But no matter how unwilling to believe it, the facts are here, and Liuge cannot admit it.

And if you think about it, the relationship between Enoka and Hawkeye, if Noka is still alive after Aaron’s invasion, it will definitely not let Aaron be arrogant for eight years!

The only explanation is that Noka died before Aaron’s invasion, and without a blacksmith who can forge black knives, Hawkeye naturally wouldn’t be in Cocoa West Village.

“Noka.” Remembering the days when he worked hard in the smithy, Liug did not hesitate, pulled up the anchor, raised the sails, and sailed straight in the direction of Cocoa West Village.


A few days later…

Looking at everything familiar around him, Liuge suddenly had a strong sense of belonging in his heart.

But the shadow of Noka’s passing made Liuge not feel the slightest excitement, and hurriedly docked the sailboat on the shore, Liug jumped over the beach and headed straight for the village of Cocoasi.

Along the way, Liuge always walked in the jungle, without alerting any of the villagers of Cocoasi Village, and went directly to Bermel’s house located outside the village.

Looking at this ‘home’ that had been said goodbye for almost three years, Liuge couldn’t tell what he felt, just knocked lightly on the door.

“It’s coming!”

A tender voice came out of the room, and then I saw the door slammed open, and a delicate and cute little girl with orange hair appeared in front of Liuge’s eyes

“You: You’re so familiar..” When the little girl saw Liuge, a blush suddenly rose uncontrollably on her face, and she asked curiously.

“…….,” Liuge looked at the little girl speechlessly, that is, Nami, but he didn’t expect Fangxin’s function to be so powerful! Even after three years, it can make a half-old little girl miss it.

“Nami, who is coming?” Just as Liuge was struggling with how to face Nami, Belmel’s voice sounded, and then in a few seconds, Belmer came over and saw Liuge standing outside the door…


Bermel was stunned, and then violently put back the tears that almost spilled, and slapped Liug’s face!


With a sound, Bermel didn’t have the slightest hand at all! The beating made the entire left side of Liug’s face swollen …

“Why did you come up and hit me ..” Touching the left side of his face that was beaten very painfully, Liuge was speechless.

“Why do you say I hit you? Haven’t been home for three years! Do you think it’s okay to send some letters every month?! And also! Didn’t you say that you were going to sea to learn blacksmithing? How did you end up being a bounty hunter?! Go against those vicious pirates, what if you are killed? The old lady is such a son as you! If something happens to you, how can we live! Woo hoo~.”

Belmer scolded and scolded, and couldn’t help but cry

Liug and Nami were stupid, in their impression, Bermel was the kind of woman who was unbelievably strong, tears and such a thing, it seemed that she never sided with Belmel…

But now what’s going on?!

Perhaps spotting the strange gazes of Liuge and Nami, Bermel’s cry gradually weakened, and then suddenly broke into a smile, stopped Liuge in his arms, and said softly: “Welcome back.” ”

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