
Hao Xuan put the 18 Spirit Balls on the counter and told Wu Elf the names of all the elves, and also summarized the qualifications.

The female receptionist quickly calculated the value of the 18 pokemon, a total value of 3.658 million.

When Wu Jun heard the report, he directly transferred money to Haoxuan on WeChat.

“Hmm! Four million” Seeing the prompt of WeChat, Hao Xuan was a little confused, although Xia Guo people like to turn the pieces into whole, but it is not so.

“Mr. Hao doesn’t need to care, this is all small money, it doesn’t matter, it is also convenient for us to settle the account,” Wu Jundao said.

For the reasons given by Wu Jun, Hao Xuan also admired, but he also knew that the other party wanted to befriend him.

“Thank you then, but I have one thing I want to ask you for at the auction” With the money, Hao Xuan should also consider acquiring the elf.

“Mr. Hao, please say, “Making friends with a platinum-level appraiser will only make a loss for Wu Jun.

“Will the auction help buy the elves?” Hao Xuan asked.

“This… Is it inconvenient for Mr. Hao to come forward: “Wu Jun has indeed received this kind of request before, but they are all big customers, and the elves they require are prohibited from being sold in the market, you can collect them yourself, but you can’t buy them, so some powerful people will find ways to find others to help buy them on the black market, so that they don’t have to show up.”

Therefore, Wu Jun naturally thought that the elves that Hao Xuan might want to buy were not allowed to be sold in the market.

But this kind of thing, the auction will not do it, but Manager Wu is not easy to excuse, just ask what kind of elf is before making plans.

“I want to buy a rare fiery chicken,” Hao Xuan said.

“Is it just a fire chicken?” Wu Jun was a little speechless, he was still a little nervous just now, although there are few fire chickens, they can be sold in the market, even rare qualifications can be obtained, Wu Jun feels that the acquisition of such elves does not need to be entrusted at all.

“Is it hard?” Hao Xuan was also a novice in such an aspect of the elf acquisition, and did not know much about it.

“This is not difficult, it will often appear at the auction of the fire chicken,” Wu Jundao.

“Can the auction help with that?”

“This is no problem, a rare qualified fire chicken needs 700W,” Wu Jundao.

Hearing the price, Hao Xuan’s face turned pig liver color, plus the 400W he just got plus Hao Xuan’s deposit during this time was only 7.4 million, this time it will cost 700W, almost beating Hao Xuan to the pre-liberation period.

“It’s a little too expensive” Hao Xuan originally asked Huang Rong to buy the water leaping fish for a total price of only five million, this fire chicken turned out to be 200W higher, and the final evolution of the two elves, the race value of the giant swamp monster is 5 points higher than the flame chicken, why is the fire chicken 200W more expensive.

“Mr. Hao, the fire chicken is a very popular elf, if it is sold normally, 500W is almost enough, but the auction is to make more money, if the fire chicken is sold in the form of auction, the price is basically between 800W ~ 1000W, 700W is already very cheap” In Wu Jun’s opinion, Hao Xuan is a platinum-level appraiser, how can it feel expensive.

“The leaping fish I bought before only cost 500W, but they are all rare qualifications,” Hao Xuan said.

Wu Jun was a little stunned, but thinking that Hao Xuan became a platinum-level appraiser at such a young age, it was normal not to understand the market, and immediately explained: “Mr. Hao, the fire chicken and the water jumper are indeed similar elves, but the fire chicken is more popular than the water jumping fish, if these two elves appear at the auction, it must be more people who bid the fire chicken”

Hao Xuan suddenly had nothing to say, indeed he also thought that the fire chicken was very handsome, if the two elves had little difference in their abilities, their appearance was also one of the reasons why they helped increase their value.

“Can it be cheaper, no, 600W” Hao Xuan still cheekily asked for a price reduction, although he was a little embarrassed as a platinum appraiser.

“Mr. Hao, I really can’t lower it” Wu Jun was also speechless, the price he gave was already very low, if it was low, there would be an opinion above, and the appraiser could but pay attention to the appropriate amount.

“I’m a little short of money recently, 650W,” Hao Xuan directly said his predicament.

“Mr. Haoxuan, if not, I can charge you 500W, but I also ask you for a favor,” Wu Jun thought of a compromise solution.

“You say” help to reduce 200W, Hao Xuanba no more than twice.

“Snow Mountain is in the season change, all the elves we buy are a bit much, our appraisers here have to identify elves all night, I hope Mr. Hao can help identify some elves that are difficult to identify” The platinum appraiser sent by the auction was delayed for a few days because of some things, but a large number of elves have been acquired here, and the two gold appraisers in the auction alone are simply busy, during this time, one of the two appraisers is responsible for night appraisal and one is responsible for daytime, operating 24 hours a day.

But because the number of elves was a bit large, the two appraisers couldn’t be busy at all, and they also hoarded a dozen elves that could not be identified.

“This is no problem, but I can only help tomorrow at noon, and I will leave in the afternoon” Hao Xuan will go to work for the Huang family the day after tomorrow.

“This…” Wu Jun originally thought that this method could be done, but Hao Xuan only had less than a day, and 200W was definitely a loss.

“Manager Wu, in addition to those elves that cannot be identified, I can also help you identify other elves, and identify until tomorrow noon” Hao Xuan knew that Wu Jun felt a loss, so he stayed up late to work and tried to make up a day.

“Mr. Na Hao, I may have to charge you 600W,” Wu Jundao.


Hao Xuan hesitated and decided to agree, it is also very good to save one million, at least Hao Xuan will have one and a half million left, which is enough for Hao Xuan to raise elves, even if something urgent happens, it is enough to spare.

“Mr. Na Hao, please come with me” Although Wu Jun subtracted one million, but it felt very fast, generally asking a platinum appraiser is indeed a million price, but people are staying to help for three days, you are only helping for one day, but Wu Jun also saw that Hao Xuan had difficulties, but fortunately it was a favor in the water, the money was spent, then it definitely could not continue to waste time.

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