Long white hair fluttered in the wind.

A pair of devil's horns grew from the top of the head, and red light shone in the dark eyes.

The black lines on the hands disappeared, replaced by layers of white material armor, and a pair of black demon wings stretched out from behind.

With a single swipe, it can create gusts of wind.

What's even more peculiar is that there is a hollow in the abdomen, and a layer of black substance can be seen through the hollow.

And this is Mirajane's blurred pose.

Lucy's face was blank, she didn't expect such a scene at all.

Laxus was even more unbelievable.

"How is this possible? Her aura suddenly increased ten times."

If Mirajane just now gave him terrifying pressure, then now he feels the breath of death.

A Liu Yun is enough to surprise him,

I didn't expect his students to be so perverted!

"Next it's my turn."

Shocked, Mirajane moved.

The black demon moved slightly, and the figure disappeared in place, and reappeared in front of Laxus.

"So fast!"

Laxus narrowed his eyes, subconsciously blocked with his hands.

At the same time, Mirajane's fist had already landed, hitting the abdomen directly, bursting out with a heavy sound.

next second.

Like a cannonball, Laxus flew upside down and slammed into the wall.

The pain from the abdomen and back made Laxus' eyes bulge, and he felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and his internal organs seemed to be squeezed out.

However, this is just the beginning.

As soon as Laxus stood up, Mirajane's second attack had already fallen.





One punch, two punches, three punches.

At this moment, Laxus was crazily beaten by Mirajane, bumping around on the practice field like a rubber ball, unable to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Lucy felt cold inside.

At the same time, Lucy finally understood what Liu Yun said just now. Compared with Mirajane, she should be more worried about Laxus.

While attacking, Mirajane also returned Laxus' mocking words to him one by one.

"Let you mock me, how dare you underestimate women."

"Come on, isn't it amazing?"



At this time,

Not to mention Lucy, Liu Yun also looked a little startled.

It was also the first time he saw such a violent scene as Mirajane.

But now is not the time to be alarmed.

Because, if he doesn't make a move again, Laxus will really be beaten to death, how will he face Makarov by then.

"Okay, Mira, that's enough."


A timely shout out.

Stopping the fist that was about to drop in the air, Mirajane gave Laxus a very dissatisfied look, reluctantly withdrew his fist, turned his head and left.

"Fortune with you."

Laxus breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was also this breath that hurt so much that his muscles ached all over his body, and he passed out soon.

In just a short moment, several of his ribs were broken, and if he hadn't awakened a part of Dragon Scale and Liu Yun called to stop in time, he would have fainted during the attack.

no way.

Liu Yun could only take Laxus to the Life Hot Spring.

Under the warmth of the hot spring of life, for about half an hour, Laxus gradually regained consciousness.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Liu Yun who was soaking in the opposite.

"How is it, are you okay?".

"Are you knowing the advisor?"

Laxus said angrily.

Even the bones are broken, but nothing can happen.

After taking a deep breath, he continued: "Did you deliberately let her hit hard, so as to humiliate me?"

"This has nothing to do with me." Liu Yun shrugged and said, "I just want to tell you that this really has nothing to do with me, let alone you asked for it yourself?"

Laxus was speechless.


Everything is self-inflicted.

"But that's fine."

Liu Yun sat down and said, "It's just to wake you up. If you don't hit him hard, how will you understand your own weakness?"

"Whether it's caring about the eyes around you or being jealous, I just want to tell you that those who are looked down upon may not be as bad as you see."

"Jealousy is not terrible, the terrible thing is that you are still caught in it."

"Or is it really all your efforts? It has nothing to do with Lord Makarov?"

"This was originally my own effort, and it was obtained through my own cultivation."

Laxus retorted angrily.

But in the next second, Liu Yun's light and fluffy words made him stunned.

"Didn't you inherit your magic power from your grandfather?"

Liu Yun said lightly.

He doesn't deny Laxus' efforts.

But being able to support him to come here has an inseparable relationship with Makarov.

Inheriting Makarov's magic, that alone is enough for Laxus to go ahead of everyone else.

Talent is exactly what any hard work is in exchange for, and it cannot be smoothed out from the moment a person is born.

This time Laxus didn't speak.

Because everything Liu Yun said was true, even he couldn't refute it.

Liu Yun sighed slightly.

"By the way, Laxus, do you know that you are lucky, after all, you have a powerful grandfather who was born to walk ahead of others."

"Only you take him as a burden."

"You still don't know the situation today. There are some identities that you can't get rid of even if you want to get rid of them. Instead of caring about those gazes, it's better to prove yourself with your own strength."

Liu Yun smiled lightly.

"The opinions of others cannot negate the efforts you have made in the past"

"And don't forget, the real value should be on the closest relatives."

"For you, His Excellency Makarov is using a pleading tone, let me teach you, he wants you to become better, don't you think a person you think doesn't care about yourself, will do this for you."

Laxus was shocked when he heard this.

"Did the old man really say that?"

Liu Yun nodded.

Laxus was extremely entangled in his heart, he had never expected such a result.

this moment,

The layer of aloofness in his heart was also disintegrating bit by bit.

The heart wall is built up bit by bit because of the evaluation of the world and self-rebellion.

Accompanied by mutual understanding, this heart wall has collapsed and disappeared, and the pictures of the past continue to emerge.

"Think about it for yourself,"

Looking at Laxus who was lost in memory, Liu Yun turned and left.

What should be said, he has said.

The rest is up to Laxus to understand.

However, he believes that these are no longer a big problem.

When the contradictions in the heart are resolved, the remaining misunderstandings are not a problem.

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