The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1189 I Will Come Back Again!

"Qixingzi, the legendary Spiritual herbso"

"Psychic blood, the legendary Spiritual herbso"


"These Spiritual herbs are hard to come by, all of them are invaluable Spiritual herbs, even in the entire Yuanyang sect, there is not a single one." Long Fei frowned.

Open the exchange system and take a look at o

"Not a single one!"

Long Fei also thought about finding the formula of the elixir to cure Yang Yu's disease first, and then using the points to exchange them, but now... none of the Spiritual herbs that Long Fei wanted in the exchange system did not have o

Without Spiritual herbs, there is no way to make spiritual medicine to cure Yang Yu's illness.

Then he won't be able to complete the task.


"Not being able to cultivate in this world is no different from being sentenced to death. I must find a way to help her." Long Fei was certain, and immediately began to look for the origin of these Spiritual herbs and their attributes.


"He was in the Library for the past three days?" Ren Tianzhan asked.

A disciple replied: "Yes, he used the Great Elder's token, and we didn't dare to stop him. He was in the Library for three days and nights."

"Sect Leader, do you want to kick him out?"

Nintendo asked, "What is he looking for in the Library? Is he a senior cultivation technique?"

There are tens of thousands of secret realm Cultivation Techniques in the Library, there are first rank Cultivation Techniques, and there are also nine Cultivation Techniques, which is a place that any disciple dreams of entering.

Can't come out for three days and three nights?

Is this to cultivate all the senior Cultivation Techniques of Yuanyangzong?

The disciple replied: "He is not a cultivation Cultivation Technique, but is reading some secret histories, supernatural events, and some pharmacopoeia, laughing from time to time."

"like a lunatic o"

"I checked all the books he read. Most of them are made up, and none of them are worth considering."

"He treats our Library like he's watching o"

There is some anger in the disciple's words

He felt that Long Fei was insulting the Libraryo of the Yuan Dynasty.

Ren Tianzhan's beard and brow furrowed even more tightly, "Just reading these books? Long Fei, what are you looking for?"

"keep an eye on!"

The disciple nodded immediately and said, "Follow the order!"


Ren Tianzhan was thinking about what Long Fei was doing, and Yang Wannu was also thinking about this issue.

He also doesn't understand what Long Fei wants to do.

Yang Yu was looking for Long Fei all over the world, but after searching for three days and three nights, she couldn't find it.

"Where did your boss go?"

"Speak or not?"

Niu Dashan said bitterly: "Miss, I really don't know o"

When Yang Yu saw her father, she ran up and asked, "Father..."

Before she could get close, Yang Wan angrily ran away. He didn't want to follow her into Long Fei's whereabouts, because it was Long Fei's account, and he needed to be quiet.


Another day and night have passed

then o

Long Fei stretched, closed a book, and said, "I figured it all out!"

half an hour later

Long Fei returns to Yang Yu's small courtyard

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, he felt a strong killing intent, and his mind froze.

at this time o

Yang Yu rushed up murderously and shouted, "Where have you been for the past four days?"

Long Fei was shocked and said, "Go to Closed Door Training and cultivate o"

Yang Yu looked at Long Fei and said, "Have you made a breakthrough yet?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "No!"

Yang Yu said: "You can go up to a big Realm in a month, and now you have disappeared for four days and four nights without a breakthrough. Who are you lying to? You are definitely not in Closed Door Trainingo"

"You promised me that I would not leave Yuanyangzong's o"

Yang Yu tears Bala's o

Long Fei quickly took a step back and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't leave, I just said I wouldn't leave here for the time being."


"There are still two destiny pills here, you can take precautions for emergencies." Long Fei exchanged his points for two destiny pills. After waiting for him to find the elixir, Yang Yu saw King Yama, and the mission was over. ...

Three special items

Double experience card?

Or something special?

Long Fei needs it!

Yang Yu was moved and said, "Did you leave the past few days to help me refine the Destiny Pill?"

"You, you, you, why are you being so nice to me?"

"I, how do I repay you?"

Long Fei laughed casually and said, "I promise you with my body."

"Okay!" Yang Yu agreed immediately.

Long Fei was stunned and said, "I'm joking, don't take it seriously!"

He doesn't have the heart to think about this now, he just wants to break through the Chaos Realm as soon as possible and blow up the main temple, and... his mother was handed over by Gu Tongtian to the Absolute God Tianjun.

What does the Absolute God Tianjun want his mother's soul to do?

Who did he give it to?

It must be the main temple!

Long Fei must figure this out!

Long Fei has no thoughts about his children's personal relationship.

finish o

Long Fei strode towards the room.

Yang Yu froze in place, tears streaming down her face.


Eat a big meal to replenish your stamina o

late at night

In Yang Wanfu's room o

Long Fei returned his token to him, and then said, "I want to go out, it may take a while to come back o"

Yang Wannu was slightly startled and asked, "Are you going to leave?"

"Leave, it's okay to leave!"

"Yuanyangzong is now everyone's self-protection, and it has become a place of right and wrong. If you can leave, at least you won't get caught in the quagmire here." Yang Wan said lightly.

Long Fei said: "I will come back again o"

Yang Wan said angrily: "If you leave, don't come back again. I'm afraid Yuan Yangzong will perish."

During this time, the heart is scattered o

If a Sect's heart is scattered, then he is not far from perishing.

During this time, Long Fei also heard a lot of discussions.

The catastrophe has come, people are scattered, labor and Yan are separated, who wants to wait here to die?

Many elders have withdrawn from Yuanyang Sect.

Long Fei didn't comment on these, he didn't care about the life and death of Yuan Yangzong at all, he only cared about the task and whether Yang Yu could be cured.

Just when Long Fei was about to get up

Yang Wannu suddenly asked: "Is the thing on Zhu Tianquan's body on you?"

Long Fei moved his eyes, neither admitting nor denying, and said, "I didn't kill o"

Yang Wan smiled angrily and said, "I understand o"

When Long Fei was about to leave the room, he stopped and asked, "How can I get the Sect Leader mark?"

Yang Wan's brows moved angrily, he looked at Long Fei seriously, and after a few seconds of silence, he slowly said, "Sect Leader!"

"Sect Leader Mind Order?"

Long Fei repeats an o in his heart

Yang Wan said angrily: "The power of the Sect Leader's mind, only this power is the Sect Leader's mark. This is a shackle similar to a formation. Only a specific power can open it."

"Never try to open it with other powers, otherwise the contents inside will be destroyed."

What has been said is clear

Yang Wannu is not a fool, he naturally knows that Long Fei has the thing Zhu Tianquan found.

Long Fei is not a fool, and he knew what he meant by saying this, so he made the decision to hide it for him.

Long Fei walked out of the room and said softly, "I will come back and save your daughter!"

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