The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Mrs. Shavings Soaking In Hot Springs With Female Students!

Seeing this, Liu Yun sighed silently.

After all, she was just a fifteen-year-old girl.

Behind the seemingly strong, it is full of attention to relatives.

Liu Yun could probably feel some of it. Thinking of this, he gently comforted him. "It's okay, everything is over."

"Elfman was recovering well when I left, and I expect to see him get out of bed in a few days."

Sniffing the familiar smell.

Listening to Liu Yun's comfort,

Mirajane slowly calmed down and returned to her usual state.

And when she calmed down completely, seeing herself being held in Liu Yun's arms, two red clouds suddenly appeared on her white and tender face.

Especially when he saw the well-defined muscles and the rushing breath, he blushed so much that it seemed as if he could squeeze water out with a slight pressure.


Still, Mirajane has no intention of leaving.

In the past, Liu Yun tried his best to avoid rejection due to his teacher-student status. This was the first time that Liu Yun got so close.

After a long time, Liu Yun reminded me that I reluctantly left.

Liu Yun also wanted to stay a little longer.

But his current situation is too embarrassing, only surrounded by a bath towel.

However, just when Liu Yun was eager to get away.

Mirajane suddenly remembered something again, with a worried look on his face, he said, "Teacher, I seem to have gotten into trouble this time."

Now she has regained her sanity.

Recalling what he did wrong, Mirajane also instantly realized the seriousness of the matter, and it is very likely that he will be punished by the Magic Council.

The thought of causing so much trouble.

She doesn't care about it herself, but she is afraid of getting involved in the gym.

"It's okay, as long as the problem is not serious, the teacher can settle it."

Liu Yun, who was eager to get away, had his attention diverted, but he didn't realize the problem. He subconsciously thought that he was talking about the destruction of Eisenwald.

And hearing Liu Yun's words, Mirajane also beamed with joy.

"Really? Even if it triggers the punishment of the Magic Council, it's okay."

"It's okay, isn't it just a... Wait, you said Magic Council? What have you done?"

Isn't Mirajane going to deal with Eisenwald?

How did it get involved with the Magic Council?

For a moment, an ominous premonition emerged in Liu Yun's heart.

Facing Liu Yun's gaze, Mirajane said coyly: "That is... destroying a city."

"a city!"

Liu Yun's eyes widened!


Mirajane just said what she did.

When he heard that Mirajane killed all Eisenwald personnel and destroyed the entire city, Liu Yun's eyeballs almost popped out.

Early on, he knew what would happen if he let Mirajane go, and what would happen after that.

However, he never expected to directly destroy an entire city!

Even Natsu and Gray combined don't have half the destructive power of Mirajane.

this moment.

Liu Yun suddenly felt the same pain as Makarov.

I thought it would be better if I didn't have many students, but when I turned around, Mirajane caused him such a big trouble.

Looking at Liu Yun with a dull face, Mirajane has lowered her head, almost buried her whole head in her chest.


She was well aware of how big a mistake she had made.

see this,

Liu Yun opened his mouth, but shut it silently.


I must be reluctant.

After all, they are their own students.

To act in anger for the sake of a loved one, I should encourage it.

If you see your loved ones hurt but have no response, you will be worried instead.

Furthermore, as a teacher, knowing the consequences of Mirajane's departure and agreeing to her request, I have some responsibilities.

After a long silence, Liu Yun said helplessly.

"Forget it, don't worry about this matter, let me handle it."

"Really? Will it really be all right?"


Liu Yun's consolation still didn't make Mirajane completely relieved, and her face was still full of worry.

"That's natural, anyway, you are my student, how can I watch you have an accident and ignore it?"

Liu Yun said softly.

The voice is very soft.

It fell into Mirajane's heart, but there was already an uproar.

The whole person froze in place.

Time seemed to stand still, only Liu Yun was left in Mirajane's world, and there was no room for others.

Unknowingly, the tears that I thought had stopped flowed out again, and slid down the cheeks, like pearls that had been threaded and couldn't stop anymore.


This scene made Liu Yun flustered all of a sudden.

Reaching out his hand, he quickly wiped away the tears for Mirajane.

"What's the matter, don't worry, I will take care of it."

", I'm just too happy."


Almost instantly, Mirajane was directly buried in Liu Yun's arms, unable to extricate herself.

Liu Yun was at a loss and could only hug Mirajane's delicate body, gently stroked her soft hair, trying to soothe her fragile heart.

I don't know how long it took for Mirajane to recover.

"Teacher, can you wait any longer? Didn't you just want wine and side dishes? I'll go and prepare them for you."

Without giving Liu Yun a chance to refuse, Mirajane blushed and walked out of the hot spring.

Liu Yun was a little confused.

However, he returned to the hot spring silently.

It didn't take him a moment to see why Mirajane was blushing.

Soak in hot springs,

Then I saw Mirajane in a white bathrobe, holding a plate of wine and meatballs.

The long white hair hangs down, clinging to the white skin.

A pair of beautiful eyes are still a little red because of the crying just now, matching the beautiful face, a pair of pear blossom eyes with tears.

A pair of white jade-like long legs were exposed under the white bathrobe, which was breathtaking.

The most attractive thing is the proud pair, which rises and falls with the footsteps.

I have grown up!

Such an idea came to Liu Yun subconsciously.


What are you thinking about?

She is his student.

Out of a teacher's instinct, Liu Yun subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

However, thinking about his state at this time, he suddenly became sluggish in the hot spring, neither looking nor walking.

Stepped into the misty hot spring, sat beside Liu Yun, poured Liu Yun a glass of wine,

A faint fragrance came oncoming.

Be a teacher!

Be a teacher!

Be a teacher!


After reading a few words.

Liu Yun calmed down and said slowly:

"Mira, this is..."

"The teacher must be very tired, so I want to give you a few massages for you."

Mirajane blushed up to her ears.


Even so, there is no need to wear this look, right?

Liu Yun looked at the leeks and wine on the plate?

This is really not treating the teacher as a man!

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