The Strongest Teacher Among Fairies

Chapter 90: Lots Of Fruits Of Life!

Contribution completed,

Zekelein, who took the initiative to undertake this matter, directly withdrew and left together to return Ultear.

As soon as he stepped out of the palace, Ultear said with a smile on his face: "As expected of Mr. Zekelein, I didn't expect to be able to think of this notice, and I think I will be able to be promoted to a councilor soon.

"It's not that simple."

Qi Kelein said with a smile: "These guys are all like old fritters."

"But thanks to this person, we were able to go so fast, and we could even use each other's abilities to climb even faster.

Liu Yun never dreamed of it.

Due to his own reasons, he helped Jellal instead.

Although, it doesn't matter if you know it or not.

"The basic investigation is clear. That man does have the strength of his heavenly king, and even stronger." Ultear said: "The time of the plan needs to be postponed."

The "No, Qiu Baqi" plan will continue as usual.

Qi Kelein said: "I will find a solution. The people we want to attack are his students, and people outside will cooperate with us."

"Even taking advantage of the member's dissatisfaction with him."

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank him."

"Ultear will be handed over to you next time, please go again"


Hearing this, Ultear didn't speak, but a faint disdain flashed in his eyes.

Maybe so...

Agalia began to rebuild.

The gym is still the same as usual, the difference is that recently a few people have started to practice crazily.

What is the reason?

It's also very simple.

Simply being stimulated.

They had guessed that Liu Yun was very powerful, but they never expected that even King Ishgar would be defeated.

Even Serena, who has mastered the power of the eight dragons, has fallen. Are they no longer working hard to be worthy of Liu Yun's teachings?

at the same time.

The magic crystal from the Magic Council was also sent.

The person in charge happens to be Ultear.

Considering Ultear's external image and communication skills, the Council chose to send her to the Gym.

Of course.

Pick her, not Makarov.

The most important point is

Looking at the box behind her, Liu Yun frowned and said.

"That's all?"

"Master Liu Yun, don't worry, these magic crystals are of high concentration, and each crystal can be exchanged for thousands of them. If you don't believe me, you can check."

Ultear pushed the box away.

"There's no need to check."

Liu Yun accepted it directly.

Although the Magic Council was rigid, he also believed that the other party would not dare to use fake products to fool him.

Seeing Liu Yun accepting it directly, Ultear asked: "Speaking of your Excellency, Liu Yun, why do you collect magic crystals? It stands to reason that magic crystals are useless to your strength."

"Are you investigating me?"

"Don't dare!"

Ultear said hastily: "Actually, the Magic Council plans to invite you to take over the position of Heavenly King."

In addition to delivering compensation, it is also one of Ulu's tasks.

"That's enough, my answer is still the same as before."

When hearing this request, Liu Yun still answered the same as last time.

Regarding this, Ultear didn’t need to be in a hurry, but said slowly: “Sir Liu Yun, don’t answer in a hurry. This time, the Magic Council came with sincerity. If you are willing to take the position of Ishgar King, the corresponding council will pay you 50 million per year as an honorarium.”

"50 million? Is there such a good thing?"

Liu Yun's mind moved slightly.

Very generous conditions.

However, Liu Yun did not immediately agree.

There is no free pie in the world, and it is impossible for Magic Council to give itself so many benefits for nothing.

"That's right."

Ultear continued to confuse and said: "50 million J is your reward, and you don't need to bear any obligations [you just need to publicize the identity of the king of heaven to the outside world."

thought about it,

Liu Yun agreed.

But the remuneration needs 100 million.

100 million rewards.

That sounds like a lot.

However, as long as it is linked to the strength of King Liu Yun, it is still worth the money.

And now that the Magic Council is eager to quell the incident, there is no reason not to blackmail it.

The money doubled.

This is not beyond Ultear's accident, she has already made psychological preparations before coming here, fortunately, this is still within the acceptable range.

The transaction was completed very quickly.

Things have come to this point, it can barely be regarded as a full stop.

The news of Liu Yun's ascension to the position of Heavenly King once again shocked the entire magic world. Countless people are eager to join the gymnasium. Unfortunately, after missing the admissions examination, they can only wait for the next opportunity...

But these have nothing to do with Liu Yun.

Now he is in front of the tree of life.

The Magic Council is 100 million, plus the enrollment days will get 500 million.

A total of 600 million J.

Entrust Ultear to exchange them for magic crystals.

"These should last a long time."

Looking at the box in his hand, Liu Yun showed a smile on his face,

Last time, 10 million produced 3 fruits of life [the valued library crystal should have nearly 2 seedlings of the fountain of life.

no thanks.

Liu Yun opened the box directly.

A strong aura of magical power followed, filling the entire life hot spring, and the leaves of the tree of life were shaking, as if it had risen a little higher.

As before, Liu Yun placed a high concentration of magic crystals under the tree.


The tree of life extended a series of rhizomes, dragging these magic crystals into the ground.

And in the process, the leaves trembled wildly.

For a moment, Liu Yun thought that the tree of life was alive, and stamens emerged on the leaves.

Seeing this, Liu Yun went back to rest.

It also takes time to absorb, just wait until tomorrow to see it.

This is indeed the case.

next day.

At dawn, Liu Yun was woken up by Lisanna's loud calls.

"Teacher, teacher, the tree beside the hot spring has grown a lot of fruit, go and have a look.

"Okay, okay."

Liu Yun, who wanted to sleep late, was forced by the helpless past.

As soon as he stepped into the backyard, 3.6 was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

The tree of life is full of rich fruits and shines brightly.

"Teacher, what kind of tree is this? Why have I never seen such a fruit?" Lisanna's cute eyes flickered and her surprised expression made her want to swallow it in one bite.

"This is a good thing, Lisanna, you go and help me pass everyone over to Chen."

"Good teacher."

Liu Yun plucked a fruit with surprise in his eyes.

Due to the lack of quantity in the past, now that there are so many fruits, Liu Yun will naturally not be stingy.

after a while,

All personnel were assembled.

"Teacher, what's the matter? I'm still practicing."

Natsu ran over sweating profusely. Obviously, he had experienced a lot of training just now, and the situation of the others was similar. .

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