After that, without too much nonsense, many freshmen, under the guidance of Zefa, began to cultivate the naval body boxing!

That’s right, it’s Belmel’s kind of naval body punch.

But more profound, more focused on the development of the body’s potential.

Because Liuge had Belmer’s military body boxing, he was more proficient in this relatively profound military body fist, and almost only three or four times, Liuge fought well.

Other freshmen from the bottom of the navy can also quickly grasp the essentials, but they are not as strong as Liuge’s perfect theft of military body fists.

Boxing is something that consumes more energy than any strenuous exercise! When you punch with all your strength, it is almost equivalent to you sprinting with all your strength all the time, and the average person will be out of breath when playing up to five types of military body boxing, and the consumption of physical energy by naval military body boxing is even greater! There are very few who can stick to one set to finish.

However, under Zefa’s supervision, even if they had obviously lost their strength when they swung their fists, these freshmen did not dare to stop.

After playing for a full hour, only ten of the one hundred and twenty freshmen could barely stand, and the others were all swinging on their legs and could not stand steadily.

“Okay, stop.” Seeing this, Zefa carefully glanced at the ten people standing, including Liug, Tina, and Smogg, in fact, among the freshmen of the navy, no one was better than the three of them.

But Zefa just looked at it, and after the military body punch, an instructor led the freshmen to the classroom of the military academy…

This is the first time that new students have entered the classroom, and it looks no different from ordinary schools.

However, the lecturer was a commodore with medals all over his body and scars on his face!

Naturally, he did not teach scholarly subjects such as Chinese and English, but started with some basic battles and taught everyone the essence of naval battles!

But for learning strategy, Liug’s talent is so average that he simply does not understand what the commodore is talking about, what ship positions, shelling calibration, division tactics, etc., are all terms he has never touched.

On the contrary, there are a few freshmen who are not good at fighting, and they are very interested in this, and they ask various questions from time to time, presumably very insightful.

Silently noting these freshmen who were fully talented in naval warfare command, Liug planned to steal their results when the time was ripe.

After making up his mind to cheat, Liug spent the entire class meditating, and as for what the brigadier general teacher on the podium was saying, he didn’t hear a word in his heart.

Fortunately, this boring class only lasted fifty minutes, and the brigadier general teacher said with a satisfied face: “It is worthy of being the generation of key cultivation of the Navy, there are really many good seedlings, now you have ten minutes of rest, and after ten minutes, Senior Zefa will give you a physical fitness class.” ”

After speaking, the brigadier teacher patted his various materials, held the book and left.

The freshmen who finally had a break suddenly let out a cheer, chatting chat, convenient and convenient, no one noticed, Liuge followed a very active student and followed…

Five minutes later, Liuge returned to the classroom with a calm face, and after another three minutes, the previous freshman had a blue nose and a swollen face, and he also returned with a resentful face…


PS: This is yesterday.

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