The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1057 Heart Punishment Formation


"Silly big!"

The three of Tianling were startled and rushed forward quickly.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "formation?"


Long Fei almost didn't think about it, he immediately drank o

This formation is too ingenious, and can't sense the power of any formation at all. Now that Li Yuanba has entered the formation, Long Fei and the others have not stopped.

Tianling is the second to enter formationo


disappear instantly

Luohan, Lin Yousheng rushed in and disappeared.

Long Fei almost rushed in with them, not even half a second, but the moment he entered the formation, he couldn't see them at all.

The world in which everyone enters the formation is different o

Ancestor Yanhuang was startled and said: "Long Fei, you have to be careful, this formation is from the Chaos Realm, although it is not as powerful as the Chaos Realm, but in terms of the formation power on the Tianwu Continent alone, this formation is too powerful. , too much o"

"It's Chaos World again..."

Long Fei's heart was full of anger, and he said fiercely: "Damn, daddy must go to Chaos World to see what kind of world it is!!"

immediately o

Long Fei's thoughts sank, trying to find the four of them, but his thoughts were completely isolated.

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "Once this formation enters, it is an independent space, and... the most crucial point, this is the formation that you fear in your mind."

"What is feared in your heart, what will appear in it"

"I worry……"

Ancestor Yanhuang didn't go on. Long Fei was in control of him, but what about the four Vajra?

Long Fei's heart sank, and he said, "What will you be afraid of? Old Ancestor, what does this mean?"

Don't wait for him to finish o

A phantom of Tian Ting appeared in the space

Long Fei murmured in his heart and said, "Ancestor, I'm not afraid of him, how could his face appear?"

Ancestor Yanhuang:  …

Tian Ting smiled and said, "Long Fei, welcome to the Zhuxin Formation!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Long Fei shouted, "Let go of all my men, let go of all my women, and I will quit Wilderness City."


Tian Ting laughed and said, "Long Fei, do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate with me?"

"Don't talk to me about qualifications"

"Daddy hates prescribing qualifications in front of me the most. People like this will usually die miserably in my hands." Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

I keep thinking about cracking the power of formation o

Tian Ting sneered and said, "Long Fei, as long as you listen to me obediently, your brother will be fine, your woman will be fine, and your Nantianyu family will be fine."

"As long as you obey!"

"This is my world, understand?"

Tian Ting is very proud

The power in this Heart Punishing Formation is too powerful, it is an illusion formation, it can see what you are most afraid of, and then derive it.

No one has cracked it

Long Fei said: Don't fool around with daddy, return your world? Shit world? Tianting, you should know my character very well, and you should also know what happens when you touch me.

"Don't give face not wanting faceo"

"When the time comes, you will die worse than your son."

Long Fei asked in his heart, "Ancestor, have you thought of a way?"

"Array eyes!"

"To break the formation, you must first find the formation eye." Long Fei said anxiously in his heart, if you are strong enough to crush everything, any formation can be crushed with a powerful force.

But the level of this formation is too strong, it is above the formations on Tianwu Continent, and it cannot be crushed at all.

I can only find the eye of the formation, break the formation o

Ancestor Yanhuang shook his head and said, "Zhuxin Array has no specific eyes, and the eyes of each space are different. It may be an inconspicuous grass, or it may be something you are afraid of."

The Heart Punishment Array is a formation realized by a super-powerful Heavenly Venerate in the Chaos Realm. Now the Heart Punishment Formation where Long Fei is located is less than one ten thousandth of the power of the Heart Punishment Formation in the Chaos Realm.

but o

Can't break it!

Tian Ting's eyes narrowed, not so sad because of his son's death, but sneered: "Long Fei, give you one last chance, or be obedient like a dog."


"Today your four Vajra brothers, all die!"

"And your woman!"

The voice fell o

Long Fei's eyes condensed into a fierce light, and the dragon-slaying knife in his hand slashed, "It's only you who will die today!"


Tianting needs to be broken o

in this moment o

The Heart Punishment Formation started to operate, and in the world where Long Fei was, a miserable voice sounded, "Long Fei, save me, save me o"

The voice of the stars!

Long Fei's heart sank, and he immediately roared, "Tianxing, where are you?"

Long Fei rushed out quickly.

after half a minute

In a white space, Tian Xing was tied to a cross, blood dripping from his body, and his eyes were full of pleading. When he saw Long Fei's appearance, he immediately shouted: "Long Fei, save me, save me!"

"Oops!" Ancestor Yanhuang said immediately, "I can't save it, Long Fei, everything you see in the Heart Punishment Formation is an illusion, I can't save it."

This is the thing that Yanhuang ancestors worry about the most o

He knows Long Fei very well

In terms of force, he has no weaknesses, even if he encounters a formidable opponent, he has no weaknesses.

His weakness is his relatives

This is his Achilles heel

Brothers, women, loved ones, he can easily lose his mind when threatened o

Ancestor Yanhuang doesn't know what kind of past he has or what he has experienced in his previous life. Family affection is the most precious thing in this world for Long Fei.

He tried his best to cherish o

He didn't even have a relative in his previous life, who were his parents? don't know o

He only knows that he grew up alone, and he longs for family affection and the warmth of a home.

this life o

He desperately cherishes!

When he saw Tianxing suffer, Long Fei hardly had any questions in his mind, so he rushed up and cut off the cross with one knife.

Unlocking Tianxing, he said, "It's alright, it's alright o"

Tianxing also jumped into Long Fei's arms instantly.


At this moment, Long Fei's chest was torn apart by a force.

A handle inserted into his heart o

blood dripping down

Tian Xing showed an evil smile and said, "Why don't you listen to the head of the family? Why don't you listen to him?"

very painful

Long Fei's heart would have been pierced if it wasn't for the golden dragon's body.

but o

He doesn't regret what he just did o

If it happens again, he will still do o

because o

Tianxing is his first real woman o

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "Boy, he is not your woman, he is just a fantasy in your mind!"

Don't wait for Long Fei to speak

Ancestor Yanhuang's strength poured out, "Boom!"

Directly blasting Tianxing out, Tianxing let out a scream and said, "Ah,,, Long Fei, I hate you, I'm very you..."


The sky star disappears in the void o

again at this moment

Jojo's figure came out of the void with a sweet smile, "Long Fei Young Master, Jojo misses you!"

Chapter two,

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