The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter Thirty-Three: Spiritual Realm World!

inside the house,

Polyucica heard the sound and found Liu Yun and Mirajane.

The moment he saw it, a disgusted expression appeared on his face, and he scolded without hesitation: "Go out, didn't that guy Makarov tell you?"

"Get out of here."

Mirajane is about to have a seizure subconsciously.

However, Liu Yun stopped her when she mentioned it, and turned to Polusica and explained: "I am helping with the treatment, please let me out for a while."

Polyucica, who was already bad-tempered, became angry.

Not to mention breaking in, let her out!

At this moment, Makarov rushed in and explained.

"Poleucica, this is Elfman's family."


Polyucica was taken aback for a moment, but in the next second she showed a disgusted expression.

"Even the patient's family members are the same, besides, does he know how to treat it?"


Makarov froze.

He knows Liu Yun's mystery, but he has never heard that Liu Yun even knows medical skills.

But at this moment, Liu Yun had already walked straight to the hospital bed, and as soon as he approached, he saw Elfman lying on the hospital bed covered in blood and his chest was bandaged with a white cloth.

At a glance, Liu Yun could see Elfman's condition clearly.

"Three sternums on the left and right are broken, the brain is congested and hemorrhages, and the consciousness of life has already collapsed. The situation is urgent, you go out first."

"His Excellency Liu Yun, you..."

"Relax, I'm not kidding about Elfman's."

Makarov was speechless.

Rescuing patients is the most important thing, out of trust in Liu Yun, he nodded silently.


this time.

Polyuska said nothing.

Because, Liu Yun saw Elfman's injury with just one glance, obviously he was not a simple person.

The point is that Elfman's injury is too serious, and her potion can't do much, at most it can hang his life, so it's better to let the other party try.

"the same as you."

Liu Yun said to Mirajane who was standing beside the hospital bed.

Mirajane clenched her fists and silently followed Makarov out, but before going out, her beautiful eyes revealed pleading.

However, worrying about disturbing him, he closed the door firmly.

Close the door gently.

There were only two people left in the room.

Looking at the unconscious Elfman, Liu Yun sighed silently: "It's really troublesome."

For ordinary people, even members of the Fairy Tail guild, Liu Yun didn't bother to take care of them.

Live or die.

There are only a few students that Liu Yun cares about.

But seeing how distraught Mirajane was, he couldn't do anything.

Although I trust Mirajane's will very much, I believe that she will not be self-sealed because of the death of her relatives.

But Liu Yun can't bet on the future of his students.

Liu Yun exhaled lightly, closed his eyes slowly, and said a word softly.


Stand still.

But in the next second, some green light flickered in the corner of Liu Yun's eyes.

And the world in front of him has also changed accordingly, everything is covered with darkness, completely opposite to the real world.

In the darkness, there are only dots of light emitting this light.

This is... Elfman's soul.

Liu Yun himself does not have any means of healing, but the reason why he dares to ensure Elfman's life is that he has a part of the power of death.

The fairy world is divided into three major worlds.

Aslant, Edolas, and the higher-level world 'Elentia'.

Only there is no world where the soul is stored. The soul of the dead will not disappear directly, but will remain in the world in a wandering way or in a fusion way.

Finally, under the action of time, it dissolves in nature and disappears.

two years.

Mirajane, Erza and others are rapidly improving in strength, but Liu Yun has not changed at all. On the contrary, he is the one who has improved the most.

Because he found a shortcut.

That is to ingest the soul.

Wuji Kendo has the power to see through the spiritual realm.

With the power of breaking the surface, Liu Yun can clearly see those souls floating in the world, floating in the air like magic factors.

By devouring soul power, Liu Yun's strength increased rapidly.

Every time it devours a human soul, or the soul of a strange beast, it strengthens its own soul power.

In this regard, Liu Yun has no psychological burden.

Just like absorbing magic power, these souls themselves will dissipate in this world and eventually merge into one body. In this case, it is better to be absorbed by yourself.

Simply put, he became strong.

In two years, not to mention reaching the level of Yachukas, but it is still several times stronger than before.

However, what Liu Yun has to do this time is different, that is, to bring Elfman's soul back to his original body.

Most of Elfman's soul has left his body, what Liu Yun has to do is to collect the broken souls.


He arrived in time and Polyucica hanged himself, and the dissipated souls were leaving too far away.

Otherwise, one step later, even if Liu Yun can collect souls, there is nothing he can do.

"Get together."

Black waves emerged.

In the next second, an invisible soul vortex formed, and all the large and small souls that dissipated in the room rushed in automatically. During this process, Liu Yun kept eliminating irrelevant forces.

Among them, this step is extremely important and also extremely complicated.

The soul is the most fragile human body, and a little carelessness may lead to serious consequences.

If irrelevant souls are integrated into it, it may lead to soul confusion, madness, etc., which requires a lot of mental effort.

Because of this, Liu Yun was so reluctant.

It took about an hour to collect all the broken souls and send them back to Elfman's body.


It's not over yet.

Sending the soul back to the body does not mean that the body will accept it directly.

Elfman is really too weak, so weak that even his soul dissipates automatically, reaching the point of dying, and he still needs help.

"I'm afraid I'm really exhausted this time."

Liu Yun lightly tapped Elfman's forehead to strengthen his remaining soul, so that he could actively accept those scattered forces.

That's another few hours.

This kind of operation will not consume much spiritual power of Liu Yun.


The point is trouble.

People like Liu Yun, who are too lazy to practice, persisted for such a long time. In the past, it was unimaginable.

And before that, in order to hurry, Liu Yun also launched Shunpo continuously,

When the auxiliary absorption was completed, the sky outside had already darkened.

Medical outside.

Everyone was waiting quietly without moving or leaving. They were afraid that the sound of walking would disturb Liu Yun in the medical room.

Mirajane and Mirajane stood directly at the door waiting.

The bloodshot streaks on the eyes and the tear stains on the edge of the eye sockets, it is not difficult to see that the two have been crying silently for a long time.


The door opened, Liu Yun's figure came out from the medical room, and everyone rushed up.

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