The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter Eight: Practical Training

Inside the gymnasium.

After Mirajane completed the daily training, Liu Yun also started to teach some new knowledge.

"Now that you have reached a certain standard, you can start trying to control the demon in your arm. Listen carefully to my next words."

"Control the demon?"

Mirajane's beautiful eyes lit up, and she immediately sat upright.

Seeing this, Liu Yun said: "I have said before that although the ability of demons contains the power to affect human nature, it is nothing more than the darkness of human nature."

"The way to control the devil is very simple, stick to your heart, regard the power of the devil as your own power, and control it by manipulating the magic power."

"Now I will pull out the power in your body. Only in this way can you perfectly absorb the power of the devil. You will have some pain during the process, you have to be patient."

Liu Yun doesn't understand receiving magic.

However, he who masters Death God and Void at the same time can easily mobilize the power of the soul, and the mere demon is naturally no problem.

"Teacher, please do whatever you want?" Mirajane's eyes flashed with determination, she closed her eyes, and let Liu Yun handle it.



What does this mean.

Why does it feel weird how to match the expression when it is obviously normal, wait... what am I thinking, the current self is a teacher.

Concentrating his mind, Liu Yun's fingers revealed a white awn, and lightly tapped on Mirajane's fair forehead.

next second,

Mirajane felt an inexplicable energy flow into her body.

Under the guidance of Liu Yun, she entered an ethereal state.

The moment he entered the state, the world also became quiet, so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Isolating everything from the outside world, the only thing I can feel is the ethereal soul, and... the demon sleeping on the right arm is gradually waking up.

After a minute.

Streams of cold sweat broke out from Mirajane's forehead, and her thin body began to tremble, as if she couldn't bear this force and experienced all kinds of suffering.

After persisting for about five minutes, Mirajane collapsed to the ground, and her clothes were already soaked in sweat, profusely dripping with sweat.

Seeing this, Liu Yun stopped.

"Rest for ten minutes, and continue to practice after ten minutes until you can persist for an hour."

"Yes... yes, teacher..."

Mirajane didn't say much, she got up silently, clasped her hands together and calmly recovered her energy.

Ten minutes passed, the practice started again, and then fell down again.


Mirajane suffers from painful torment.

However, behind this torture, every time she fell down and got up again, the more demon power she controlled.

Unknowingly, the hideous lines slowly began to dissolve.


Mirajane's talent is extremely high, and after a lot of hard work, her strength has also increased a lot

However, it is still too early to absorb the huge demonic power in the body, that is, the power of Satanic demons.

After trying three or four more times, before her body fell down, her spirit could no longer bear the pressure of the demon power, and she passed out directly.

The last time I persisted was in the early ten minutes.

Liu Yun didn't care either.

All the strong are not achieved overnight, and Mirajane's perseverance will eventually surpass the past.

The reason why the power of Mirajane's demon is mobilized is to strengthen Mirajane's will as much as possible on the car, because he can't look directly at death and self-appointed power.

Liu Yun doesn't want it to happen to Mirajane again.

Unexpectedly, the task training failed, but Mirajane's pass level has reached 9%.

In a way, it was a surprise.


Ever since.

After experiencing failure, Mirajane also added a will tempering to her training course.

Every time he completes the daily physical training, then in the training ground, let Liu Yun guide out the demons in his body and temper his will.

It may be that the first failure unleashes Mirajane's pent-up compulsion from her younger siblings.

No matter how painful it was, Mirajane still held on, without wailing or asking for a timeout.

Every time I train until I lose my will, and then Liu Yun carries me back.

With such unremitting efforts,

On the third day, Mirajane could last twenty minutes.

When experiencing the baptism of the devil, it was not as painful as it was at the beginning, and the ability to bear it was further improved, and it became more and more resolute.

If at first Mirajane's gaze conveyed concern, and unease, now there's something poignant about it.

On the sixth day, Mirajane could hold out for half an hour.

In addition, the perseverance of her will has enabled her to make rapid progress in her internal training. The training that used to take more than ten hours to complete can now be completed in about ten hours.

It spans several hours and is the result of Mirajane's hard work during this time.

At this point, Mirajane's pass rate has reached an astonishing forty percent.

this moment,

Mirajane has fully grasped the magic power manipulation, magic power perception, magic power absorption, magic power refinement...and so on.

at the same time.

The mastery of magic power has also been fed back to himself, and most of the demon lines on his right arm have faded away, revealing the white and tender skin below.

Then it's just a matter of time.

With just a little more training, Mirajane was able to rid herself of the demons once and for all.


Liu Yun changed the physical training during the day into actual combat training.

That's right.

Combat training.

Under the suppression to equal strength, Mirajane attacked Liu Yun.

The result needless to say.

Even if the strength is suppressed at the same level, Liu Yun's vision will still experience that he is invincible in the gym.

What's more.

With the power to break the surface, he can fight based on instinct.

"The movement is too big, and there are too many flaws in the lower plate."

Liu Yun made a Shunpo.

Slightly turning his body sideways to avoid the attacking fist, he hit Mirajane's abdomen with a backhand and lifted his lower leg at the same time.


Mirajane lost her balance for a moment.

A flip fell straight down with a dull sound, and then got up and experienced failure.

But Mirajane is a genius despite all the failures.

Under Liu Yun's personal guidance, every time I correct and modify the posture of the shot, the shortcomings will be infinitely reduced by the second shot.

The effect of the same move on Mirajane is infinitely reduced.


Again, Liu Yun is invincible in the gym. No matter how Mirajane makes a move, he will lose within three moves.

This is the result of Liu Yun's mercy.

Otherwise, he can be knocked down with one move.

No one is perfect, and everyone has shortcomings. Even if one shortcoming is made up, new shortcomings will continue to appear. As long as you look hard, you can find them.

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