The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 309: Liu Yun's Killing Intent!

Liu Yun's sudden change was beyond the expectations of all Mrs. Doraguno. They never expected that, while their side kept making demands, Liu Yun's side was making demands on them, Mrs. Dorraguno.

This situation obviously exceeded their expectations.

Under such circumstances, although these Mrs. Doraguno couldn't see the situation, they still said cautiously just in case.

Try to make yourself as pitiful as possible, so as to ensure that your interests will not be encroached upon. After all, they have benefited, but it is still impossible to really ask them to take out their own things~.

Therefore, in the words, try to mention Liu Yun's identity as much as possible, so as to constantly remind Liu Yun to make Liu Yun care about his identity and status, so that he doesn't want Liu Yun to get any benefits from them.

It has to be said that these Mrs. Doraguno are extremely selfish, but these Mrs. Doraguno don't care.

As long as it comes to what they can get, they will not let it go, not to mention that under the current situation, the entire Doragunov and even the human race are in a turbulent time, and under such circumstances, they are more concerned about their own safety. As for the life and death of other people, they don't bother to care about it.

As for Lin Cheng's situation, the same is true of Mrs. Doraguno,

From their point of view, Liu Yun is so powerful, under such circumstances, they should help them, Mrs. Doraguno. After all, they, Mrs. Doraguno, paid a great price for this war.

What's more, their Queen Irene, Mrs. Doraguno, is also Liu Yun's woman.

Under such circumstances, Liu Yun should help Mrs. Doragunov even more.

Thinking of this, these Mrs. Doragunuo became more and more at ease, so in their view, Liu Yun should not put conditions on these weak Mrs. Doragunuo, let alone ask for benefits from them.

The weak should be protected by the strong, and the strong should protect the weak.

It has to be said that these normal theories suddenly became a little weird when they fell on Mrs. Doragunov.

However, none of Mrs. Doraguno thought there was a problem.

Liu Yun's reaction to this was also very calm, as if he had expected such a situation just now, and was not surprised at all by what Mrs. Doraguno said. Even under the circumstances just now, these words were what Mrs. Dorraguno should say.

Faced with such a situation, he also replied directly: "Don't worry, I don't have any intention of asking for anything from you, let alone expelling you. After all, what you said earlier is also a reasonable request. As Mrs. Doraguno, you have paid the most among the entire human race. Under such circumstances, there is no reason to ask you to pay anything." '

"You can rest assured about this, and you don't have to worry about your things being robbed or something. Besides, I have also promised your conditions. Since I have already promised things, I will naturally not go back on my word."

Hearing this, the Mrs. Doragunuo also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, no matter what, although they got the promise from Liu Yun and assured their own safety, under such circumstances, property became their concern, and they didn't want anyone to snatch it.

Thinking of this, hearing Liu Yun say that he would not snatch their things, nor ask them to take the initiative to hand over Ali, he relaxed a little bit, but even so, there were still a few guys who were a little worried about this situation.

Now that Liu Yun has already said that he is not asking them to hand over other things, let alone Mrs. Doraguno's finances, if it is nothing, then it is impossible to say that these Mrs. Doraguno's conditions are for fate. They don't think Liu Yun will kill him. . '

...asking for flowers......

"If you really want to kill the haul, with Liu Yun's strength, you can do it immediately. You don't need to explain so many things to them, Mrs. Doraguno. With Liu Yun's strength, you can kill all the people present in a flash."

It is estimated that it is something that requires them to be serious and careful.

After all, although the current situation is said to be safe, order and the like still need to be maintained.

In the Doragunov Palace, under many circumstances, there are still many rules and other things, which they still need to strictly abide by.

Although this point is still unacceptable to Mrs. Doraguno, after all, they are Mrs. Dorraguno. As Mrs. Dorraguno, they still need to abide by the situation here, and they still have some resistance.

However, in the face of Liu Yun's strength, Mrs. Doraguno admittedly still had some ideas, but they still suppressed them.

After all, they have already taken some benefits now, so there is absolutely no need to say more.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Doraguno, who thought she was at a disadvantage, said again: "No problem, what Master Liu Yun wants us to do, we Mrs. Doraguno will do it directly, but under such circumstances, you should make it clear, as long as it is not troublesome, we can agree.

These Mrs. Doraguno are still very cautious.

Although it doesn't involve other things, there are still no plans to let go of other issues.

After all, under many circumstances, Liu Yun may still put forward some demands that embarrass them, so just in case, they feel that they still need to be more cautious.

Because under such circumstances, what they said and what they thought were very different from what they expected.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun didn't want to say anything more, let alone conceal something, and said directly.

"It's very simple."

"There's only one thing I'm asking for, and that's a dead spoon."

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