The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 68: The Battle Of The Holy Ten Level, Jose Do It!

Domineering color domineering.

One of the three-color domineering.

At the same time, domineering domineering is the rarest kind of domineering.

This kind of domineering cannot be acquired through acquired practice.

Overlord color domineering is a kind of king's qualifications, a power that only the king of sky color can master.


Liu Yun still believes that Erza has this potential.

Inheriting the blood of the dragon family and being a natural descendant of the royal family, various conditions have allowed Erza to show the aura of a king since he was a child.

Even in the future, it will deter enemies from historical Xi'an with momentum.

All this said, Erza has the potential to become a king.


This momentum is still in the latent stage.

Liu Yun is planning to take advantage of this opportunity to put enough pressure on Erza, truly feel the danger, and thus burst out domineering.


Without enough assurance, how could Liu Yun remain silent.

Erza was not aware of the changes in himself.

I don't even know the shock of the people around me because of domineering.

At this time, her only thought is to solve her opponent, win the victory, and prove her own strength in front of Liu Yun.

"One-Sword Flow·Dragon Slaying!"

With a loud shout, the blade in Erza's hand returned to the state of one-sword style again.

243 held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pressed forward ten times.



The terrifying red light extended along the blade and roared out.

In an instant, like a terrifying dragon, it directly penetrated the darkness and devoured it, hitting Aria's body.

The next moment, the entire battle field was catching dicks at a distance.


The energy impact and even the barrier isolated from all directions were shaking violently, and soon as if a mirror fell to the ground, cracks appeared on the barrier.

Through the gap, the energy comes out wantonly.

In the next second, the gap spreads, and more and more energy is diffused.

"Not good, the enchantment can't hold on anymore.

"Run, it will kill you if you touch it."

"Run away."

The spectators who were facing the end of the roaring energy subconsciously sensed that something was wrong and ran away one after another.

And at the same time, the barrier collapsed.

Without any hindrance, the red slash pierced through, passing through the stands and rushing towards the distant sky.

After a long time.

This burst of energy has just gradually dissipated.

When everything returned to calm, the scene in front of them made everyone freeze in place.

In the center of the battlefield, a gully stretching hundreds of meters across the field and stands appeared in front of their eyes.

Thick smoke continued to fill the air.

The falling stones shocked everyone's eyes.

"Strange monster..."

"The power of this blow has reached the level of forbidden magic. y

"Fifteen-year-old Ten Wizard Saints, the youngest saint in history.

Horrified voices sounded in the audience.

Countless people were horrified by Erza's strength.

Ten Wizard Saints.

The reason why they are called the ten strongest wizards in the whole continent is that each wizard has the destructive power of the universe.

A person is taboo in itself.

It is precisely because of this that the Magic Council distributed the title of Ten Wizard Saints to these dangerous wizards.

And the knife that Erza used just now obviously has the strength of forbidden magic level.

Fifteen-year-old Holy Ten.

Born in this era, what a terrifying genius this would be!

silent one

At this moment, Erza unintentionally became the focus of the audience.

There was only one person whose eyes were full of killing intent.

"You actually killed Aria, if so, pay with your life.


In a quiet environment, a terrifying magical power suddenly descended on the venue, and the terrifying oppressive force caused the entire venue to shake violently.

This is the magic power of the Holy Ten!

And the source of this magic comes from Jose.

The dark magic power spreads out, this is when the magic power stronger than space magic is showing this power.

A large number of magic personnel could not resist the coercion of this magic power (cebg), and fell to the ground one after another.


At the moment when the magic power broke out, Jose, who was entwined with magic power, made a move, and countless waves fell towards Erza in the field.

The fluctuation of dark purple magic power was reflected in Jose's eyes, revealing a terrifying killing intent.

If Erza just now was just a danger in Jose's eyes, then she is a serious danger now.

Erza, must die!

Ling Lie's magic power fell straight down, ready to solve it in an instant.

However, Makarov, who always pays attention to Jose, also discovered it immediately.

"Stop it!"

Makarov was furious.

Really angry.

Obstructing and provoking again and again, and now planning to attack your own child, is it true that an honest person has no temper at all?

Golden magic power blooms.

Makarov suddenly appeared in front of Erza, shattering all the attacks.


Gold and darkness, two strands of magic collided to create layers of air circles.

Under the terrifying pressure, even the space is shaking violently, and the area is still expanding.

The ground under the feet of the two of them was cracking layer by layer.

Ten meters, tens of meters, and hundreds of meters spread continuously, almost causing the entire area to vibrate violently.

Even the clouds in the sky were covered by dark clouds unconsciously, and a vortex was spinning in the center of the dark clouds.

At this moment, the whole world is like the end of the world.

That's the strength of Ten Wizard Saints.

Unlike Erza, who has just touched this level, this is the strength that truly stands at the top of the continent.

"Not good, Ten Wizard Saints made a move."

"This is too scary, the whole venue is going to collapse.

"No, run away."

on stage.

When the two Ten Wizard Saints collided unreservedly, everyone showed fearful eyes.

This is too strong.

Erza's knife shocked them, so the current battle is completely beyond the scope of what they can resist.

For a time, everyone started to flee separately.

"Are these two guys crazy? They actually did it directly in front of the Magic Council."

At the same time, there were other congressmen in the stands, even if they didn't expect the two Holy Cross to fight directly.

Facing this scene, the chairman of the council, Crawford, turned green.

The selection meeting was originally held to protect the face of the council, but now it puts himself in danger.

Just when everyone was at a loss.

In the next second, a magic power descended on the center of the battlefield!

Just like the great bell of Honglu, when the magic power came, everyone's hearts seemed to be hit, and they lost their minds for a short time.

The fight between Makarov and Jose stopped at this moment.

When everyone reacted, a beast like a mountain appeared in front of everyone. .

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