The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 314: The Last Moment! Season Finale!

"Wait, what's going on here, the number of these giant dragons is too much, right?"

"With so many dragons, they can really win this war. I'm not joking."

"This is too scary!"

At this moment, in the area directly in front of all personnel,

I saw a large number of people approaching constantly. Under such circumstances, the people who had been staying in Doragunov had seen such a scene and were immediately shocked.

One by one, they were so frightened that their legs went weak and they wanted to run away.

And so it is.

After realizing the seriousness of the problem, people kept wanting to escape, but it was too late at this time.

At the moment of appearance, the giant dragon of the Dragon Clan has already charged over. Under the massive attack, there is no safe area except Doragunov's kingdom. Under such circumstances, many things have changed into another picture-. .

A large number of people continue to die.

And it was under such circumstances that Liu Yun and Bell Serion made their moves.

Powerful power radiated out, and they directly attacked the uppermost area. They knew very well that they could kill the dragon below directly, but doing so would only waste their own power, and it would be better to kill the right dragon king directly than it is so troublesome. This is their last chance of survival.

However, under such circumstances, how could the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan be so easy to kill?

Almost at such an agreed time, a corresponding counterattack was also made.

"If you want to kill us, you have to have some kind of strength."

"Now I'm giving you the last chance. If you surrender, we can still allow you to live. Otherwise, follow these human beings and die together."

The dragon of the Dragon Clan roared.

With so many giant dragons appearing at the same time, such a picture is undoubtedly very terrifying.

But even so, neither Liu Yun nor Belserion has changed. After all, when they chose to play, they had already decided, so how could they be timid at this time?

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight."

With a roar, Liu Yun rushed out to catch him.

Meanwhile, Belserion was also in direct combat.

A large number of battles broke out between the highest combat powers between the two sides, and the terrifying power continued to spread out like a tide. Under such circumstances, with their strong strength, the two sides barely maintained a tie.

But it is under such circumstances.

Suddenly, Liu Yun broke out.

The powerful force rushed like a beast, broke through the defense of the dragon clan, and killed a giant dragon!

Suddenly, the Dragon King caused an accident.

"You still hide this strength!"

That's right.

Liu Yun hides his strength.

With the help of his own skills, he keeps the power of the dragon in his body, and then releases it when needed. That's why he chooses to go out to hunt the dragon.

In order to accumulate strength.

With the outbreak of Liu Yun, the whole situation reversed again.

Liu Yun killed all the dragon kings with great strength, and at the same time all other dragons fell.

Under such circumstances, all personnel are cheering for victory at this moment.

However, under such circumstances, an accident occurred.

call out---!

I saw a black dot across the sky,

A terrifying giant dragon continued to fall downwards.

And this giant dragon is none other than Acnologia, the Black Dragon King.

After constantly rushing, the Black Dragon King Acnologia finally arrived at the battlefield when the battle broke out, and the target of his attack was none other than the Holy Dragon King Belserion.

Due to being pinned down, Belserion was unable to react at all, and fell down in an instant.


With the existence of the contract, Irene also noticed the strange situation for the first time.


Because he couldn't get out of the battle, he could only watch Belserion die, unable to make any response.

And on the other side, looking at this scene,

Most of the people around started to flee.

After all, even the Holy Dragon King Belserion is dead, and ordinary people like them will not have any effect at all.

Thinking of such a situation, they naturally wouldn't stay and continue fighting.

But at this time, seeing his people choose to escape one by one, Irene, who was extremely sad, felt even more desperate, until a voice came from above him.

...asking for flowers......

"Don't give up, this battle is far from over, I will win this war, believe me!"

That voice was full of power. Dispel the sorrow from Irene's heart.

Under such circumstances, this one is naturally Liu Yun.

At this time, although he lost the assistance of the Holy Dragon King, he was still struggling to support him, and he couldn't help but have nothing to do, and he was still improving in the battle. Soon some dragons will be dealt with. Then he turned around and looked at the Black Dragon King Acnologia,

"You shouldn't have killed him."

"Natural selection, he is too weak, I can't let him go, and you don't have to worry that it will be your turn soon."

Black Dragon King Acnologia directly hit.

Seeing this, Liu Yun also made a move.

Now the final battle in the world of Fairy Tail breaks out.

Both parties have reached the peak of the king level, and they are only one step away from stepping into the god level. Under this situation, the momentum generated is even ten times more terrifying than the normal situation!

However, within a short while, the Black Dragon King Acnologia directly suppressed Liu Yun.

But at this very moment.

An incomparably terrifying power erupted from Liu Yun's body;

Seeing this scene, Black Dragon King Acnologia fell into shock.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, you still have such terrifying power! You should be dead!"

"You're right. I did die just now, but it was a blessing in disguise, and I was promoted to a new stage. Thanks to you!"

This is the power of the dragon and the power of man.

When the strength of the two sides combined, Liu Yun was promoted accordingly.


With a wave of his arm, Black Dragon King Acnologia was directly crushed to death, even making a sound.

So far it's all over.

After the battle.

Liu Yun, who has stepped into the realm of gods, can finally return to his own time.

Take Anna and Irene together and return to his world.

So far,

The story belonging to Liu Yun has also come to an end.

end at the same time.

Also means fresh start scoop!.

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