The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 191: The Smell Of Gunpowder, Belserion Break Free!

The Storm Dragon King sneered.

It does not believe that under such circumstances, there is still the possibility of the situation being reversed.


The moment it's ready to get to know Irene for itself.


Suddenly, a dragon king uttered a scream to remind.

The Storm Dragon King was taken aback,

Before he could react, a terrifying figure that surpassed him appeared in front of them, with angry eyes fixed on him.

"I! You will never be allowed to do anything to her!"


The vast magic burst out.

There is a holy power in the magic power, following the terrifying dragon claws, it falls towards the head of the Storm Dragon King.

In the next second, it was as if a meteorite hit.

The body of the Storm Dragon King suffered an extremely violent impact, and fell directly from mid-air, and the magic power just condensed in his hand was instantly shattered.

Losing "Seven Nine Seven" to support the magic power, the evolutionary storm dissipated instantly.

And the body of the Storm Dragon King was deeply embedded in the ground, a large number of stones burst out, and a ball of dragon blood spit out from his mouth!

What, the Dragon King is injured!

How is this possible, how is it possible that there is an existence that can injure the Storm Dragon King!

"What the hell just happened!"

The fall of the Storm Dragon King caused a lot of shock. No one thought that the Storm Dragon King would fall down in a split second.

Also shocked was the Storm Dragon King.

The moment it was shot down, its eyes showed an unbelievable expression, but when his eyes looked at the sky.

Seeing that holy golden dragon, his eyes froze for a moment.

"Belserion, how did you escape?"

Although he separated his mind from Irene, he didn't let go of Belserion's suppression.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to escape, how could it be possible for him to escape.


The second after he shouted that sentence, a sentence suddenly flashed in the heart of the Storm Dragon King, a sentence that Irene said just now.

"Could it be you!"


He looked at Irene in front of the group of dragons with murderous eyes.

Belserion had no strength left to escape from the encirclement. The only possibility was that Irene assisted him.

See here.

Irene smiled smugly.

No answer, but also the best answer,

That's right.

In an instant, she not only transferred the attack, but also transferred Belserion who was in trouble.

In fact, Irene has the conditions to release this magic from the beginning.

But the problem is that Belserion's strength is too strong, the stronger the person, the more difficult it is to transfer.


If you want to get close in a short time, you will need a lot of magic power to block the Dragon King's attack.


With Liu Yun's delay and the recovery power of the Fruit of Life, she can barely hold on, otherwise the forced release of this magic will have extremely serious consequences.

Even the situation of overdrawing life.

The stakes are high, but everything is sleepy.


Along with Belserion breaking free, Liu Yun who was trapped in the mountain on the other side also broke free and rushed out of the outside world.

However, on the premise of breaking free from the shackles, Liu Yun took all the attacks.

At this time, he was quite embarrassed.

But overall there is not much consumption.

"This kid is still alive."

The Earth Dragon King lost his voice.

It is completely unimaginable that under such circumstances, Liu Yun can also break free from his shackles.

And with the change of situation.

At this moment, it is 2 vs 4. It is true that the dragon side has an absolute advantage, but the existence of the peak dragon king is enough to fight against two.

What's more.

There is also Irene, who has stepped into the king's rank in half a step.

See here.

The dragons' eyes flickered darkly.

The great situation turned into a disadvantage in an instant, "They already have the mood to kill people.


Things have come to this point, it is impossible for them to give up directly.

The current situation is very delicate, but it has not yet reached the point where they give up directly, and Belserion may not be able to last for a long time.

The balance of victory still tilts on them.

So in the absence of absolute victory, they will not give up.

"Don't be too happy, this battle is just the beginning."

"Really? Now we can have a good fight."

Return to state.

The Holy Dragon King did not intend to let the opponent go.

After all, if these four dragon kings can be kept, this situation will play a decisive role in the entire battlefield...

Kill each other after all.


Belserion's killing intent climbed to the limit.

The same goes for Liu Yun, in order to delay the battle, he has tied his hands and feet a lot, and now he can finally let go of the fight completely.

"Hey, boy, you go first."

"Don't be nervous, you pick the rest of the people and leave them to me to deal with. If it doesn't work, you can protect Irene and others."

"I can fight myself!"


Belserion looked at Liu Yun and asked him to choose his opponent first.

The two met for the first time.

However, there was a hint of hostility in the words, and even in the eyes that looked at Liu Yun.

That's right.


Although he has been stuck here for a long time, he can roughly guess the relationship between Liu Yun and Irene.

In a way.

Irene is still entrusted to him by Belserion's old friend, watching him grow up little by little, and getting along with him for a long time.

Belserion had completely considered Irene his daughter.


As the Dragon King, how could it be willing to share its power with humans.

It is true that he advocates a republic, but if the Dragon King chooses to surrender, such a situation will never happen to Belserion.

Only loved ones are worth it.

Likewise, Irene sees Belserion as a parent.

The presence of Liu Yun occupied Irene for a split second, much to Belserion's annoyance, even though the other side helped him.

But the daughter I raised was suddenly taken away by another man who came out, and it must be a lie to say that there was no reaction at all.

It's like growing flowers in my own home, and it's almost a pig.

For this reason, Belserion felt that he had to test Liu Yun.

at this time,

Belserion looked at Liu Yun with hostility.

Liu Yun could also see this, but he was not annoyed, just smiled lightly and said: "In that case, then I will not be polite.

"I don't want too much, just keep the two dragon kings for me. After all, you have injuries, so you and Irene can deal with the two dragon kings together."

A strong smell of gunpowder diffused between the two!.

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