The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 120 No Knife Flow, 100 And 99 Cuts

His right hand slapped the ground, his body bounced up, looking at the huge demon king above his head, Long Fei's eyes narrowed, "Daddy still doesn't believe it!"

"What boss in the game can I not kill it?"

"Isn't that the seventh-level Demonic Beasts?"

"I don't believe Long Fei yet!"

while he speaks

The Great Demon King was furious because the Demon King Slash failed to kill Long Fei. He lifted his right foot and stepped on it heavily, which would inevitably crush Long Fei into flesh.

Also at this moment


"Why is there a black spot on the sole of the foot?"

"Will that be its cover door?" Long Fei's eyebrows tightened, "No matter what, try it out."

You can't kill if you can't find a weakness

The Great Demon King of the Barren Mountain is too strong, Long Fei is not at the same level at all, to kill him, he can only rely on his IQ

"You're going to crush me, right?"

"it is good!"

"Then let's see who is tough enough!" Long Fei jumped on the spot, rushed up, moved the Dragon Saber, raised his hands in the air, and stabbed the black spot sharply.


Break the defense directly!

A bright red damage value floated from the top of the big devil's head, "10988"

"Ha ha!"

Long Fei smiled excitedly, "Five-figure damage, this is definitely a cover!"


The Great Demon King screamed in pain. He did not give up attacking Long Fei because of the severe pain in the soles of his feet, but stepped on it with more force and ferocity.


The wind breaks o

Long Fei was crushed under the soles of his feet, only a few dozen meters away from the ground. It was impossible to pull out the dragon-slaying knife. Long Fei was ruthless and shouted, "Then you will die in pain."

give up the dragon knife

He grabbed the soles of his feet with both hands and spread out his limbs. A strange sound from the Adam's apple sounded. When there was still one meter away from the ground, "Toad Gong!"


Bounce out instantly




The sand and dust were rolling and scattered all over the sky, the valley was shaking violently, and the Great Demon King of the Barren Mountain was screaming constantly, and the Dragon Saber was completely stabbed into its sole.





Tons of damage kept floating off the top of his head o

totally unstoppable

The Great Demon King of the Barren Mountain stepped on his feet and wanted to pull out the Dragon Slayer Sword on the sole of his foot, but... Can Long Fei agree?

Watching the blood of the Great Demon King continue to decrease, this is the perfect time to take advantage of his illness and kill him.


"Hey..." Long Fei's whole body made a sound of burning strength, and his limbs moved, his body hit like a cannonball, and directly mounted on the abdomen of the big devil, "Big strangulation!"

True Qi pours into the body of the big devil o


The Great Demon King was so furious that he could only give up on taking out the Dragon Saber, slapped Long Fei with one hand, and let out a roar.


"It hurts so much, isn't it?"

"Want to unplug?"


Long Fei laughed wildly, he only needs to hold the big devil now, don't let him pull out the dragon slaying knife, he will bleed and die.

Seeing the attack of the Great Demon King, he suddenly jumped, jumped to the other side, and laughed: "Can't hit, can't hit, you can't hit, hahaha..."

A sleazy look

The Great Demon King is even more furious, being played by a human being, this is something that has never happened before.

suddenly o

As soon as he stepped on his feet, the severe pain in the soles of his feet made him grin, and the pain was unbearable, but also because of the force under his feet, the Dragon Saber went deeper.



Looking at the two points of damage, Long Fei laughed excitedly again, "It's so cool, come and hit me, come, come and hit me o"

It looks so cheap

Even the leopard girl can't bear to look directly at o

The Great Demon King was even more angry, and he greeted the eighteenth generations of Long Fei's ancestors over and over again, and grabbed a towering tree, "Demon King Slash!"

The power of the demon king exploded completely o

The surroundings were shaking, and Long Fei had to stand unsteadily. He secretly said in his heart, "Damn it, does this skill also have earthquake properties?"

Watching the magic fire

Long Fei didn't dare to be careless. As long as he got a little bit of it, he would be killed in seconds. The big devil is really scary.

It looks like he looks cheap, but he is very serious.

The moment the Demon King fell, Long Fei moved, "Teleport!"


Escaped the first cut, but when Long Fei didn't expect it, the Great Demon King did not stop, and launched the second cut directly, "Demon King Slash!"

"I rely on!"

"The system didn't say it would burst." Long Fei was so frightened that he ran away frantically.




Demon King Slash, Eighteen Slashes

The cut Long Fei was almost scared to urinate, rolling all over the ground, how embarrassed he was, and he was extremely unhappy, "Your grandma's..."

"Eighteen consecutive cuts, right?"

He stretched out his right hand and wanted to take out the Dragon Saber, but at this moment he suddenly remembered that the Dragon Saber was still on the sole of the big devil's foot.

Long Fei's brows tightened, his hands turned into knives, and his thoughts sank.


Everything around you seems to stand still

Long Fei instantly entered the Realm where Deva united, his eyes suddenly opened, staring at the incomparably gigantic Demon King, and roared, "Eighteen consecutive cuts are awesome, right?"

"Daddy will let you see the knifeless flow, one hundred and ninety-nine cuts!"


Long Fei's palm suddenly burst into flames, and the flaming sword qi released by Saber Technique, when the sword qi moved, Long Fei's body also moved.

"Open the skin, break the tendons, crack the bones, God open..."

Dragon Slaying Saber Technique, seven moves in a row!

"Blast Slash!"

"Hurricane Slash!"

The accumulated two layers of sword energy are released, because the body of the big devil is too huge to blow at all.



Falling in front of the big devil, looking at each other

Long Fei is too small in front of him

This kind of scene is shocking and unimaginable, it is exactly the scene that only appears in the movie o

The big devil's eyes were bloodshot, and his two angry eyes stared at Long Fei. At this moment, he opened his bloody mouth and bit Long Fei.

"No knife flow!"

"Crazy Dragon Slayer, break it for me!"

Long Fei let out a roar, moved his body, and injected all True Qi into it, and the Dragon Slayer broke out.




Crazy explosion cut down o

The tenth cut, the fiftyth cut, the one hundredth cut, the one hundred and fifty cuts...

One layer deals more damage than one layer

At the time of the one hundred and fifty slashes, the Great Demon King couldn't stand it anymore, and roared in anger, and then a super shield appeared on his body.

"Invincible shield?"

"What about the shield?"

"Give me death too!"

The remaining forty-nine cuts are still being released frantically. At this moment... Long Fei is completely in a state of madness.

You don't die, I don't stop!

Arrogant mess!

When Long Fei released Dragon Slayer Crazy Slash, the damage caused by Dragon Slayer knife continued.

"The final cut!"

"Blast me!"

Long Fei looked at the last trace of blood in the blood tank of the Great Demon King, and fell down, "Explode!"

The system beep sounds o


Chapter 3 delivered!

There are four days left in the countdown to next week!

7 days next week, I will be ten chapters a day o

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