.

...asking for flowers......

It is not easy to become a dragon king. Everyone has experienced life and death, and has grown to this point from the long years.

It is the real stupidity to try to be quick for a while.

So in the face of Belsalion's provocation, they were also indifferent.


Such insults still make their faces dull.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then play slowly by yourself, I'll see how long you can last.

One of the four dragon kings said, a blue dragon with a whole body.

"Speed ​​up.

The other four giant dragons nodded.

The Dragon Clan still needs to invade the interior, and it is impossible to stay here for too long.

Otherwise, this new continent they haven't set foot on will be divided up by other giant dragons, and they may not let it go.


It is different from the environment four hundred years ago.

The area where the dragons are located, that is, the western continent, is even more depleted of magic power.

The huge number of dragons completely absorbed the magic power in the atmosphere. Without the support of magic power, the natural environment would become harsh.

In contrast, Yixiu, who is also depleted of mana, is like heaven in their eyes.

And this is why the Dragon Clan really started the war.

However... not long after the Four Dragon Kings finished speaking, they decided to launch a stronger onslaught.


A terrifying explosion sounded from behind them, and a large number of giant dragons were instantly involved in the explosion.

A large number of dragons were wounded.

This scene also attracted the attention of the Four Dragon Kings.

Who, dare to live impatiently with the giant dragon of the Dragon Clan?!

In front of the field of vision, more than a dozen giant dragons broke through the front line and rushed towards the inner area, and a figure stood impressively on one of the giant dragons.

Belserion, who was in the middle of a battle, knew it instantly.

Who else could it be but Irene!

Irene, why is she here!

We are in a dangerous situation at this time.

The last person Belserion wanted to see was Irene.

The current situation is undoubtedly a dead end.

It doesn't matter if it dies by itself, but it will never think about dragging down the children who paid for itself

Immediately roared.

"Irene you get me the scoop out of here!".

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