The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 79: Enrollment Conference, God Serena!

"Your Excellency Liu Yun, if you are in trouble, I will now reject all their requests.

Seeing that Liu Yun didn't speak, Makarov thought he had made things difficult for him, so he chose to give up without hesitation.


At this moment, Liu Yun spoke.

"No, I can help with this."


Makarov was overjoyed when he heard this.

During the few days he stayed in the Magic Council, he was often pointed out by several old friends, who was not righteous, who was eating alone, and even Bob even said that he would forget his friends when he saw sex.

no way.

He can only agree to introduce them for them.

It is conceivable that if Liu Yun refuses, these old friends will probably not let him go.

Fortunately, Liu Yun agreed.

However, Liu Yun, who was heard in the next second, changed the subject and said: "However, I can't accept anyone. I need to go through a round of review. Only those who meet the requirements will be retained."


Makarov nodded repeatedly.

This request is not too much, he also knows something about the gymnasium.

Liu Yun is different from his guild that accepts everyone, only accepts some gifted students.


Before Liu Yun finished speaking, he continued: "Besides, there is one more thing. Next, I plan to hold a round of recruitment conference. By the way, help me promote it. Of course, everyone needs a registration fee of 50,000 yuan."

"Admission meeting?"

"Admission meeting?"

Everyone around was surprised.

The same goes for Erza and Mirajane, the two people who know Liu Yun best.

"Admission meeting? Teacher, are you preparing to recruit new students? But didn't you just reject the people who came to study outside the door yesterday?" Erza asked with a puzzled expression.

"That's right." Lucy nodded.

"Ahem, this is different." Liu Yun said seriously: "Yesterday, people came here in pursuit of fame and fortune. There are very few people who are sincerely willing to learn magic theory and explore the mysteries of magic. Such people are not eligible to enter the gym. As for the registration fee of 100,000 yuan, it is just to dissuade some troublemakers and people who join in the fun."

This is a lie.

Chasing people away yesterday was simply because Liu Yun wanted to be lazy.

Wanting to hold an admissions conference is simply because Liu Yun needs money.

That's right.

It's that simple.

The tree of life requires a lot of magic crystal energy, and magic crystals can only be bought by spending money.

However, Liu Yun does not have any source of income,

Life medicine can make a fortune, but gyms are not pharmacies after all, and selling potions goes against the original intention of gyms, so the only way is to recruit apprentices.

By setting a registration fee or something, let some people take the initiative to pay and participate in the assessment.

Of course.

The difficulty is definitely still the original standard.

Liu Yun will not accept those who do not meet the requirements as apprentices.

There is no element of fraud in this.

Everything is your wish.

Don't sign up if you don't have the ability or talent. One hundred thousand may seem like a lot, but in fact, as long as a wizard with a certain ability is not short of this money, Liu Yun will explain it clearly in advance.


Thinking about Liu Yun's current name, there are two successful cases of Erza and Mirajane.

No matter how slim the hope is, there will still be a rush to come.

By the way, let's take a look at what it takes to charge some qualified students, and it doesn't matter if there are more.

With the growth of the tree of life, the area of ​​the gymnasium is also constantly expanding, and it doesn't matter if it accepts a few more students.

Now which guild outside has dozens or hundreds of members, even a dozen or so guilds are considered short, and the current number of people in their own gymnasium has not broken double digits, so what is the point of charging a few more?

"I see."

Hearing Liu Yun's explanation, Erza nodded, and then said apologetically: "It seems that I misunderstood the teacher.


Liu Yun pretended to be a teacher and said: "So, next, I will hold an enrollment meeting, which will be scheduled for a week later, and then I will trouble Your Excellency Ma Kaluowei."

"No problem, this matter is on my body."

Makarov hastily agreed.


Under Makarov's ability, word spread quickly.

For a time, the entire magic world was sensational.

Since the Holy Ten Jose incident, Liu Yun's popularity has been rising day by day.

Especially when he learned that Liu Yun killed Jose in front of King Ishgar and protected his students, Liu Yun became a mythical figure and became the belief in the hearts of magicians.

Because Liu Yun has no past.

In the magic world, he even has the title of "Hidden Expert",

...asking for flowers...

Indifferent to fame and fortune, just to teach students.

This is not a hidden expert, what else could it be?

Don't ask Liu Yun to ask Makarov to promote it. Basically, there are many people wandering in front of the gate of the gymnasium every day, trying to find opportunities to be like cut.

Don't expect to reach the height of Ten Wizard Saints, but one-tenth of Erza and Mirajane's ability is enough for them to be excited.

and today,

They finally got their chance.

When word of Makarov spread.

Looking at the words "Admission Conference", everyone's hearts are extremely surging!

After the news spread,

Countless people with dreams flocked to the town of Agalia.

Among them are many wizards and noble children...

All of a sudden, the entire town of Agalia was overcrowded.

Those responsible for maintaining law and order cannot maintain the stability of the town.

In desperation, Liu Yun could only call Makarov to help arrange personnel to maintain order and prevent accidents.

Just when the Gym was recruiting new students and making a fuss.

In another city dozens of kilometers away from the town of Agalia, a riot is erupting.

at this time,

Inside the guild, a large number of mages were lying on the ground, with blood continuously flowing out, wailing in pain.

Scarlet blood stained the entire guild wall, and right in the middle of these mages, a man sat on a man with broken bones.

It was a man in his early twenties.

With a head of thick orange hair, there are two wing-shaped buns from the top to both sides.

He has a horizontal scar in the center of his face, wears a black and white cloak, and carries a disc of twelve swords on his back.

And it was such a man, no matter how the people under him wailed, he didn't respond at all. He just read a newspaper with a look of madness in his eyes.

"The Hidden Master......"

the fall of the voice,

A thrilling sharp light burst out from his pale gray eyes!

"Finally found this guy's position, just in the middle of the recruitment meeting, if so, then I'll give you a gift.

At this time, if Makarov was present, he would definitely be able to recognize the identity of this man.

Because...he is the current Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar, God Serena Yu!.

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