The tide rises and falls, the clouds rise and fall.

The night was ticking.

In the morning, everyone was ready and began to continue towards the Land of Grass.

Kondo Shota walked beside Mahui and said in a low voice: “Mahui-kun, cultivation is important, but if you don’t rest well, you won’t have the energy to deal with the enemy when the enemy attacks.” ”

“Thank you for your concern, I know my own situation.” Ma Hui knew what he was talking about, but he didn’t explain his abilities, just faintly replied to him.

Hearing Ma Hui say this, Kondo Shota had nothing to say, as a guide to Shinobu, he was not Uchiha Mahui’s master, and he only reminded out of kindness that as long as Ma Hui did not hinder the progress of the mission.

In the transportation time after that, there were not too many waves, and during the mission, I encountered many ninjas from other countries doing tasks in the Land of Fire, and also encountered many ninjas in their own villages, and the robbers did not appear anything.

Yagami Mansion, located northwest of the Land of Fire, is a small town and a supply base for Konoha ninjas stationed around the perimeter to observe the situation of the enemy country.

In the past, it was relatively prosperous, but due to the Shinobi War, most of the residents went to the center of the Fire Country in order to stay away from the war.

Therefore, the economy here is not as developed as the village of Konoha and the center of the Fire Nation, but it is an important war supply zone.

The town is small, with only a few hundred people to talk to, and there are very few local residents of Hachikong Province, most of whom are travelers or merchants.

After finding a hotel, Kondo Shota opened several rooms, and then in groups, the members of Shota’s class lived in one room, the village office one room, the transportation staff arranged by themselves, the merchant himself one, and Kondo and Murakami took turns to protect his safety at night. These things cannot be done under patience, and if there is an enemy sneaking up on the merchant, I am afraid that it will not be too late to react.

However, this is a C-level mission, and it is rare for a ninja to attack a merchant unless the merchant hides information.

Ma Hui, who has not taken a bath for several days, can finally take a good bath now.

Ma Hui didn’t bring a change of clothes, but fortunately there were pajamas provided in the hotel, as long as you wash your dirty clothes, you can dry them tomorrow.

Picking up his backpack and picking up his hotel pajamas, Ma Hui walked towards the bathroom.

When Mahui walked away, Mura Yuto looked at Mahui’s back with disdain, “bah”, and then whispered to Nanami Nakaji: “What’s great, it’s just a well-born little ghost.” If it wasn’t for the birth of Uchiha, he wouldn’t be in a ninja school yet. ”

“Huh” A shuriken grazed the cheek of the village Yuto and flew quickly, leaving a bloody scar on the village Yuren’s cheek.

“Next time, don’t make small moves behind my back. Otherwise, it’s not a cheek. I’m really going to slaughter you. Ma Hui turned around, and a pair of blood-red chakra eyes stared at them. People’s patience is limited, and Ma Hui does not mind that they are weak or that they reject themselves, but they are absolutely not allowed to engage in three or four behind them.

Ma Hui walked into the bathing room, leaving the two in shock.

“You guy, what’s the matter…” Murato said, abruptly stopping what he wanted to say.

“Yuto, I’ll forget it! Everyone is teammates, don’t make the relationship so stiff. Nakaishi Nanami said dissuasively.

“You know what, he almost killed us in the first place!” Mura Yuto whispered emotionally, he had not forgotten what Ma Hui had just said to them.

“Maybe you’re mistaken.”

“Wrong, how could I be wrong, if it weren’t for my timely dodge, if it weren’t for the intervention of Shota-sensei, the two of us would have died a long time ago.” After speaking, he ignored Nanami and walked out of the room.

“Yuto, wait for me.” Nakaji Nanami chased out.

In the bathing room, Ma Hui untied the weight bag on his leg, put him next to the backpack and black knife, took off his clothes, and stood naked under the shower, water flowing through Ma Hui’s body.

Looking at myself in the mirror in the bathhouse, there were several scars on the white young body, which were caused by training. There is no expression on the cold little face, in his previous life, his own age, still in kindergarten, but now he can master the life and death of weak strength, life trajectory, really fickle.

“The genes of the Uchiha family are still good! No matter how you look at it, it’s a small Shota. The cold little face changed, a funny smile appeared, looking at himself in the mirror, Ma Hui said sullenly and narcissistically. If the people who know Ma Hui know that he still has this side, I don’t know if his jaw will drop in shock.

After Ma Hui took a bath, he returned to the room, and after seeing that the two were not there, he didn’t care where they went, sat down silently, and began to refine Chakra, which is the premise of a ninja’s strength. Whether it is the initiation of ninjutsu, or the speed of increasing physical skills, or excellent medical ninjutsu, it is simply impossible to use without Chakra as a premise.

Even if your ninjutsu theory is very powerful, even if you know a lot of ninjutsu launches, you can’t do anything without Chakra. Ma Hui constantly exercises Chakra control, just to be thrifty in Chakra, not to cause Chakra unnecessary waste.

The amount of Chakra does not represent the strength of a ninja, but it can represent the durability of a ninja’s battle.

A ninja of the same level, Chakrado’s will definitely kill the one with less Chakra.

Ma Hui’s current chakra amount is equivalent to an ordinary upper ninja chakra amount, as a descendant of the six immortals, even if the chakra amount is less than that of Senjutsu and Uzumaki, it will not be less there, otherwise Ma Hui would not be able to continue to use the spiral pill ninjutsu.

“Huh, what about their people?” After things were arranged, Shota Kondo walked into the room, found that the other two team members were no longer there, and asked Mahui, who was refining Chakra.

“I don’t know.” Ma Hui replied simply.

“We’re back.” At this time, the other two walked in one after another.

“How did you guys do it. If you don’t rest well, how can you still go out, if there is a sneak attack by the enemy, can you protect yourself? After seeing the two return, Kondo Shotai said sternly, this was the first time he had spoken about the two in such a stern tone.

Shota Kondo is a very casual person, and he usually manages the team members more leniently, and usually does many things himself.

It was the first time that the two saw such a stern Shota Kondo, and even Mahui in refining Chakra couldn’t help but look at Shota Kondo again and again.

“Yes, I’m sorry Shota-sensei, we’ll pay attention.” The two bowed their heads and said ashamedly.

As if sensing that his voice was too harsh, Shota Kondo slowed down and said, “Rest well!” Complete the task back to the village as soon as possible. ”

“Yes!” The two replied.

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