The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 1207 The Underworld Sect Powerhouse

The collapse of the Yuanyang Great Array, the Demonic Beasts were frightened, and they all fled.

More Elders come here to wait, more anxious o


One by one is scared to death

Not even a mosquito will be spared

"Ren Tianzhan, you despicable, shameless and filthy thing, you are also worthy of being the Sect Leader of Yuanyangzong? You are a piece of shit o"

The four Elders joined forces to attack and sneak out.

An old man twitches on the ground, foaming from his mouth o

"Elder, have you found the ancient spiritual treasure from the abyss swamp?"

"When is this all?"


With these explosions, Yuan Yangzong also seemed to blow up the pot.

The door opens and you're in The Underworldo


It's not that the fire Qilin is not powerful, it's that there are no Demonic Beasts to kill!


The disciple said: "I'm sure it's the Great Elder, and now he's confronting the people from The Underworld Gate in Yuanyang Great Hall."

"If you find it, give it to them o"

The person in the middle said slightly: "The deadline for Yuanyang Sect has come. If you can't take out the ancient spirit treasure today, then there is no need for your Sect to exist."

"The people from The Underworld gate are here!"

"Are you sure it's Yang Wannu?"

Yang Wannu clenched his fists tightly, the dignified Yuan Yangzong was bullied like this, and he felt unhappy.

this time o

At this moment, many elders were like the sky collapsing, and they were full of hatred for Ren Tianjian in their hearts.

Yang Wannu stood at the gate and looked at the eight people in the square. The clothes on The Underworld gate on their bodies were extremely conspicuous, and they felt terrifying at first glance.

"yes o"

Instantly overturned the guards of the Imperial Guard, and directly broke through the door of the secret room.

Run away and come back?

Hearing the words "The Underworld", the elders' bodies trembled violently, and some elders even fell to the ground.

but o



"The people from The Underworld gate are here!"

"Yang Wan is angry?"

Before they could recover, Long Fei's energy bombardment from the main cannon completely frightened them and fled frantically.

The scene is horrible

Sect Leader in front of the secret room o

then o

No one wants to be this early bird, because the early bird will die the fastest!

Yang Wan said slightly angrily: "The Yuan Dynasty was established a thousand years ago, and it will definitely be there in the future."

The mad two Elder got up from the ground in an instant.

"Ren Tianzhan, you sold our entire Yuanzhang Sect!"

Several consecutive pops o

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't come up with anything, I will make this place become flat in minutes." The man looked contemptuous. To him, he was just a Yuanzong sect, like an ant-like existence.

Both eyes glared suddenly, and the power in his hands exploded!

Today is the day The Underworld comes

"How to do?"

"Sect Leader, are you still out?"

"Ren Tianzhan, you are not a thing!"

Don't wait for him to finish o


They're all pretending to be dead

Drive those Demonic Beasts from the depths of the Yuanyang Mountains to the outer mountains,

Many elders cursed o

At the moment when they actively left Yuanyangzong, "Boom, boom, boom!"

Killing intent soars!

early morning o

The expressions of the elders changed in an instant. They never thought about this, because Nintendo has always behaved normally, and he also worked so hard to become the Sect Leader of Yuanzong Sect, how could he just give up if he gave up what?

The Underworld door o

Inner discipline, Outer Sect disciples all feel o

"Yeah, two Eldero"

Many disciples who didn't know the truth rushed up, but... before they could get close, they were crushed by powerful coercion.

They can't resist it at all. Whether it's a battle, a surrender, or something else, everything has to wait for Ren Tianzhan to decide, but... Ren Tianzhan has not yet left the customs.

Is there really no life?


also at this time

An Elder raised the Flying Sword and rushed forward, saying, "The Sect Leader is gone, are we still here to die?"

Just when these elders were shirking one by one, a disciple ran up and said, "The elder elder is back, the elder elder asked me to give you a message and let you all go to the Great Hall to gather o"

"Don't procrastinate o"

Several elders shouted o loudly

"Boom, boom!"

at this time o

The man's eyes were full of anger, and he said, "It's still not up to the level of the ancient spirit treasure!"

"Go and see!"

Suddenly, an Elder's eyes sank and said o

"what happened?"

a wailing o

"I,, I,, I'm crazy, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

The three elders who fainted also got up and followed.

"Sect Leader..."

Those Elders turned into powder and fell from the air one by one, and the people from The Underworld came, and he would not let anyone from the Yuanzong Sect go! !

All the elders of Yuanyangzong felt the Yuanyang Palace o

The current Yuanyang Sect is only allowed to enter, not to leave!

Even if only eight people came to The Underworld, these eight people could easily wipe out the Yuan Dynasty Sect.


But they have no resistance at all.

The three elders fainted directly on the spot

Yuan Yangzong

Outside the Great Hall

Several elders shouted loudly that the number of praetorian guards is increasing, and these praetorian guards only obey the orders of Sect Leader, let them guard the secret room and prevent people from entering, they will swear to guard o

Yang Wan's brows tightened slightly, and then he took out a dark object from the Interspatial Ring and said, "This thing..."

"Second Elder, Ren Tianzhan, this bastard, ran away, and the big elder also ran away. Now Yuanyang Sect belongs to you with the highest status. Give me an idea."

"Sect Leader doesn't care about Yuan Yangzong, what else do we old guys care about?"

There is no reaction in the secret room o


Represents The Underworldo

Several elders in a row set up Flying Sword and flew out of Yuanzongzong.

If you can't take out the ancient treasures, the gate of The Underworld will definitely send the entire Yuanzong sect into The Underworld, and will never let anyone go.

"Sect Leader, did you hear that?"

a scream of pain

The secret room is empty, there is nothing o

"Would he have escaped long ago?"

"Can Closed Door Training dodge The Underworld door?"

"If you don't go out again, Yuanyang Sect will be gone"

This idea kept growing in their hearts, and several elders looked at each other in dismay.

The door is closed, you can continue to live o

A person from the door of The Underworld grabbed his right hand in the air, grabbed the thing directly in his hand, moved his mind, and felt it for half a minute, "It is indeed a good spiritual treasure."

"Looks like you're playing with me at The Underworld gate!"

That Lingbao was crushed by pinching


A disciple hurried over and said, "Elders, all of you, please go over and take a look, d, , , , d, the adults of The Underworld Sect, come!"

That's the power of The Underworld gates!

The elders were all pale and panicked, their minds were blank, they had no ideas at all, and they were afraid in their hearts.

"what should I do?"

"He's not a fool, how could he come back?"


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